One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 42 - [36] Mora Island (3)

[2341 words]

Fight chapter. ​​


"Sengoku-san, I'm afraid that we shall be your opponents!"


Kaido, Silver Axe, and Damien were facing the Admiral in an open area near the docks.


"You brats! You caused me a lot of trouble after you killed those Dragons!" He complained as he looked directly at the red-eyed youth.


"And you, Silver Axe. You have always been a reserved man, why make yourself known here, let alone aiding such criminals?" Sengoku said as he studied the armoured man.


"I have roamed the seas for years now, forever sharpening my ax. I wish to see if anyone can wield that powerful blade and test myself against them." He replied.

"And if I were to be defeated then I shall offer my ax to them!" He declared with ambition.


"You...! Very well then. I shall remove all 3 of you now, your threat levels are far too high for you to live!"



The ground cried as the fight commenced.


(Damien POV)

'We cannot defeat this guy alone, even together we stand no match, however, we should be able to buy some time.' I surmised.


"OUHH!!!" Kaido roared as he went for the simplest approach, attacking head-on.

Knowing his usual fight style, I natural used it to my advantage.


Kaido grabbed his club with both hands and jumped into the air.




His club descending from 8 meters above upon the marine.

Sengoku didn't react much, he simply coated his left arm with haki as he opened his palm to meet Kaido's strike.


Cobwebs formed under Sungoku due to Kaido's brute strength yet the man was perfectly fine.


I used this moment and shaved to the right side of the Admiral as his arm was now busy with Kaido.

I directed a warm flow of pulverizing energy as it swam through my shoulder and onto my arm. My fist glowed a menacing red as I shot towards the enemy without wasting any time.


"All Crush!"


My fist rocketed towards his right oblique without pause.


Sengoku's blackened left fist crossed over his midsection and caught my strike, causing another explosion.

Seeing his hands full, I send some crushing energy down my right foot.

It glowed red as I slammed it onto the ground with great power.


The ground, which was already cracked, shattered apart as a crater spanning 20 meters across and 6 meters deep formed.

The 3 of us lost balance for a split second as I saw a silver shine from in front of me.


Silver Axe appeared right beside me as he twisted his ax horizontally and swung it at Sengoku's open chest.


"Silver Arc!"


A silver slash of blade energy shot out as it nailed the admiral as he was blasted back 10 meters.


The Admiral dug his feet into the ground as he regained balance yet the ground shook once more as Kaido jumped from the crater I made.


He leaped 30 meters into the sky as he grasped his club with both hands.




The sky quaked as the ogre brought his mighty weapon down as sparks of lightning followed his attack.

Sengoku squinted his eyes as he heard the wind cry from Kaido's momentum.


The ground shook as Sengoku once again used his haki-clad fist and stopped Kaido.

The ogre was still in the air as his entire weight pushed upon the Admiral.

A powerful shockwave was sent out from their impact as I then capitalized upon the situation.

Both my palms radiated a crushing red.


"Utter Decimation!"


A 15 meter wide (50 feet) wide river of energy blasted forwards from where I stood and raged towards the immobile marine.

The air, alongside the ground, was ripped and shredded apart as it met the Admiral.


Another loud explosion as Sengoku took the hit from my constant supply of pulverizing energy.


"Silver Road!"


Silver Axe declared as he raised his ax above his head while grasping it with both hands and brought it down in Sengoku's direction.

A literal road in the colour of silver materialized as it hit our enemy.


"Ugh!" Sengoku gasped a bit as he frowned from the joint attack.

It seems like he could no longer move much from the 3 continuous attacks; my stream of raging powers, Kaido's weight and momentum, and Silver Axe's attack.


But then something astonishing happened.


A golden light blasted out from the Admiral as shockwaves of pure forces were sent out in all directions.

Golden beads popped out from Sengoku's original position as he formed a giant golden figure!


'Human-Human Fruit - Model Buddha!'


'It's a mythical Zoan fruit which comes with the ability to become a buddha and create very powerful golden shockwaves all the while increasing his overall strength greatly!' I recalled from the anime.


"You are even stronger than I first thought... It is a pity you chose such a path as it only leads to an early death!"

