One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 51 - [44] Encephala Island (1)

[2041 words]

I guess it's a bonus? ​​


[Dock 7]

The 'Evil Spirit' has now set foot on the Island of Minds.


[A/N: Charlotte Linlin Image]


She brought along her 24 children. Even the infants.

Linlin was sure to have reinforced the souls of her children, she knows that Enigma has the power to control their minds and has taken proper measures.

As for the troops she brought with her, hundreds of chess soldiers and gingerbread men, wholly functioning on souls so Enigma cannot control them, no matter how hard he tries.




A quick bang resounded as a certain person landed.


It was a man in her early thirties. One of the very few members of the Enigma pirates who weren't under their leader's control.


Thaddeus Enigma had a chess system.

1 King (himself).

1 Queen.

2 Bishops, 2 Rooks and 2 Knights.

Alongside the 8 pawns.


Other than these 10 were the 50000 pirates and citizens who did as they were told, no matter how absurd it was.


The one who arrived was a Knight of Enigma, "Norrox".

A 16-foot tall man with bushy eyebrows and sharp clothing and long violet hair.


"Charlotte Linlin-sama. Enigma-sama has sent me to fetch you. Please follow me to the 'Encephalon Hotel'." He said in a slow tone.


"Oh? Enigma won't even come out to meet me?" Big Mom said while squinting her eyes.


Norrox was pressured by her gaze but replied with confidence.


"Ahem, please forgive our poor reception but Enigma-sama is currently busy in his 'Chamber of Schemes'." He said.


"Hooo? I hear he likes to plot his moves in a room within that castle of his. Is he making a big move again?" She asked with interest.


"Hai. Enigma-sama said he will be out in 2 days, please enjoy our available luxuries till then." He continues, "I'm sure the younger ones would have a pleasant time here."


"Ma-ma-Mam-Ma! You hear that, Katakuri. I'm sure they have nice deserts here."


A 7-year old boy with magenta hair and scarred mouth looked up and nodded, "Hai, Mama. The younger ones would enjoy their time here."


[A/N: Young Katakuri Image]


With that said, the Big Mom pirates had arrived and were now awaiting the reemergence of 'Medulla' in 2 days. Coinciding with a certain someone's arrival.


[The Suicidal Rambo, New World Sea]


The ship currently sailing to Encephala Island was named 'The Suicidal Rambo' by the 'Sin Incarnate' himself.

It has been sailing for 6 and a half days now. Nearing the planned destination.


(Damien POV)


"Oye, Damien." Kaido called out.


Currently, the Ogre was slumped on the side of the ship with a gourd of saké. Damien sat across from his, eyes closed.

Indra was also there but busy sharpening and cleaning his sword while listening to our conversation quietly.


"What is it?"


"Are we there yet?" He asked with a bored expression.


"Like I said the other 69 times you asked. We'll be there when we reach our destination." I responded as I open my eyes.


"Cheh!" He grunted, though then he grinned.


"Wait, wait... You said there are 50000 pirates for me to fight, right?" He asked with a hopeful face.

He was like a 12-year-old awaiting a birthday present.


"*Sigh* If we waltz into the Mind Sea trying to fight 50000 pirate-machines, we'd be there all day. They don't feel pain, fear, exhaustion or distraction. Conqueror's Haki won't work on them either so, no, we won't fight them all." I replied.


"HAAA? How boring! Why did I come with you?" He yelled in frustration.


"Rahaha, I said we won't fight 50000, but that doesn't mean we won't fight a decent amount!" I said with a smile.


"What do you mean?"


"Hehe, for one, strategies won't work on a man whose mind is sharper than the Marine Advisor Tsuru. So we won't plan too much."

I continue,

"We will dock the 'Suicidal Rambo' at one of the side islands and then go straight to the Encephala Island. This way we can ignore most of the troops under him." I explain.


Kaido was brimming with excitement but then asked,

"Wait! How will we ever get past the sentries? Won't they notice this ship? 40 thousand eyes are hard to deceive when you're as big as me."


I was shocked.

The Ogre actually used his brain for a second? 'NANI!?'


"*Cough* well, I was getting to that."


I smile, "Hehe, they can surely keep watch of what's happening all around the island. All sides are covered. We would be discovered right away and attacked by said 40000 pirates."


I then squint my eyes as I see the device in my hand and say in an ominous tone,

"But there is one path of entry that they cannot cover, no matter how many eyes they have..."



[Half a Day Later - Encephala Island]

(3rd POV)


[Grand Encephala Citadel]


This was the core of the island.

Where the Overlord resides, alongside his small crew.

It was an absolute behemoth of a structure.


It was a grand castle enclosed by a very mesmerizing sphere. Many colours washed over the sphere as a blinding light was emitting off the top of the citadel.


[A/N: Grand Encephala Citadel Image]


It was given the name, 'The Sphere of Brilliance!'

Against the beliefs of most, it was not a wall. Heck, it didn't have any properties of solid matter.

Almost like a hologram that spanned all over the giant castle.


So what was its purpose and how did it work?

It was projected from the light mounted upon the castle.

The light itself was fueled by the Awakened powers of the Overlord himself!

It wasn't meant to hold anything in nor to hold anything out.

It was practically a motion detector.

The moment any type of matter: liquid, gaseous, solid, plasma, no matter what passed through this sphere, it would automatically alert the man projecting it.

Therefore, no matter who decided to enter this structure, even if it were a stray ant, Thaddeus Enigma would instantly know of their trespassing.


It even covered the area under the island, it was a full sphere, making it impossible to infiltrate.



[Within the Citadel]

It may be a castle from the outside, but within, it was a bit different.

