One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 47 - [40] Ensuing Chaos

[2487 words]

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The Mora Island Incident continues to draw eyes from all over the world.

The seas show no signs of calming down.

While the Rocks Pirates were still integrating their new fleet, the rest of the world kept spinning.

The major summary is that directly occurred after the Incident where high-level marine individuals were gathered.


[One Day Following the Incident] (13 days ago)

Within a lavish room upon the Red Line in the Holy Land of Mariejois sat a few men.

This room was known as,


'The Room of Authority'


The men discussing have the absolute highest authority in the World Government, or so it seems.

They are the Gorosei!


[A/N: The 5 Elder Stars Image.]

The 5 men were currently trading words back and forth.


"Rocks D. Xebec."

"Gol D. Roger."


The elder with the long beard recited.

The bald elder then spoke up,

"Each wields that family initial. This family has been hiding away for centuries and nowadays more and more are reappearing. Each bringing a storm with them."


The one with the thick mustache then picks up,

"Indeed. The 2 captains are far too dangerous to be allowed to live."

The blond elder then snaps,

"They have already destroyed the unstable balance that remained!"


The man with the large scar then speaks,

"With Borealis dead, a vacuum has spawned in the Seas! Many hiding in the shadows has emerged to grasp the spot that remains void."


The sword elder comments,

"It is imperative that order is restored. However, the real problem is the Rocks Pirates!"


The blond one nods,

"First Xebec slew 2 Nobles in the West Blue. Then that boy Damien butchered another 3 Celestial Dragons right under our nose!"


The mustachioed one says,

"And now due to their actions, chaos has fallen upon the world once more!"


The one with the long beard sighs,

"They were first a small problem in the West Blue. Then through Paradise and now the New World, they have only made problems." He continues, "before it was a crew of barely 5 that grew to 8, and now they have gained a far greater power!"

"The Golden Lion Fleet is the second-largest Pirate Fleet, if they have joined under Xebec, then I'm afraid that the world itself will shudder in their wake."


The scarred one nods in agreement,


"If the world learns of this crew then it will be far more problematic."


"You needn't worry, CP-10 is properly safeguarding the World News Agency. As long as the flow of news is in our hands, balance will remain... even if it takes decades to settle in truth!" Another yelled.


"But before that... we must speak of the younger threats that walk that ship's deck!"


Every single elder nodded at this statement.


"Kaido the Beast. Even without a devil fruit, he can already match the endurance of an Ancient Zoan fruit. His threat level is far large!"


"Silver Axe. He is believed to be in his late twenties to his early thirties, he will surely become a great problem if allowed to live."


"And then there's that brat..."


the others squint their eyes upon the words of the blond elder.


"...Einar D. Damien."


The bald elder slowly unsheathes his sword as a dangerous glow reflects upon his glasses.


"He seems to be able to wield 2 devil fruits."

"Such a variable... must be plucked before it sprouts further!"


The scarred elder closes his eyes in thought and says,


"He is also of that accursed clan... his father before him was quite a problem, and now him."


The long-bearded elder gets up from his seat and calls a marine waiting outside.


The door opens as the man kneels on the ground in reverence.


"Gorosei-sama, what are your wishes?" He asks.


The elder nods and then says,


"Call Kong."


"Have him file out larger bounties for every member of the Rocks Crew. Update the Roger pirates as well!"


"The delicate balance has shaken, it must be restored!"


The orders were received by the Fleet Admiral and were passed with utmost haste.

While the Rocks Pirates were immobile for 2 weeks, integrating their additions, the world had been graced with their presence with new and eye-catching bounties.


Not only were the terror-inducing numbers worth a stare, but the new members of the crew, too, made people pray in fear.


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'The Great Sin' >

< ???? 4,170,500,000 - >


[Poster Image]


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'The Earth-Shaker' >

< ???? 2,680,650,000 - >


[Poster Image]


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'The Golden Lion' >

< ???? 2,720,000,500 - >


[Poster Image]


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Black Death Shakky' >

< ???? 800,000,000 - >


[Poster Image]


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Kaido of The Beasts' >

< ???? 761,110,000 - >


[Poster Image]


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Sin Incarnate' >

< ???? 860,900,600 - >


[Poster Image]


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Blinding Light' >

< ???? 830,000,000 - >


[Poster Image]



An Overlord had been defeated and another powerful crew is expected to fill in the gap.