The golden buddha proclaimed as he stood in all his glory.


He now stood around 20 feet tall (6 meters).

Sengoku's limbs grew out of proportion, giving him abnormally large arms and relatively tiny legs.


[A/N: Sengoku in Buddha Form Image]


Kaido was instantly blown back from the transformation as he landed next to us 2.


Sengoku made opened his hand and reeled it back.

A golden orb formed around him as he pushed forwards, the air around his attack was destroyed!


"Impact Wave!"


The Admiral yelled as he launched an extremely powerful shockwave in our direction.

[A/N: Impact Wave Ability]


"Silver Crash!"




All 3 of us attacked together as we saw the powerful move inch closer.



The ground cried out in pain as the nearby lands were completely flattened by the impact of our collision.


'Damn! So much force?!' I cried out in surprise, this was most definitely stronger than Whitebeard's usual tremors.

It was a terribly heavy force that seemed to never stop and raged onwards, our 3 attacks barely able to keep up.




The air cleared as the attacks canceled out, yet the 3 of us were pushed back at least 20 meters.

The Admiral gave us no chance to recover as an even stronger attack followed up.


"Big Buddha Impact!"


Another golden shockwave blasted forwards with a lot more momentum than the one he used a second ago.


'Cheh, this is at least twice is powerful!' I exclaimed with astonishment.


Seeing the attack, I sent out 2 strands of crushing force towards my left arm. One to propel the force out and another to simply destroy everything once sent out.




The air went ablaze as an inferno wrapped around my arm as I punched the shockwave raging towards us.

Kaido grasped his club with great strength, a black aura swirled around his club as he brought it down upon Sengoku's attack.




Silver Axe twirled his mighty ax around as he generated centripetal force and used the momentum to swing his now blackened weapon towards the shockwave.






This time the result was far more devastating.

The nearby docks were already in pieces as a ripple of force was sent out from our attacks, leveling the nearby hills to rubble.


The dust cleared as the destroyed landscape was revealed.


My body was already getting heavier as I felt exhaustion kick in, the shockwaves were stopped, yes, however, the force behind them was so incredibly heavy that it took a lot of stamina to fight off.


We then began our final, desperate attack, knowing that we would definitely lose if we kept taking those shockwaves.

Kaido rushed forwards and Silver Axe ran to the far right.


Unlike the other two, I chose not to move from my position.


Sengoku easily saw this from his Observation as he thought to himself,

'Is he tired to the point of being unable to move? No... but he should have figured out that he cannot even touch me... what does he intend to do?'


I smiled at his expression.


I had noticed that my pulverizing abilities were not high enough in mastery to actually do much damage.

The one thing left that I could use to my advantage was my surroundings.

Conveniently enough, the majority of the land on this island was covered in nature. Forests surrounded our current position. Lush, vibrant green everywhere!

It was my home!


My hand tapped the ground and said softly.


"Deep Forest Emergence!"


An absurd amount of wood from beneath the destroyed land burst out in great momentum, it carried the weight of the island itself!

From the start of the battle, I was communicating with Hashi to dig his way through the ground and surround us. We were already in a forested area, so naturally, it was quite an easy demand.


A huge sea of trees spanning 100 meters across raged onwards from the side as Sengoku was caught off guard.


"Nani!? He can manipulate wood as well?!"

He exclaimed in surprise as he prepared to move away from the blast radius of the impending attack.



I instantly willed all my remaining pulverizing energy left and gathered it near my heart.

It built up in power as I made it as small as possible, a small ball of crushing energy as dense as a black hole.


"Field of Kings!"


The ball of pulverizing energy exploded out of my body as a domain spanning 40 meters materialized around me.

Everything within was suppressed, crushed, and ripped apart.


My fruit powers had increased a sub-level since before, thus my domain power had increased in both range and power.

When I fought Kaido the range was 20 meters, it had now doubled in both, size and power.


Sengoku who was ready to dodge the tree attack felt the suppression.

He was held down for exactly 2.32 seconds from the domain.

Enough time for my companions to capitalize!




Kaido who had once again jumped up to the air had come down with absurd force and crashed straight upon the Admiral, pushing him down in all of his golden glory.