The beautiful decor was present, but the true rooms of importance were the ones at the top, under the giant light.



[The Chamber of Schemes]


A man sat in a lotus position. His eyes were closed. He was one with his mind.

He had been in this position for 2 months now.

But had finally opened his eyes.


"Hmm, the time has come. Let us meet the 'Evil Spirit', shall we?" He asked himself as he got up and stretched his muscles.


The door opens as a woman bowed.

It was one of Enigma's pieces.

Queen of the Chessboard.


She had long blonde hair, a golden shoulder guard and a sabre at her side.


[A/N: Queen of the Chessboard - Image]


"Enigma-sama!" She greeted her captain.


"My 'Queen', let us go entertain our guests." He said.


"Of course, they await your arrival in the 'Chamber of Gathering'." She informed him.


[The Chamber of Gathering]


It was a large room with simple purple carpeting and a seating area at the center.

Luxurious sofas made with the finest of silk and jewel-embedded table in the middle.


The sofas were large enough to seat a woman as large as Big Mom.

She was currently munching away on the deserts laid forth.

Katakuri, Daifuku and Perespero were there as well.


"Ma-Ma-Mam-MA! These sweets are amazing!" She celebrated.


The doors then opened.


The Overlord walked in.

He wore a black suit, with a black tie and a gray undershirt with a black coat draped over his shoulders.

Black gloves fitted neatly upon his hands as he carried 2 glasses in his hand.

He was quite refined and noble-looking with neatly combed blond hair.

He would be considered quite handsome if not for the scars left upon his face.


[A/N: Thaddeus 'Medulla' Enigma - Image]


"Charlotte Linlin. To what do I owe the honour?" He asked in an amused voice as he elegantly sat before the gluttonous woman.


"Ma-Ma-Mam-MA! You have quite the entrance for an Overlord, Enigma." She commented as she devoured a 12-layered cake in one bite.



While the Overlord and the Evil Spirit met, something else was happening nearby.


(Damien POV)

Encephala Island was surrounded by smaller islands with the Citadel at the North end, all located in the Mind Sea.


[A/N: the Mind Sea Layout Image - SEE THIS]


The surrounding landmasses, Amygdala Island, Parietal Island, Hypothalamus Island, Stem Island, Occipital Island, Cerrebellum Island, and the Hippocampus Island each had over 5000 pirates stationed upon them.


Sailing a galleon-sized ship in will surely be seen from afar and bring the wrath of 40000 pirates upon us.

Knowing that we would not last long enough to fight 50000 pirates who would not stop till their death, and then fight an Overlord, I decided to use a different approach.

As long as we get to 'The Sphere of Brilliance', the only forces we would have to face were a few thousand guards, other than that, there wasn't much. With a wrecking ball named Kaido in my hands, it was an easy feat.


So, all I needed to do was to get past 40000 pairs of eyes and onto the main island, sounds easy, right?



[Chamber of Gathering]


"Huhuhuhu, Linlin, you came all the way out here to meet the humble me. I wonder what you desire?" Enigma asked.


"Ma-Ma-mam-MA! It's simple, Enigma!"

"I want you to create something for me." She said as she finished her 69th serving of cake.


"Oh? And what would that be?" He asked with an amused tone.


"I have a dream to bring together every single species under my flag."

"But after having so many children and even more on the way, Enigma, I realized something. No matter how many children I have, I can never enjoy a lovely meal with any of them!"

"The Giants at Elbaf are too reserved and my children are too small in size! A meal with my family at one table at eye-level. That is what I want!"

"But for that, I need to make them bigger to match my size." She continues, "I need the help of someone who can create a method to make humans into giants!"

"A 'Gigantification Serum'!"

"And you, Enigma, have the sharpest of minds in all the seas! If you help me, then I can surely fulfill my dream." She finished.


Enigma patiently sat through her monologue as he sipped his drink with elegance.


"A 'Gigantification Serum', you say." He summarized.

"Huhuhuhu, you have quite the imagination, Linlin."

"What you desire is currently impossible though. To modify one's height, one must modify the genome. To create a process to gigantify a human requires samples of those who have reached such a height." The Overlord replied.

"If you want such a result, you would need the blood of giants." He concluded.


"Ma-Ma-Mam-Ma! That is not difficult at all." She smiled while envisioning a dinner table with all her children and friends dining upon, all at eye level while feasting away on the finest of dishes.


"You would need pure giant blood. As in the one that runs in the royal family, Linlin. For this, you must attack the country of Elbaf and clash with the Giant King. He is not an easy enemy." He said with a solemn voice.

"But that aside, I don't see how this would benefit me." The man said.


Big Mom squinted her eyes.


"Ma-Ma-Mam-MA! Of course, it would not be free. Everything comes at a price, Enigma. And I am willing to pay for it." She said.


Enigma was about to respond till he felt something.


His eyes widened as he got up from his spot.






He walked over to the large window that overlooked the island and zoomed in to the 'Sphere of Brilliance'.


A smile appeared on his face as he looked with curiosity.

His eyes were locked onto the 3 men that were currently rushing past his mind-sphere.


"To reach my final defence so effortlessly. These children are quite impressive." He said.



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Big Mom hired Ceasar to conduct experiments to turn kids into giants so that she could use it on her own children, all so that she could have a meal with her 'family' at eye level.

Enigma, his fruit sent his IQ to the 300s, her first option is the smartest man alive to see if he can do it.

She doesn't want his child btw, he isn't 'strong' in the sense she desires.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather have to speak in rhyme for the rest of your life or have to speak in riddles for the rest of your life? (Killer B or the Riddler)

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