One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 69 - [61] An Anomaly

[2460 words]

Young_fruit_Smiley posted a better pic for his Crusher Configuration thinking it was 100 times better than my creation, I concurred so it was changed. ​​

Though it's better if you ping me on Discord otherwise it will be lost in the river of comments.

[New Pic Here]


[3 Months Later]

[New World Sea]

(3rd POV)


Currently, in the New World Sea, a battle was occurring.



*Cannon Fire*


"WEWUWEWUWEWU! Kill them all!" A condemned soldier yelled.







Thousands upon thousands of cannons firing at each other and half as many cries as bodies laid floating all over the red sea.


This was the Valkyrie Pirates' home turf!

16000 pirates were scattered over this huge mass of sea.

Yet someone had the balls to launch an attack?



"KILL THEM ALL! SHOW THEM WHAT A TRUE PIRATE IS!" A laugh boomed over the seas.


"Ma-Ma-MAM-Ma! Perespero, Katakuri, Oven, Daifuku, go! I want you to get used to the wars soon." Linlin said.

""""HAI, MAMA!"""""


There were currently 2 armies engaged in a naval war.

4 Divisions of the Rocks Pirates against the entire Valkyrie Pirates.


Damien's, Shakky's and Whitebeard's Divisions were not involved and were responsible for recruiting new members elsewhere.

Shiki and Big Mom led the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th Division against the last large remaining force that wasn't an Overlord nor a marine unit.


The Valkyrie Pirates had 16 divisions with 1000 men in each.

The 16 Division Commanders were known as the Angelic 16.


The battle between the 2 sides has been raging on for 2 months now!

The total casualty count has been over 4000 pirates thus far.


Rocks Pirates' original 4000 was lowered to 3200 whereas the Valkyrie Pirates were down to 12800.

The problem was that the Rocks Pirates were odd...

Every man that died would LOWER the mortality rate, almost as if the remaining men would gain some sort of boost in strength as the war went on, perhaps due to their captain's power.


6 of the Angelic 16 stood on their ships as they commanded over the constant fire.

They had 8000 men right now with around 5000 reserves.




The Rocks Pirates only had 3200 men and around 30 ships yet they stood strong, every day they grew stronger and stronger.


Aside from the 2 Titans, Silver Axe of the 6 Tragedies was present as well as he led his own powerful division.




A literal silver road of blade energy was shot out from a ship as it raged on forth.


The attack crashed against the enemy ship and went on without delay.


The entire ship creaked as it was cut in half!


"Angelic Fury!"

"Wisdom of the Bright!"

"Ascending Shallows!"


The defending side tried to respond as they continued their battle.


[In A Different Area of the New World]





Loud warnings were blaring throughout the small island as 20 marine ships circled it.

From these ships, only 1 was a warship.

Said ship, had 1 word printed upon it.


[ D R A G O N ]


It was the personal warship gifted to a son by his father.


"BWAHAHAHA! Keep yelling, brats!" A voice called out on the ship.

"Tch, if you are going to stay here then why don't you help out?" Dragon said, annoyed as he stood with his marine coat on.


"Bwahaha! I told you, kid, I am only here to watch, the rest is up to you." Garp laughed.

The fabled Vice Admiral was currently lying on a hammock tied between the masts of the warship, a casual Hawaiian shirt on with shorts.


Dragon sighed as he saw his useless father lying around.

He then turned to the side and called out.


"Karasu! Get me the mic."

The one in question was a young man with a plague doctor mask and bald head.

Karasu was a very young recruit that Dragon saved from a burning town, only 9 years old.

He ate a special fruit that allowed him to produce and become a murder of crows, fitting for his name.

[A/N: No clue if it's a Logia or Zoan or Paramecia...]


"Yes, Dragon-san." The boy replied with a young voice as he fetched the microphone.

Dragon stepped up to the very front of the ship and yelled into the mic.






"WORORORORO! You're Garp's kid! I have been bored for the past 4 months without the captain, I hope you can give me a good fight..." A deep voice thundered over the seas.

Some of the newer recruits froze as the Beast had mixed in some Haki in his declaration.


"Bwahaha! You only brought these recruits of Paradise, don't expect too much from them!" Garp's voice was heard from behind.

'This damn old man, he's the one who assigned me this fleet.' Dragon cursed in his heart.

