One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 45 - [39] The Rocks Pirates Grand Fleet

[2409 words]

Sorry to disappoint but bounties are in the NEXT chapter. LOL ​​

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It's been 2 weeks since the 'Mora Island Incident.'

Shiki had officially joined under Xebec's flag and become one of our big guns.

Strength wise he can rival Whitebeard for sure, his Float-Float Fruit is incredibly versatile.

The guy is different from Kaido and Whitebeard.

He has a dream to rule the seas, he carries great pride in his piracy and believes that only pirates are meant to sail such waters.

Shakky told me that he met Xebec around 2 years ago in the West Blue and challenged him.

He was defeated by Xebec, yet didn't fall into any disorder as he respects strength.

He is also quite the planner, he knows the seas can only be ruled by very few people and saw that in Xebec.

He wished to join under the man yet chose to wait it out, after all, at that time Xebec had yet to make a name for himself.

He bided his time, gathered his forces, and waited for the right moment.

Over the 2 years, he was known as the 'Flying Pirate', 'The Golden Lion', and the 'Admiral of the second-largest Pirate Fleet' in the seas.

He dueled the likes of Garp, Sengoku and Basara frequently, his Float-Float fruit worked wonders against both non-fruit users and Paramecia users like the Admirals.


Currently, the Golden Lion Pirate Fleet includes the following:


- 1 Large-Sized Galleon (Main ship)

- 5 Mid-Sized Galleons

- 30 Brig Sloops (ships size of Thousand Sunny)


[A/N: From the Edd War I assumed around 70-80 ships under him so made this estimate for the time now]


Pirates wise:

- 1 Yonko-Level Pirate

- 3 Yonko-Commanders Level Pirates

- 2000 New World Level Pirates


And as of now all these pirates have been integrated into our crew and become the Rocks Pirates Grand Fleet!

Shiki's main crew has moved into the Titanic and is now living in the main populace rooms, whereas, we, of the main Rocks Crew, have a separate side of the ship to reside in.

(Damien POV)

So yeah, it's quite the directional change.

I was quite used to having the small crew but it is only fitting, after all the Titanic was meant to be used as the main carrier of the Rocks Crew.

There were also further branches of the crew, like Whitebeard's divisions.


9 Divisions in total yet some were only in name, waiting for a suitable commander.

These are the current Divisions:


1st Division Commander - Edward Newgate

2nd Division Commander - Shiki

3rd Division Commander - [VACANT]

4th Division Commander - Shakuyaku

5th Division Commander - Einar D. Damien

6th Division Commander - Kaido

7th Division Commander - Silver Axe

8th Division Commander - [VACANT]

9th Division Commander - [VACANT]

[A/N: Vacant like Whitebeard's second division was when Oden left.]


Each Divison naturally had its troops allocated to them, it was not an even split.


D-1 had 600.

D-2 had 1200.

D-3 had 0.

D-4 had 20 (For Shakky's surveillance and information network).

D-5 had 0.

D-6 had 100.

D-7 had 80.

D-8 & D-9 had 0.


Essentially put, Shiki had the most troops as he was the most experienced with such things. Whitebeard led the stronger elites, all the while Kaido led the crazier ones.

Silver Axe was chosen to look over the close-ranged units.

As for Shakky, she was in charge of the inner turmoil, making sure there weren't any spies. She also led another squad in her division to keep up with the news around the seas.

My division was empty for a reason.

I asked for it to remain like so.

I didn't want to lead a bunch of messed up pieces of filth but rather pick and choose my squad. I know it was hypocritical as I am within said ranks but these pirates here are what you'd expect of pirates. They stole, killed, r*ped, raided, slaughtered, etc.


Other than that, even though the new additions joined under Xebec, it doesn't mean they will wholly accept us and revere us, but instead, they tried to challenge our authority and words but that was an easy fix...


----- 12 Days Ago ---------------------------

(3rd POV)

"So Boss-Shiki joined with these Rocks crew eh?" Fodder A said.

"Kikiki, yeah, I don't know, man. The Boss-Xebec guy is so scary-looking. Just his sneeze makes me want to jump off this giant ship." Fodder B said.

"Yeyeyeye, I can't wait to go rob more villages. It's been ages since enjoyed myself."

"Kikikiki, I heard the new boss doesn't care about treasure, maybe we should go check out the storage and swipe some gold?" The fodder offered.