Mentions of the Roger Pirates were also going off as he was able to fight the new Overlord evenly at the now near-destroyed Island.

Based on that.


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Mad King' >

< ???? 3,000,565,000 - >


[Poster Image]


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Dark King' >

< ???? 2,108,600,000 - >


[Poster Image]


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Twin Axe' >

< ???? 970,550,000 - >


[Poster Image]



[The Titanic]

(3rd POV)


There was the usual chaos on the ship.

The pirates have grown bolder and more open with their anger as daily deaths over the deck were common.

Fighting over petty things could lead to death on this ship as no one cared.

Their captain, Xebec, also stated plainly that he only needed the tough and powerful men and cared little for the sheep.

He only seemed to favour the ones who could survive upon this ship, the essence of camaraderie was void on his crew.


Thought currently a sea of newspapers were raining down over the Titanic.

The pirates sitting about grabbed hold and began to read the contents and were quite surprised.


"Teehehehehe! Look, Johnny! Our crew is now worth over 12 billion berries!"


"Lalalala, that's right, if we add the Pillars into the mix then we can probably reach 13 billion!" He laughed.


"Shakky-Oneesan is so pretty!"


"What's with that smile, Joe? With a face as ugly as your, it would be a surprise for you to marry a slug, let alone Shakky-Oneesan!" One yelled.


"Nani? Want to die?" He yelled as he drew his sword and slashed it down.

And just like that, a duel to the death has been initiated.



Surprisingly the man who died was not Joe, but the one who was being made fun of.


He died by being squashed by a giant club.



A roar echoed over the seas a huge youth walked out with a gourd of alcohol.





He screamed as he waved his club and killed 7 or so pirates who were unlucky enough to be near the pissed-off ogre.


"RUN! KAIDO-SAMA IS DRUNK AGAIN!" They immediately took cover from the walking disaster as he continued to brood.




The crates placed around the railing of the deck were smashed apart as Kaido grinded his teeth.


The quivering pirates could only shake in fear and pray that the moody ogre didn't swing his anger in their direction.


Though a laugh seemed to destroy the frightening atmosphere at that instant.




"Oye, Kaido! Did you see posters? Come and bow down to your big brother here." A young voice resounded the ship.


The pirates could only drop their jaws while breaking their jaw muscles in the process upon hearing the comment.


The doors out of the eatery blasted open as the one who said the words walked out.


It was the 'Sin Incarnate' Damien who was casually walking with a proud smirk.


"NANI!? FIGHT ME NOW, DAMIEN!" Kaido yelled as he rushed forwards.


He raised his mighty Kanabo club into the air as he blew the surroundings apart with his sheer mass and momentum.




A blackened fist raged on to meet the giant club.




A loud and powerful shockwave shot out in every direction as the pirates nearby were blown out of the ship itself!


Sparks of electricity arced around the club as small flames circled the fist. Every second their attacks continued was another second of hell for those around them.


"RAHAHA! Your club seems lighter now, Kaido! I'd say it worth 100 million berries less than me!" Damien laughed.


"Hehe," Kaido chuckled along as he put more of his strength into their exchange.


Though the crowd seems to react a bit differently.


'Please don't piss him off anymore!' They prayed in their heads whilst trying to hold onto anything to prevent them from falling off the ship.


But a weapon came flying into their clash.




A silver axe swirled in the air as it crashed into the fight between youths, effectively creating a 3-way impact.




Another loud bang and a final shockwave went out as the battle calmed down and the pirates sighed in relief.


"Damien-kun, Kaido-kun, Lady Shakuyaku has asked you to keep it down as you are messing up her cooking." Silver Axe said in a calm voice.


Though the youths had a fearful expression as they recalled a pissed-off cook who didn't let them eat for 3 days when they destroyed her cake.


"Rahaha... now, now, we were just stretching a bit. No need for Shakky-nee to come out here." Damien said.

'Ugh, I left the door open to the eatery so the shockwaves reached her cooking station.' He thought in his head as he reined in his power.


"Wo ro ro... what he said." Kaido grinned.


