One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 62 - [54] Recruiting Morgans

[2214 words]

When I said Damien = Luffy (2nd defeat), I mean Manga Luffy. ​​

If you haven't caught up to manga then you wouldn't understand the huge plot armour boost he got...

Plus, Luffy only equals him because MC cannot use Ryou nor Infusion, as soon as he learns either, his power level will increase to the next stage. As one internal destruction punch would be enough to take him out, he can heal but it drains stamina, it's an inevitable result.


Also, which swine came up with the idea of paper straws... having to drink from soggy cardboard is so annoying.


People keep asking me if I'm back to daily uploads.

And I haven't really had an answer...

But now, yeah.

I'm thinking I'm back!


[The Island of Néa, Paradise Sea]


Néa was an island in the Paradise Sea, closer to the Reverse Mountain but in it nonetheless.

It was called the 'Island of Infinite Words' as it was home to the majority of aspiring reporters over the world.

And these people were VERY ambitious in their field.

Their dedication to spreading news was as resolute as the citizens of Ohara were to studying history.


The island was well-developed.

Stone homes, big houses, solid roads, tens of thousands of citizens and tall towers.


[A/N: The Island of Néa Image]



Within a well-furnished room in a hotel was a young man with black hair and red streaks running down the side of his head.

He has just woken up from a rather eventful night.

On his side were 4 milf-beauties, blissfully sleeping.


(Damien POV)


That was a rather explosive night.

I didn't expect to feel so pent up...

'You could have told me about that, Sibyl.' I complain in my head as I stretch.

[Hmm, it was written as you upgraded the skill. {Titan Vitality} boosts your entire body instantly, which includes weight, height, bone mass, skeleton structure, skin thickness, joint flexibility, muscular strength and endurance and physical stamina.]

[It is only fitting that your hormones would go into a frenzy.]


So pretty much, you have a 16-year old teen who just got a huge boost in vitality, and naturally, these series of events caused a bit of a problem.

A different world or not, hormones are hormones.

I guess with the stress building up from the change in lifestyle, constant training and skill upgrade, it had filled up my 'storage'.


It wasn't my first time, in my entire exitance that is.

Back on Earth, I simply couldn't kill myself while being a virgin.

HA! A virgin at 16? How truly pitiful.

How pathetic it would be to die without losing your virginity.

So I went to some 'open' girls at school and that was that.

[A/N: Now he's just showing off.]


Moving on, I had just docked last night and stored my boat when I found a herd of 4 milfs winking from the side and naturally, seeing their loneliness, I did what a man would do and filled in for their husbands.


Back to the present, I am now up and getting ready to depart.

My body has acclimated to the new vitality, so this episode should no longer occur.

But that aside...

'I guess I have gotten quite a bit more handsome as I go through my growth spurt, must have been from mom...' I nod to myself as I appreciate my visage.


'Time to find my little paw- *Cough*, my future business partner.'


[Persona Activate]

[Semei Kikan]


Both abilities activated at once gave me a nigh-perfect disguise.

With {Persona}, I was able to shift my entire physical aspect to that of someone else.

This included heart rate, breathing rate, shadow casting, demeanour, and so on.

This can, however, be seen through anyone with superior Observation Haki so I used another precaution.


Using Semei Kikan allowed me to genetically change my body, which includes slowing my metabolism, healing rate and thought process as it would be odd for an average citizen to have such absurd abilities.

With this, only if someone wholly focused their Observation on me will my identity be leaked, of course, they would need to be Yonko level too.


This may seem a bit much but with a bounty of 1.6 Billion berries and the Government's desire to capture me, it is always a good idea to work in the shadows.

A 10 foot tall, handsome youth with distinct eyes and hair colour is not exactly the best cover either.


That being said, I am now a black-haired 25 years old man with matching eyes and 2 meters in height, a midget for sure.



(I greet the Great One.)

It was a small green salamander that had jumped down from a roof and landed on my shoulder.

{{You have eyes on the bird-kid?}} I asked.


(Yes, please follow me.)


[10 Minutes Later]


I had walked to a broken-down building as I saw the cracked stone, overgrowing moss and rusty metal.

The salamander led me here to find the little Albatross.

'Quite the place for a future Emperor of the Underworld...' I think as I walk into the home.



The oldened door groans as it threatened to fall off its hinges as I look around.

Simple furniture, dirt, dust, and very messy.

Notes, papers, posters, magazines.

All types of paper flying around, some stacked on the side, some lying on the table, some crinkling from liquid spills.

*Rustle* *Scratch*

I hear sounds of writing from the room through the hall as I sense a small presence.


Walking forth I see a small room.

The smell of ink, the dusty halls.

A dull room lit by a dirty window, bringing a small beam of light in.


And at the side was what I came for.

It was a young humanoid albatross, around 13 years of age.

His body is covered in white feathers, and he has a large tail and wings that resemble human arms.

Small eyes and a wide beak.

The human-bird hybrid stood around 7 and a half feet in height, though currently he was fully focused on his writing.



He didn't even hear it.


"Huh?! W-Who are you!" The boy squawked as some feathers fell out of his arms.

He took a defensive pose as he curled his wings into fists.

"J-Just so you know, I know how to rustle!" He threatened as he seemed ready to rumble.


"Oh, well you see, I didn't come here to fight you, Morgans," I said with an eloquent tone.


"Hmm? How do you know my name..? What do you want?" He asked as he squinted his eyes.

Though I could tell he was running hundreds of thoughts in his head as he studied my appearance.


"There's no point in thinking so much. This appearance is only for show." I said as I sat on the old couch by the side.

The thick smell of ink assaulted my nose as I stared at the bird.


Morgans slowly lowered his arms as he hummed.