"Ah... are you sure?" there were a few other sheep under them that asked in fear.

"Yeyeyeye, let's go!" Fodder A smiled.


But then a voice picked up from the side.


"Oya? You guys have quite the balls to rob Xebec's stash."


The group of fodders turned their heads and saw Damien leaning on the wall with his eyes closed.


"You.. you are that 'Sin Incarnate..." one commented.

"I heard he tortured and dismembered 3 World Nobles and escaped under an Admiral's nose!" Another yelled.

"Maybe it was a stroke of luck? Looking at his face he's just a brat..." one snorted.

"Yeah, the navy likes to exaggerate the younger ones so they die before they become big!" A younger one said.

"Yeyeyeye, we are under Boss-Shiki and now in this crew. Naturally, we should get a share of the gold, no?" The top fodder smiled.

"That's right! So just move aside."


Damien opened one eye and gazed at the one that seemed to rile up the fodders the most.


"You... tell me your name." The red-eyed youth said flatly.


"Hmm? Do you see my strength? YEYEYEYE!"

"I am Rathor Blaize! I have a bounty of 169 million berries on my head!" He said with great pride.


"Boss, wait..." A young fodder mumbled.


"Rathor Blaize..."




"Never heard of you."

Blaize's smile froze as he grinded his teeth, he had quite the pride as he was under a 'monster' like Shiki.


"Boss, wait!" The younger one yelled out but Damien then spoke.


"If anything, I'm surprised that Shiki would recruit someone as weak as you. I suppose he's one of those guys that believe that quantity can beat quality."


Blaize's eyes darkened as he clenched his fists and raged forth.




His right fist shot forwards at the Sin Incarnate and hit him square on the left cheek.




A loud cracking sound was heard as the 2 males stood still for a second, one's fist pressing on the other's cheek.





Blaize yelled in pain as he kneeled to the ground, grasping his right arm as blood flowed down.

His arm was a mess.

The bones within his forearm had shot out of his elbow and were now protruding out as the broken fingers waved aimlessly in his howls of pain.


"""BOSS!""" The fodders yelled.


Damien took a few steps forwards and crouched down to the man.


"*SIGH*, I don't enjoy breaking people but sometimes the best way to take care of a nuisance is to make an example out of it..."

"don't you agree, Blaize-kun?" the red-eyed youth grinned with a menacing smile.


Damien's grabbed hold of the fodder's right foot and started to drag him out of the small cabin.




The doors blasted open as the boy pulled the broken man out and threw him onto the ship's main deck.





Blaize cried as the vibration from the impact jolted his messed-up arm, sending sharp waves of pain through.


The main deck was currently scattered with hundreds of the new pirates as they sat around drinking, laughing, and whatnot.


Though their gazes were now plastered at the display before them.


Damien nodded at their attentiveness and smirked.


"Ahem..." He cleared his throat.




He yelled as more and more of the new members gathered around.


Damien then reached down at the man and grabbed the crying fool by the throat.

He raised the fodder in great pain and brought him around 10 feet above-ground as his blood dripped onto the cold, wooden floor.


"I could care less whether you live or die. But on this ship, you are nothing but living corpses!"


"The captain encourages you to be 'competitive', but I suggest you get ready because this isn't the type of crew where you can leech off our gains."


Damien then tightens his grip on the flailing fodder as a visible wisp of red flowed down his arms and into the man's body.


"And if you can't pull your weight..."



And at that moment, the fodder knew, he fucked up.





Blaize started spasming and shaking as he was held mid-air.

His eyes popped out of his sockets as his body was convulsing all over.

Blood shot out from his orifices as it dribbled out of his mouth, nose, ears, anus, and eyes.

His veins popped as the vessels grew more and more noticeable.

He could only writhe in agony as the men around the little display shook in fear.




An echo resounded the eerie silence as the pirate worth 169 million berries exploded into a huge mist of blood as tiny cuboid-shaped pieces of bones and flesh splattered over the floor.


Damien had sent a wave of Pulverizing energy down the fodder's body and into his heart as it grew more and more volatile, bursting out in all its crimson glory, causing the pirate to pop like a grape.

He also coated his body with his powers so that he wouldn't end up being covered in red.


*Pieces of Bones Clattering on Wood*


The countless pieces of the pirate littered all over the red floor as the surrounding men took a loud gulp in fear.


