One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 53 - [46] Encephala Island (3)

[2112 words]

6 ÷ 2(1+2) = ? ​​

Maybe a chapter tomorrow depends on how much time I need for my Chemistry test on Tuesday.


We were now rushing into the hall, another 600 hundred mindless ones came into the way.

I was bored of their 'zombie-ness' and decided to remove them.


"Utter Decimation."


Both my palms glowed red as a combined blast of crimson energy flowed out with endless momentum, the range was around 20 meters in diameter.


The originally white and blue floors and walls were now dripping with a fresh paint of red as the blood of the mobs now decorated the inner halls.

We continued our march into the end of the first hall.


A wall with thick doors stood.

I nodded and was about to crush it into pieces but a certain ogre came in the way.


Kaido turned his body to the side and picked up speed. His shoulders popped with muscles as his dragon-scale tattoo seemed to glow as he charged at the thick piece of metal called a door.


Kaido's shoulder slammed onto the door as the hinges were blown off as their metallic echoes resounded the bloodied halls.

I nodded at his effectiveness, 'a breathing wrecking ball indeed.'


The second hall was right before the main staircase that led to the area where I could pick up the 2 strong existences.


4 loud echoes.

4 new nuisances.

"The knights and rooks..." I said as I saw them.

Enigma had a chessboard of main troops.

We killed the pawns already, now these 4 had come.

I then focused my Haki on the exterior of the Citadel.

I could sense them. So many.

It was a damn zombie apocalypse. 6000 or so were rushing towards the castle while another 34000 were getting on large ships to get to Encephala Island.


"Kaido, Indra, we don't have much time. Do it quickly." I warned them.


"One Sword Style - Dance of the Peacock."


Indra blackened his sword as he shot forwards, his sword was weaving through the air as the image of a beautiful peacock appeared before him.

His sword collided with the knight as they brought on their clash, though Indra was with the advantage.

Kaido picked up his club and lit it up with his fighting spirit, the black cloud wrapped around his weapon as he brought it down.




His black club slammed with enormous force upon the knight as one of the rooks also was caught with it.


"Die, intruders!" The final rook said he had a two-handed sword which he cleaved straight upon my body.

I extending my palm as a mist of red was released.


"Devoured Space."


A diamond-shaped crimson barrier appeared before me.

The air and space beyond the barrier were crushed and destroyed, leaving bits of the void behind.

"HAA!" The Rook yelled as he brought his sword upon my shield.


The sound of metal hitting metal echoed as he was held in place.

I smiled at his expression.




The barrier shook for a second as it raged out from its position, the area in front of it quaked in suppression as it neared the Rook.

"What is this!?" He yelled in desperation as the red diamond hit him.

And instantly he felt the pain of a century. His innards were crushed, his vessels popped, his nerves severed, his bones pulverized.

A mighty Rook of an Overlord dead, just like that.

Kaido had also beaten his opponents as Indra had cut his in half.


"To the final room!"


[The Chamber of Gathering]


"Ma-Ma-Mam-Ma! To think someone would attack you in your castle, Enigma." Big Mom laughed as she looked at his expression.

"Front, back, left, right, under. No signs of entry. No movements in space..." Enigma scratched his chin.


"My 'Queen', remind me again of the new Overlord crew." He said.


"Hai, Enigma-sama. It is led by Xebec, 'The Great Sin'. The main powerhouses are The 'Earthshaker' and the 'Golden Lion'. Under them is 'Kaido of the Beasts', 'The Sin Incarnate', 'Black Death', 'Blinding Light' and thousands of weaker forces." She informed her captain.

"'Sin Incarnate', 'Kaido of the Beasts' and another have entered and were only noticed at my mind-sphere..."

Enigma smiled in enlightenment.

"I see. 'The Golden Lion' also goes by the 'Flying Pirate'. So that's how they did it."


He then closed his eyes and entered a state of calmness.

Though it didn't last very long...

"HUHUHUHU! It's been so long since I felt this adrenaline! A new variable with new methods! How exciting!"

"Huhuhu, don't let me down, children." He said as he sat back down on the sofa.


Linlin squinted her eyes,

"Xebec's brats are here? MA-MA-MAM-MA! How interesting!" She laughed.


"Enigma, what will you do with them?" She asked.

"Huhuhuhu, if they can hold up to my expectations, then perhaps I will study their brains and bodies. I hear the 2 younger ones have quite the impressive healing factors... kukuku," He thought out loud.


But at that second, a loud explosion was shaking its way through the Citadel.


The doors leading to the Chamber were blasted open as Enigma's guards jumped forth.


(Damien POV)


The dust cleared as the area lightened up. Kaido, Indra and I stood at the broken doors.

The 2 Bishops and the Queen were standing before us with a few others behind them.


Enigma and another were seated, showing no signs of worry.

Before we could say anything, my eyes drifted to the woman.

'...Is that who I think it is?!'

The pink clothes, the sword, the hat, the crazy smile...


'Big Mom?! More like Thicc MOM!' I yelled in surprise.


"Huhuhuhu, how impressive you are. Not even the marines made it this far. You have my gratitude for the excitement from this shift of events." Enigma said as he raised his wine glass with a smile.


"Rahaha, I hope you enjoy that drink, Thaddeus Enigma. For it will be your last."

I said with a smile of my own. It seemed like we ruined their chat but Linlin was not allied with him so we shouldn't need to fight her at the same time. She is an unpredictable factor, though.

Kaido grinned as he smelled the strength from the ones in front of them while Indra simply readied his sword.


"Huhuhuhu, how fearsome you are, 'Sin Incarnate'. I must say, do you think you can beat me so easily?" He asked with brimming curiosity.