"'This appearance'?" He asked, wondering what I meant.


[Persona Release]

[Semei Kikan Revert]


The cracking of bones enlarging and the groan of the sofa from the added weight resounded the room as my body shifted back to its true appearance.

The black hair grew thicker and the left side turned red.

The black eyes shined crimson as the body grew to 9'8 in size.

The simple clothes changed to regal robes, fit for a count.


"Y-Y-You are...." He muttered as he slowly backed away to the corner.

*Rustle* *Rustle*

Morgans dived his wing-arm into a cabinet and emptied it on the dirty floor, the dust spreading everywhere in the process.

I saw thousands of wanted posters of people from all around the world.


'S-Sin Incarnate' Damien...!' He confirmed his thoughts as he compared my face with the poster.


"It seems you know of me..." I said in an inquisitive tone, I suppose the news was quite recent of my adventures.


"Know of you? Kuwahahaha! Of course! You are big news! Your crew is big news! Your feats are big news! Your powers are big news! You ARE big news!" He squawked in an excited voice.

I tilt my head to the side and ask, "You aren't afraid of me? They call me the 'Incarnation of Sin' for a reason."


"KUWAHAHAHA! How can a true reporter be afraid of the pirates?! Say, can I interview you?" He asked as he swiped a pen and paper from the side and looked at me with an enthusiastic tone.


"RAHAHAHAHA! You are quite an interesting one you know. Instead of asking why I broke into your house, you rather interview me with such exuberance." I chuckle at his reactions.


"Oh right! Hmm, hmm, a pirate with a bounty of over 1.6 billion berries in my home... it is odd, right. But who cares about the details?" He said. "Say, can you tell me about your captain or how you have 2 powers? Or how you can change your appearance?"


"Hehe, well before all that, let me enlighten you on my desire to seek you. You see, I have been looking for a reporter...

someone young, yet bold.

Cunning, yet careful.

Honest, yet knowing when to bend."

"But most of all, someone who is willing to do whatever he can to spread the stories, regardless of the consequences."

I finish as I squint my eyes at the young bird.


The albatross's eyes widen as I go on with my words, each syllable ringing in his mind.


"You... you want to open the News Agency?!" He loudly questioned.

'He is quite clever indeed.' I note as I see him connect the dot.


"That's right."

"You see, the World Government is intent on using my captain's crew to their advantage. To use our 'scary' feats to bend the world's eyes to their level of satisfaction."

"They will conceal, delay, fabricate whatever it takes to ensure the ears of the people only hear what they want to be told."

I then smirk.

"I do not doubt that in a decade the Rocks Pirates will be erased from history. What do you think about that, Morgans?"


He blinked a few times then grew annoyed.

"Bury the Rocks Pirates? How unsightly! This is an Obstruction of Knowledge! I cannot allow that." He squawked.


"Hehe, I thought so. My other crewmates don't care for such things but I think otherwise. I want to spread the truth, and I need a young and bold partner to help me." I throw the bait.

His eyes light up as I speak the words of wisdom.


"I agree with your views! But how can I help? I haven't even published an article yet?" He asked, perturbed.


"The World News Agency is run by 4 directors and is under their full control."

"They just choose to align with the Government, as long as 3 of them wish for liberation, the Government must concur," I explained.


"But would those Directors even do that?" He asked.

"Rahaha! They will! Soon enough at least. Just leave that to me. 1 year is all it should take for them to decide to withdraw from the World Government's grasp."

"That aside, the Government won't just allow that, out of the legal sense of course. They already have Cipher Pol monitoring the Agency, the moment things go south, the dogs of the Government will strike."

I continue,

"Which is why the withdrawal must happen abruptly and spontaneously. As for you, well, let's just say that I have a good feeling about you so I hope you grow up and take over the entire Agency." I conclude.


Morgans thought for a second then answered.

"But for that, I would need to be in the Agency to even be considered for such a position..." he droned.

I smirk at his concert then call out to the window.



A small brown sparrow flew down and landed on my finger.


"This is Rowen. She will bring you news from all over the seas every single day. If you have the talent I desire, then I'm sure you can make it work." I smiled.

Morgans was stumbled as he stared at the bird.

" long as it is accurate then I can of course make a name for myself in the News World!" He jolted up.

"Hehe, don't worry, my information chain is probably the greatest on the seas..." I said in a mysterious tone.


It's true though, I have sparrows, crows, ravens, and many other birds spread across all the seas, collecting information by the thousands, organizing them and readying them for me.

"Amazing! Big News! I can do it!" He clapped his wings excitedly.


'He is a lot more compliant than I thought... perhaps my {Ancient Voice} has a hand in this.' I wondered.

After all, it gave me the ability to have Zoans users be far more amenable than they should. Plus, I also used a bit of [Influence] in my voice for precaution.

[A/N: Recall that after his ability Evolution, his voice can 'influence' the minds of others without their knowledge of it ever happening.]


With that done, I tasked the young albatross to start publishing his work for which the source I would provide.

Juicy content as soon as it happened, it shouldn't take too long before they notice him and recruit him.

I had given him a year to climb through the ranks, sounds a bit crazy but it should be alright.


Now I need to [Influence] the 4 directors and leave a thought in their mind that will eventually cause them to WANT to exit out of the Government's grasp.

This single thought will slowly balloon until it becomes the one thing they are constantly thinking about. Eventually, the topic will be brought up and passed.

My scheming came to an abrupt end due to a voice in my head.


[Damien, a World-Level quest and an operation Nexus have been updated.] Sibyl informed.



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

o;ivgv oiaeirjgl jlkjgslkn lsjlkafk anagserlg j;srglehs ldfjgblbesdfngsvslkrdfx.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather have Observation Haki or a Logia fruit in real life?

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