Silver Axe who was to the far right somehow appeared behind Sengoku as he twirled his weapon and sent out a powerful diagonal arc of energy.


Sengoku was being forced down by my domain and Kaido's attack as Silver Axe's slash hit his open back.

All the while my boot-leg Wood Style attack was now only inches away as it swept forwards to the Admiral.


"Ahhh!" Sengoku groaned, his Buddha transformation was very powerful but it also made a huge target and the sea of trees only weighed him down further.


The flood of green raged on as it carried to Admiral all over the land and approached the waters nearby.

It wasn't just pushing him back, but rather crushing him apart with thousands of trees that equaled the weight of an island while trying to direct his body to the sea.




Yet just before he could be forced into the sea a huge shockwave blew out of his body, instantly halting the raging trees.

The 'Deep Forest Emergence' was stopped!


The trees under Hashi's control were destroyed by the wave as they slowly fell to the ground and were absorbed into the earth.


The battlefield was initially a green patch of earth... now it was nothing but craters and broken lands.

The green grass was razed away as brown soil was left from the earlier attack.




I, Kaido, and Silver Axe landed together on the ground.


"Haaa, Huuu, Haaah," We were all breathing heavily as going on further would lead to our collapse.

My regeneration may heal injuries but it won't magically generate more stamina. Kaido was the same. And Silver Axe seemed spent as well.




The dust cleared as a figure walked out.


It was Sengoku, no longer in his Daibutsu from but back to human.

His chest was bare as he stood tall. Though injuries were present.




Blood dripped from his back as a wide yet shallow slash wound was imprinted upon it.

His chest was bruised a bit.

Some ribs seemed to be cracked perhaps, his arms were a bit blue but nothing overly terrible.


A streak of blood dripped from his mouth as he stood with a stable breath.


"I must say, for your age, kid, you are very impressive. Pity that you didn't become a marine." He said while shaking his head.


'Sheesh, the only damage he took was a cracked rib and some skiffs? I guess without Advanced Armament and higher fruit mastery I just cannot fight on this level.' I said in pity.

'Though it is quite the accomplishment to wound an Admiral, even slightly that is.'


Sengoku was about to attack once more before a voice called out.



Garp's voice echoed through the broken forest.


"Kong-san has issued a retreat!"


"Nani? How come?" he replied as he looked to the far right.



A small crater formed as the Vice Admiral landed to Sengoku's side with a casual expression.

Garp stood, his knuckles were bruised and his shirt was cut as blood dripped from his chest.


"Bwahaha, it's that Golden Lion guy! He's here as well!" Garp replied.


"Anyways, what the hell happened to you? You look terrible, BWAHAHAHA!" He laughed at his colleague's current condition.


Sengoku ignored Garp's little quip and sighed, "Shiki... tch, our forces are already stretched fighting the ships, any more and we will lose too many men for little gain."

"He has been out making his fleet, gathering pirates, and absorbing smaller crew for a year now. He has become quite a problem."

[A/N: Shiki should have made his fleet AFTER God Valley but this is an AU twist.]


He then looked in our direction.


"If you continue on this path then you will, one day, regret it." He warned me.


"Let's go, Garp."

He and Garp then soru-ed away.




Upon their departure, both I and Kaido collapsed out of fatigue as only Silver Axe remained standing, though he too was breathing heavily.



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

So the fight.

For one, this is probably the longest one I have written so far, hope it went well.

Don't forget his {Nature Talk} gave him great control over nature before evolving to {Ancient Voice}.

Him showing this new power will raise eyebrows but being on the Rocks Crew, he is bound to be classified as a 'monster'.

Other than that, Silver Axe. I naturally need to bring in the other Rocks Crew members. So far I have introduced Captain John at Sabaody and now this guy.

Big Mom and Shiki were mentioned earlier. There is one left to debut but he will come soon.

But Sengoku vs the 3... let's be honest, I have ranked Silver Axe stronger than Kaido but not overly powerful. He will not be that old so it should be okay.

As for the outcome, for one, it is to be expected. They 'pushed' Sengoku back and caused him to bleed but there's no way they can beat him yet. Like how Luffy couldn't do much to Kaido, the same idea.


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