[A/N: Majority of the New World units are busy with Enigma's fallen pirates and the Angelic War so they sent Paradise Units out instead.]


"FINE BY ME!" The Rear Admiral replied as he accepted the challenge.


*Pop* *Pop*

Dragon then flashed through the air as he geppo'ed over to the island.


He landed in an open area, awaiting his opponent.

2 minutes later...


A loud bang quaked through the ground as Kaido landed.

He had grown once again in the past months.


He was now nearing 26 feet! (7.9 meters)


"WORORORO! Your Haki seems strong, I have been training for a while now, don't let me down!" The beast yelled.

"I hope you can make up for the strength you claim to possess!"



A black polished gleam hit Dragon's eyes as Kaido's kanabo club was wrapped in thick Armament.


Dragon crossed his arms before his chest.


A clean coating on both fists ran up to the elbows.



The ground cracked under the weight of a raging Kaido as he shot forth to meet the Rear Admiral.

Both men used simple attacks to gauge their opponent's strength.


Dragon's fist clashed with Kaido's club as they continued their fight.

Dragon was less than a third of the Beast's height so he made use of that as he constantly popped the air with Rokushiki techniques and maneuvered around Kaido.

"Cheh!" Kaido clicked his tongue as he saw Dragon fly around him.




Constant attacks rained on the youth as he was slowly pushed back with Dragon's assault.

He gritted his teeth as his club started bubbling with a black aura as it sparked with electricity.




Dragon saw the speed of the attack and defended adequately as his fists were wrapped around with clouds.


"Storm's End!"



Another grand explosion echoed through the morning air as a fist and club clashed together.

"Good!" Kaido roared.


He then twirled his club and raised it over his right shoulder and brought it down with great momentum.


Another clash as the ground formed cobwebs of cracks under their weight.


Dragon's arms were wrapped around with clouds as they shot electricity through and into Kaido's body to numb him, yet it didn't do much.


Dragon popped the air and floated 50 meters up.

He then extending both hands up and out as the weather reacted.

*Flowing Clouds*

Huge volumes of black clouds gathered above the island.

*Heavy Rain*

The pleasant morning was now shrouded in darkness as water rained down, endlessly.


"Lightning Storm!"


Upon his words, blue arcs of lightning flashed above his body.


The air popped as multiple cracks of lightning blazed their way down, striking the Beast.


"Ugh!" Kaido roared as he was shocked by hundreds of bolts that were descending at great speeds.

But his frown turned into a grin,

"WORORORO! That isn't enough!"



With that, he rocketed from his position as he rushed towards the flying marine.

Both hands were grasping his mighty club as they sparked with purple electricity.




Dragon responded seeing the severity of the attack.


"Lightning Calamity!" (Looks like Kirin)


A club of black and purple slammed onto a blue coiling creature formed with endless bolts of lightning in a grand show of flashing lights.


The clash caused extreme sound as the sound barrier was constantly broken and endless shockwaves torrented out.

The land itself was reduced to cracks and rubble.


The dust eventually settled.

*Heavy Breathing*

Dragon was huffing as he tanked a solid attack from the Beast, his defence was greatly lacking.

Kaido's body was shaking as it was constantly bathed at 300 million volts.

There was no blood but it surely fried his nerves that had started to heal.


"WORORO... that's wasn't bad." He chuckled.

"LET'S END THIS, DRAGON!" Kaido roared as he shot forth once more.


With his shout, a huge torrent of Haki was blasted out as the will of a Supreme King shook the island.

Dragon responded with his own green Haki, yet it was not enough to fully stand the purple bubble of the Beast.


'Tch' Dragon clicked his tongue as he began his attack as well.


He willed the last ounce of fruit power in his system as it responded in full excitement.

Black clouds started to form all over his body as lightning sparks all over him.

Added to that, a vacuum was generated as huge streams of wind were pulled towards him, creating tornados around his arms!


Kaido crazily grinned as he saw the strength in the attack.

His club was arcking all over with purple sparks as the black aura of his fighting spirit was unleashed.


"Endless Calamity!"





An attack mixed with lightning and wind collided with a club coiling around with lightning with endless strength.

The result was quite grand!


The shockwave sent out generated large tides of water as they raged onto the marine ships, drawing them.

The hills far back of the island were no longer there.


A huge crater remained at the core of the clash as the great volume of dust started to settle.