Damien's eye didn't even flinch as he simply drew a white handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his hand clean.


"Right... I forgot to introduce myself... How rude of me."


He then gave a warm smile as he placed his right hand on his chest and curtly bowed like a civilized noble.


"Einar D. Damien at your service. I hope we get along."



[Back to the Present - Damien POV]

So yeah, that happened.


I knew that adding a bunch of high-level pirates based on Paradise standards would be a slight nuisance so I gave them a sneak peek of what's to come if they continue to 'overachieve'.

I have no qualms in making examples of filth. They should have seen it coming.

Other than that, knowing what's to come for the crew, I probably helped them since they seem to train more often and with more vigour now.


Well, either way, after my little demonstration, Shakky and I worked on their ranking, beyond the divisionary allocations that we placed a while ago.


2000 pirates have joined under us.

Xebec set up a chain of positions over the new members, much like how Kaido's future Army.





1) Governor-General of the Beast Pirates (Kaido)

2) The All-Stars (3 Disasters)

3) Tobi Roppu (Flying 6)

4) The Headliners (Elite 'Gifters')

5) The Gifters (Elite Infantry)

6) The Pleasures (Mid-Level Foot-soldiers)

7) The Waiters (Low-Level Foot-soldiers)


i) The Numbers (Failed Giants)

ii) The Marys (Surveillance Force)


As for what Xebec decided, well, he wasn't that creative so he left it for Shakky.

And she came up with the following:




1) Supreme Leader of the Rocks Pirates (Xebec)


2) The Three Titans (Whitebeard, Shiki, ???)


3) The Six Tragedies (Shakuyaku, Damien, Kaido, Silver Axe, ???, ???)


4) The Pillars (Overseers of Elites - Currently Shiki's Commanders)


5) The Fiends (Elite Infantry)


6) The Foresaken (Mid-Level Foot-soldiers)


7) The Condemned (Low-Level Foot-soldiers)



i) The Ravens (Shakky's Informant Network)


ii) The Rogues (Shakky's Surveillance Force - They overlook the pirates in the crew, finding traitors or other nuisances)


[A/N: Shakky is known for her info-gathering abilities so I made her oversee these operations.]

[A/N: The ??? will be revealed as they join the crew.]


Around 1000 were put as 'Comdemned' as their strength was quite weak and could only fight navy captains.

Another 850 were listed as 'Forsaken' as their strength was decent. Decent for fodders anyway. I'd say they can hold up to a commodore each.

The other 150 were sent over to given the 'Fiends' title as they stood out from the fodders and could probably take on Rear Admirals.


The real haul from the Golden Lion Fleet were the 3 commanders under Shiki.

Their names were the following:


1) Zenora Indra

2) Yves Lenno

3) Wardo Eros


Indra was a swordsman from an uncharted island, he had the Great Grade Sword - 'Junketsu'. He was give-or-take 26 and was around my height with long brown hair and black eyes. He was actually quite the cool dude.


Lenno was a burly middle-aged guy standing 12 feet tall. Well-versed in Armament Haki. He preferred pure brute strength over weapons, he made a great partnership with Kaido.


Eros was around 16 feet in height and used a club to fight.

He was also a perverted scum who kept speaking of his glorious findings when he raided villages, he even kept count of the women he r*ped and kids he killed.

If it were the old me I would have killed him as I found his presence disturbing. But I didn't.

The Rocks Crew are the worst of them all. I knew I will have to get used to this atmosphere as these people are filth itself. I am not exactly a saint either but I have my boundaries.

If anything, I had to make do with the idea that most of them would be killed at God Valley, which worked somewhat.


Their personalities aside, they did have strength, they could probably fight weaker Vice Admirals for now and were given the title as the 'Pillars'.

On the bright side, Indra did join under my division, if that is what you would call it, as he was quick, fast, brutal yet honourable in the ways of the sword. He was quite reserved and only replied when needed, other than that, he kept to himself.


With all that sorted, I couldn't help but chuckle at the ever-growing strength of our crew.

Soon the seas will know that at the fall of the Overlord Borealis, another, far crueler and more vicious crew has taken their place.


One that will make the Gods themselves bleed.


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Hmm, so yeah, bounties next chapter. The numbers should be okay based on what I have decided.

Stay tuned.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?

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