One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 7 - [6] A Pulverizing Human

[1853 Words]



"Hey guys, can you find me the strong creature to test my fruit?"

I asked the numerous trees around me.

"Hmmm, well I suggest Great Apes, Damien-boy. They are known to be quite aggressive yet battle-driven. They enjoy fighting their peers and proving their strength to impress the lady-apes." Bill suggests.

"Strong, they are. Careful, you must be." Yoda gives his 2 cents.

"Show 'em who's boss bro!" Josh adds.

"Ara~Ara~ Onee-san is rooting for you, Damien-kun."

Like a child who just got a new Lego set to build, naturally, I want to get to it right away.

"Great Apes eh? Where can I find them?" I ask all of them.

"South, you must go. Prepared, you should be." A wise yet aged voice answered.

"Mhm, follow the Southern trails and you shall reach their domain, be careful boy."

----- A While Later -----

I am standing on the slightly damp grass and I peer at the forest before me.

The trees seemed to be marked by scratches, though not the wild kind, but rather like a tally score from a game...

The evening sun was bathing the green forest in light as I made my way forward.

I walked a few minutes forward as I checked the surroundings for any movement.


The sound of a branch snapping is heard as I look to the left and find an open area with wild grass growing about.

It was almost a perfect circle with trees around the perimeter.


That is what I heard as a black flash dropped before me, near the center of the giant clearing.

A 20-foot tall gorilla, practically a mini King Kong stood before me.

Its dark coloured fur was laced with dried blood, though it had a rather odd expression on it's face.

'I think it's mocking me...'

"I may be a kid but I can still kick your ass you damn monkey." I mock him back.

"HOO?!!! HE-Hoo-HAAA!!" It yelled as he beat his chest like a drum.

(3rd POV)

A giant gorilla and a tall youth stood face to face with a 40-meter gap between them.

The gorilla roared in fury and rushed forward with great momentum while cracking a frightening grin.

Damien, who was flashing his own grin, also began to run forwards.


The gorilla wasted no time and raised his right arm and formed a fist, then brought it down upon the boy.

Damien easily read the attack and sidestepped, shooting 5 meters to the right.


The fist slammed the ground, leaving a small crater.

Damien squatted down and propelled himself 10 feet into the air.

The boy then formed a fist, one glowing with a red glow seeping out.

The gorilla turned to the side and used his left arm to receive the blow. It clenched its fist and shot it forwards, aiming at the boy who was doing the same.

The fists came towards it each, the ape's giant fist greatly overshadowed the boy's fist, though the result wasn't what was expected if seen from afar.


The 2 fists collided as a small shockwave was sent out, echoing through the tranquil forest, blasting the falling leaves away.


The ape yelled in pain as its left arm was pushed back, bleeding heavily.


It growled menacingly it as raised its right hand straight up and brought it down upon Damien.

Damien then slammed his foot to the ground and launched himself forwards, dodging the attack while nearing the ape's chest.

"All Crush!" he yelled as his glowing left fist slammed upon the ape, dead center of its chest.


The ape yelled as it was sent flying back and crashed on the trees, bulldozing through to an eventual stop.


It made a few despairing sounds as it shut its eyes forever, dead.

Damien went over to check and found the ape with a heavily bleeding chest, pouring a stream of blood to the dry grass below.

(Damien POV)

I looked at the dead ape in front of me and studied its injuries. Other than the copious amounts of blood leaking, it also seemed like its internal organs were utterly crushed.

The intestines were also sliding out as there was nothing keeping them in place. Shards of bones could be seen as bits and pieces of them were laid out in the mess of red.

The ribs were broken apart, almost forming cuboid shapes, causing all the insides to flow out with the blood.

The result was quite satisfactory. Unlike the tree I crush before, this time I added the fruit power to go with my momentum, to greatly increase the amount of damage and the intensity of the wounds.

"Not bad indeed."

I then summarize my fruit so far, 'From what I have seen, imbuing the pulverizing energy to my casual attacks gives it a lot more damage output and leaves behind far more terrible wounds. I should also be able to use my pulverizing powers to send out attacks like Whitebeard does with his tremors.'

'Other than that, using my ability, I should be able to nullify fruit attacks from opponents and easily destroy large amounts of land... But all this comes with control.'

I nodded as I heard a voice in my head.

[Nice work Damien! You're one step closer to the peak.] Sibyl complimented.

"Hehe, thanks, Sibyl."

[Don't think too much of it, I am obliged to compliment you whenever you finish a task. It's boring to input all those annoying notifications, so whenever you hear me praise you, just take it as a hint for you to claim some quests that have been completed.] she said with an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.


"Show me the completed quests then," I tell her as I make my way out from this section of the forest.

[Coming up...]


[Quest Log]

[Reach Paradise Pirate [Level 3/4/5] - Rewards: 1000✔/1400/1900 in System Points]

[Eat a Devil Fruit - Rewards: 3000 SP, Seastone Pendant (Helps to slowly build immunity to seastone attacks) (COMPLETED)]


"Hmm, my strength broke through as well eh?" I ask out loud.

[Though your fruit control is abysmal, it is granted that your overall strength will rise due to your new abilities.] She replied.

"Very well, claim them all." I request.

[2 Quests Complete - Rewards: 4000 SP, Seastone Pendant x1]

At the moment of the notification, a small pendant appeared in my hand and I immediately felt weakened just by holding it.

[Seastone Pendant - When worn, it will increase your seastone resistance overtime]

'For now, I will put it in my inventory as I rather use it while training and not right now.'