"*Cough* That *Cough* was amazing! You're not bad, Dragon!" Kaido's voice echoed through the island.


Dragon was still there, on his knees.

Blood streaming out his mouth, his entire left torso was bloodied, scars were surely to remain.

His opponent, the Beast was not that much better.

His body was also covered in blood, his arms were purple from internal bleeding yet his bones seemed fine.

The only difference was that Kaido was on his feet, already healing!



A quick rumble as a man landed nearby.

"Ah, Dragon, you look terrible!" Garp said as he shook his head.

Dragon was scowling as he felt shame in losing before his father, "Tch, damn old man, leave me alone."


"BWAHAHA! I lied to you brat, my mission was to ensure Kaido was caught and since you failed, now I have to do it. How annoying!" Garp complained as he stood in his casual clothes.


"WORORORO! Fight me, Garp!" Kaido yelled as he cracked his shoulders.

"Hehe." Garp snickered as he raised one hand.


Kaido started to rain in purple thunder as his Haki rushed out once more. He was readying another attack.

"Take this!" He roared as he rushed at the Vice Admiral.




Garp judged the strength of the attack and simply grinned.



A huge explosion followed.


"Wororo!" Kaido laughed as he thought he succeeded in his attack.

"huh!?" He then grimaced as he saw what actually happened.


Over the cracked platform of earth were 2 men.

A giant youth and a casual man.

The giant youth's club was currently pressing down with enough power to make the ground below shake.


The only thing stopping the attack was 1 finger.


Garp's index finger was glowing red as a soft bubble of energy was wrapped around his finger.

The club wasn't even touching the marine's finger, just the red energy around it.


"H-How?!" Kaido managed to say as he saw his most powerful strike stopped by a single finger!


"Bwahaha! You're still a fledgling who hasn't even grown up yet!" Garp replied as his other hand moved at lightning speed.


A huge cracking noise resounded.


The 26-foot tall giant immediately fell to the ground as Garp's fist smashed onto his head, defeating him instantly.


[Mortem Island]



Kuzan and I were currently eating breakfast.

3 months have passed and a lot has happened.


"Ney, Damien-san, can't you teach me that Haki stuff?" He asked with anticipation.

I sighed, "No. Not yet anyway. I know it's cool to have it but there's no point in you learning it right now when your body itself is not ready."


"Ah... but Damie-" Kuzan was about to complain until we felt a rumbling all over the island.

I immediately span my Observation all around and feel a... tear in space?

'What the hell?'

I jolt out from my seat and rush out of the trees and into the open area, Kuzan following behind.

Along the way, Sibyl spoke up, [Damien! I'm detecting an anomaly in the River of Time!]

'Huh?! And I'm supposed to know what that means?' I ask, annoyed.


[Um... time flows in a straight line, like a river. We are the ship sailing upon it, always heading forwards. Yet just now, something is forcing itself into our region of time.]

[But...] Sibyl droned on.

'What is it? Speak up.' I ask as I hear her hesitation.


[This anomaly isn't really 'forcing' its way in, but it's almost like it was flowing parallel to the River of Time yet somehow was pulled here by a stronger force.] She tried to explain.


I squinted my eyes, 'Well, let's see what we have.'

I also willed in the nearby hundreds of Sea Kings in case it is a threat, we were also in a forested area so I am prepared.


*Halted Steps*

Both of us stop, Kuzan was standing behind me as we looked up.

'What the...' I wondered as I saw the magnificent light.

It was a green wisp of energy that was forming a river in the sky!



The air howled as the green energy started sinking to the surface and converging together.


The green aether was solidifying as it started taking the form of a humanoid creature.

A brilliant flash of green erupted from the center as both Kuzan and I were forced to turn away, it was extremely bright!


The light calmed down as my Observation kicked in.


...A heartbeat?

Sound of breathing?


I looked back at where the flash of light originally was and was stumped by what I saw.


It was a human, a woman to be specific. She looked quite young.

She looked at me with some surprise and spoke.


"Um, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Amatsuki Toki."

"Can you please tell me what year it is?"



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Yare yare daze, where'd this girl come from?

As for Kaido, he has been captured for 'research'. If you recall from his introduction, Kaido was captured 18 times and tortured repeatedly.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather be in a real-life version of The Walking Dead or Jurassic Park?

Thanks for Reading!

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