"I guess there's only one way to find out," I said as my haki shined around my fists, my senses sharpened all around, ready to fight.


"Indeed. My Bishops, my Queen, I want them alive!" He said as he continued his drink.


With that, the 3 shot forth without hesitation.


The Bishops were around Mid-Tier Yonko Commanders and the Queen was High-Tier YC.


Contrary to the Overlord's belief, Kaido was greedy and chose to fight all 3 at once!

"DON'T LET ME DOWN!" He thundered out as he brought his clubs upon them.

"Indra, hold the doors for the coming horde," I told him.

The 6 thousand or so mobs that were still on the island had made it, they were coming up, the stairs were narrow for 50 or so to come at a time so it was enough for him.


"On it." He said as he flashed back to the entrance.


"Huhuhu, and here I thought you would come at me all at once, not just one alone," Enigma said.

"Rahahaha! It seems I am being underestimated." I said as I saw the Overlord stand up and walk forth.

"Very well, I shall entertain your delusions, child."


The Overlord carried a powerful haki-presence, I could sense it flaring with my Observation as he stood there, both hands behind his back.

I smiled at his strength and at the blue screen that popped up in my mind.


[Thaddeus Enigma]

[Age: 57]

[Height: 9'11]

[Devil Fruit: Mind-Mind Fruit [P] {AWAKENED}

[Fruit Rating: 7 Stars]

[Fruit Remark: Ultimate-type fruit. Has the ability to wholly control a nigh-infinite amount of minds at its Awakened State. Great caution is advised.]

[Haki: Tri-Coloured]

[Strength: Low Tier Yonko*] (The '*' indicates the peak of its stage)


'No wonder Xebec sent me. He is strong but not to the point where he needs to act. That aside, he is still a lot stronger than me...' I thought to myself.

"Huhuhu, let us begin." He said.

His gaze then sharpened, as if it could cut steel itself.


"Might of Atlas."


He spoke in an elegant tone as an orange pulse of energy shot out of his mind, inching towards me.

'Shit!' I yelled as I felt pain like no other.

It was odd. There was no physical pain at all! No defence to counter it. My thick skin and tough bones were irrelevant.

The attack was purely a mental wave of enormous weight.

My mind felt heavier than a thousand mountains as my eyes popped in suppression.

It was the weight of the world entirely pressing on my mind!

'AHHH!' I grit my teeth as I feel the unended power. Only 2 seconds passed as I felt like I had been holding myself up for hours!


Then I recalled Shakky's words.


"Only a Supreme King can stand these attacks without immediately collapsing."



The sudden weight caught me off guard, my body was not ready.

I then revolved my breath and focused on my mind.


A red burst of Haki concentrated around my mind, it was a bubble of safety against his attack.

If Enigma's ability was a powerful tsunami then my Will would be the walls capable of holding it up.

But make no mistake, if for any moment my haki runs dry, I will collapse immediately.


A metal battle raged on as my Will held up against his attack and the world returned to its original form.


"Huhuhuhu! Impressive indeed, child."


Balancing my mind, I then begin my attack.

My foot digs into the ground as I bolt forth with glowing red fists at the Overlord before me!


[Kaido's Battlefield]


"WORORO! DON'T DIE TOO FAST!" He yelled as he rushed at the 3 enemies.

His club was already wrapped with sparks as he brought it down.


The powerful club was brought down with unstoppable momentum as the 3 responded with their attacks.


"Unended Fury!"

"Glory of Sparta!"

"Grace of the Queen!"


Each of the 3 used their attacks to counter the raging ogre.


The hall which was previously regal and noble was now cracking under the weight of Kaido's club.


The attacks eventually calmed down, though the 2 bishops were struggling to continue.

"KEEP UP!" Kaido roared once more.

He leaped into the air and brought his club down once more.




The second variant of his club attack followed through as the 3 once again tried to counter.

Yet it didn't go as planned.

"AUGH!" The 2 bishops were crushed under Kaido's weight as they were sent flying into the wall.

The 'Queen' was the only one left.

She wasn't hurt much, her strength was slightly less than Kaido but she was adept at deflecting damage.

"You have quite the vulgar strength, beast." She spat out as she saw her broken comrades.

"WORORORO! I hope you last long enough otherwise I will have to take out my spirit on your boss." Kaido said as grinned.

"Hmph. If you think your comrade can defeat Enigma-sama then you are sorely mistaken." She replied with fury.

"WORORORO! Enough talk, woman!"

With that said, Kaido ran forth once more with all great speed, the hall creaked once more under his might.

"OUGHH!" Kaido roared as he used a simple attack.


"Shield of the Queen."


The woman's hand glowed white as the club bounced straight off and went back onto Kaido's face.

Kaido grimaced while being whacked by his own attack as he shook his head, regaining balance.


"I ate the Grace-Grace Fruit, giving me the ability of a nobility of a Queen! Do you think a commoner like you can touch me?" She said.


"Charm of the Queen!"


The pirate then started to glow a serene white as a peculiar aura was released.

The white mist then wrapped around the ogre.

"Hmm? What's this?" Kaido wondered as he looked at his arms.


"Hmhmhmhmhm, my 'Charm' will reduce your speed, strength and power by 40% for as long as it is active while increasing my strength twofold at the same time!"


She then rushed forth, playing offence against the King of Beasts!


"Glory of the Queen!"


A beautiful white spear appearing in her hand as she attacked the weakened Kaido.


The spear collided with the club.



The ground groaned, Kaido was pushed back!



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

This is 3/5 of the Encephala Island parts.


The Grace-Grace Fruit is a buff/debuff type fruit. The buffs only work on the wielder while the debuffs were on any enemy.

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