"Display my stats please."

{Roger Roger.]


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 7]

[Height: 5'5]

[Status: Healthy]

[Strength: Paradise Pirate [Level 3*] (Mr. 1 > Damien)

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (Low-Basic Mastery)]

[Skills: Disease Immunity, Rapid Regeneration (II), Superhuman Vitality, Enhanced Senses, Nature Talk (III), Persona (I), Fruit Sensor (I), Concentrated Breathing (Active)]

[Points Balance: 5400 SP]


'I have a lot of points ready and my skills are quite low...'

"Sibyl, what's the upgrade rate in terms of tiers for abilities?" I ask.

[Tier 2 (II) abilities cost 100 SP, to upgrade it further costs 500 SP, then 1000 SP, then 1600 SP.]

"I see... upgrade my Nature Talk and Rapid Regeneration to the highest level possible."

'I'll be spending the next half-decade or so in the forest, it is imperative that I increase my skills in terms of nature and healing as I like soloing work.'

[Skill (Nature Talk - III) has upgraded to (Nature Talk - MAX {+}) --- 2600 SP Deducted]

[Skill (Rapid Regeneration - II) has upgraded to (Rapid Regeneration - IV) --- 1600 SP Deducted]

[Remaining Balance: 1000 SP]

[Skill: Nature Talk (MAX) - Nature is your home. The plants will feed you, the trees will shelter you, the flowers will welcome you. Allows you to manipulate nature greatly. Allows you to converse with land animals.]

[Skill: Rapid Regeneration (IV) - All injuries heal at an incredible speed. Limbs that have been cut off can reconnect over some time. Fatal injuries can be healed. Broken bones will mend quickly. Overall cellular regeneration has almost reached superhuman levels.]

I nod with satisfaction as I go over my new abilities. Right away I can feel my nature attunement reach many levels higher. I can essentially mold nature to my will. Though a great boon is my ability to speak with animals. Help a lot for information gathering and scouting.

One thing stumps me, however,

"Sibyl, that plus icon... can my Nature Talk be evolved?" I ask seeing the plus symbol.

[Indeed.] She replied.

[This is the next stage of the skill: ]

[Stage 2: One With Nature - Gain the ability to ???????????????????????????????? with Sea Kings. Increase favorability to all simple minded living things [Evolution Cost: 1000 SP]


"I can talk to Sea Kings! I bet if they're friendly I can easily get a ride, it will be useful for later on." I conclude as I go over the description.

"Is there a Stage 3?" I take a stab in the dark.

[Indeed.] She answers as the description changes.

[Stage 3: Voice of All Things - Allows you to ???????????????????????????????? with all sentient things including animals, sword spirits & Poneglyphs [Evolution Cost: 5000 SP]


"...Voice of All Things... That's what Roger has. He will use it to find Raftel via the Road Poneglyphs! That's significantly rarer than Conqueror's Haki!"

[A/N: Cannon Conqueror's Haki User: 16, Known VoAT Users: 4]


[If you are finished drooling then here is the final stage following this one.]


[ Final Stage: Ancient Voice ]

[ - Gives ???????????????????????????? over low-intelligence animals of land, sea and air ]

[ - Weak willed humans will be ???????????????????????????????????? by your words ]

[ - Zoan users might face stronger effects ]

[ - Stronger-willed humans will face ???????????????????????????? effect by your voice ]

[Evolution Cost: 25000 SP]



"...Damn." I utter.

"Control all animals, birds AND Sea Kings! That's practically an OP'er version of the Ancient Weapon, Poseidon!" I can't help but shout out loud.

"Also compels weak-willed humans... Is this like that Jedi Mind Control thing from Star Wars? I've always wanted to do that..."


[Ahem- Perhaps I should remind you that your points balance is quite far from such a stage.] Sibyl interrupted my fanboy moment.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"But you have a point, I need more SP, and the best way to do that is by training."

Sighing over my limited balance I relax my body and go over my plan for the future.

- Train body

- Train Fruit mastery

- Become more familiar with fruit

- Practice on monsters

- Gain more battle experience

- Repeat

- Get for [Ancient Voice] asap


'Gaining the ability of an Ancient Weapon is absurd on its own, let alone the Voice of All Things... Definitely something I will need for the future.'

'I am also alone on this Island, as in without allies or backup. So gaining the ability to mold the environment is surely a must-have... and it will definitely be key to avenging my mother.'

With that in mind I return to my original little home I had been living in and resumed my training.

And time flew by as 5 years passed.


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Alright so, [Ancient Voice]. I wanted him to have his own unique power that he can be known for. Of course, it is OP.

Do recall it only affects Sea kings, animals, and weaker humans, it won't interrupt his major fights with Yonko class or anything so I don't see it as a huge cheat but rather a convenience.

Though if you think about it, the year is 1477 and the age before the Era of Pirates, one that is FAR, FAR stronger than the current anime timeline.

Other than that he can't really use it openly... I mean until he has reached the level of Yonko or so at least.

Imagine if the Government found out about Shirahoshi and her link with Poseidon, they would literally raze the entire kingdom to the ground if that is what it took to get their hands onto an Ancient Weapon.

He will use this later once he is strong enough to protect it, but for now, it is a casual use for spying, info gathering, scouting, and transportation.

As for his control over nature, it's like a secondary devil fruit but it also stems from the idea of his mother always being with him and helping him out.


Random Trivia:

Gear 4 Luffy (No Ryou) VS Zoro (Enma). Who Wins?

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