"Hmm, either way, Kaido-kun, you have already thrown off 60 pirates in the past 2 weeks, please control your strength," Silver Axe sighed.


"WORORORO! It's their fault for being so weak if they can't even take a casual swing of mine!" Kaido then disappeared to drink elsewhere.


The ship calmed down once more as some unfortunate souls cried in the sea below. The Titanic does not stop to pull your back up if you fall so their fate was already decided.

It was 50 before today and now the number had reached around 90.


(Damien POV)


I must say, teasing the 'King of Beasts' is quite satisfying. Especially when he is pissed off. He's like a time-bomb ready to explode and going in and accelerating his timer only brings a smile to my face.


That aside, I was quite surprised by the new bounties. I expected Xebec to explode in cost due to his overwhelming strength and the fact that they crowned him an Overlord. Same with Shiki and Whitebeard, after all each can fight Borealis evenly.

Shakky's price went up but it feels like it was starting to cap off at 800 million, which makes sense, she is the cook after all.

Kaido's increase was decent, it went up 300 million due to his brute power and extreme potential.

Silver Axe was already at 550 million before and went up solely because he went under Xebec.

My price though, I didn't expect it to increase about 400 million! I mean, strength-wise, I have grown a bit, but perhaps the real reason was due to my secondary fruit power.


'I like it. It also gives me a temporary path to teasing the ogre.' I nodded with satisfaction.


I then grabbed my bounty poster and smiled.

The image was pretty good.

The price was surely a nice sight.

However, my appreciation for my poster was halted due to a call from a monotone voice.


"Damien-kun, Xebec-sama has called you alongside the other Tragedies." Silver Axe said.


I looked at the armour-clad man who was still standing there patiently and recalled something that happened a while ago.


[Flashback no Jutsu]

---[1 Day After the Mora Island Incident]---

At that time I had recuperated and gotten familiar with Shiki and whatnot.

Kaido too had healed.


I was watching the sunset as I heard a noise.


*Clank Clank*


It sounded like metal.


A silver-armoured man clanked over as he stood a few feet away and leaned on the golden railing.


"Seeing the sun truly shows how inconsequential we are, no, Damien-kun?" Silver Axe said in his calm voice.


I was a bit surprised by his casual comment but could only nod in agreement.

The Universe was so incredibly huge that we were but a speck of dust, not that he would know about it.


"Silver Axe-san... I still did not thank you for bringing me to the Titanic when I fainted." I smiled.


"You needn't thank me. I came to Mora Island to understand the strength of a Supreme Grade Sword."

"Though in our fight against Admiral Sengoku, I realized that you, a youth half my age, was almost as strong as I. In the face of my honour, the least I could do was to take you back to your ship."


He then leaned his ax on the wood as I heard a small sigh.


"I have trained for 20 years and have yet to reach that top."

"I dueled the captain and lost horribly, now I can only continue to temper my ax till the end of my days."

"I am glad that we can fight together once more." He said in his monotone voice.


I could only grin, I found his personality quite likable. He had a bladesman's honour and the heart of a warrior. A rare find in this horrible world.


"Rahaha, I am glad that we are on the same side as well, Silver Axe-san."


He then reached for his helmet and took it off as it clicked open.


I saw a manly face. Tan skin. Brown, braided beard. Long brown hair hanged down his head. He looked around 30.

He reminded me of a man from the Vikings.

"I have been told that my name is a bit of a mouthful."

He gazed at me with his hazel-coloured eyes.


"Please refer to me as Andor."


[A/N: I searched 'Vikingy' names and picked Andor for him.]


And that's how we started our little bond as fellow Tragedies started.


He was strong and, One Piece-wise, a while away his prime. With his determination and strong will, he could make a strong ally in the future.

---[Present Time]---


I nodded at Andor as we made our way to the main cabin where the others were gathered.



The door creaked open as we walked in and saw a handful of powerful people that I was quite familiar with.


We began a talk about our next move, one involving another Overlord and a hell of a lot of chaos to follow it.



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Bounties have come. Though they are a pain to make images for.

Either way, you can expect a Minor Timeskip ---> Final Overlord Arc ---> Major Timeskip with chapters within ---> Big Battle that will lead to G.V.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather use boiling water as eye drops or gargle with hot sauce?

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