One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 74 - [65] Amethyst Kingdom Crisis (1)

[2136 words]

Make sure you read chapter [64.5] as it recaps Aurora's backstory. ​​


[Amethyst Kingdom, Paradise Sea]

[3 Days Later]

(3rd POV)


This island is situated almost exactly at the center of the Paradise Sea, a hub for traders and merchants from all seas in the world!


Within the beautiful Amethyst Kingdom, a grand celebration was being held.

The hosts being the Royal family, The Prabna Family and the Grand Minister, Warno Proditor.

Hundreds of nobles were already here, awaiting the arrival of the VIPs.

Many of the neighbouring kingdoms were invited to attend.


"King Boin Azaro-sama of Azaro Kingdom."

"Crown Prince Joffrey-sama of Westeros has arrived."

"Grand Duke ..."


The introductions went on and on as the powerful people lined up.

It was hosted within the Royal Castle.

[A/N: Ametyst Royal Castle Image]


Along with other royals came their guards and protectors, all keen for the slightest of dangers.


Slowly but surely, the great halls were flooded by hundreds of guests, this could be considered a mini-reverie as it had at least 23 Royals confined within a small location.

From the 23 Royals, at least 6 were members of the Reverie.

[A/N: Recall that there are only 50 Reverie seats at once.]

There were around 600 guards all around the area, excluding the personal guards of each Royal.

[A/N: Grand Hall Image]


A fat man walked in from the gates and into the hall with 4 bodyguards.

He was around 9 feet in height and shaped like a ball.

He wore a heavy red noble coat, regal clothes underneath with a warm furred scarf draped over.

He wielded a cane with a large jewel upon its top.


[A/N: Grand Minister: Warno Proditor Image]


"PROFOFOFOFO! Everyone, I thank you for your patience and am honoured to serve as the host for you all today." He said as he bowed a few degrees down, since his fat obstructed him, it looked more like a small head nod than anything.


The people clapped in joy as Proditor raised his cane for order.

"May I now present to you, the Prabna Royal Family!"


The heavy doors opened once more as a family of 4 walked in.

The King wore purple robes with red petals, the Queen was wearing light purple clothes as she walked behind her husband with her 2 sons.


The King, Prabna Vari, raised his hand.

"Everyone, please, share this joyful moment with me as I raise my cup to our union!"


The clicking of glasses resounded as the guests cheered the words of the King.

The party had begun!


Yet even with the hundreds of guards, there was a person there, watching everything going on.

A young girl, 17 years of age.

She had beautiful purple hair and matching eyes that complimented her young yet elegant face.


[A/N: In case you forgot how she looked; Her IMAGE]


If you had seen her, you would certainly think of her as a princess.

And she was until all was robbed from her by the people she was glaring at.


Amethyst Aurora, the ex-bounty hunter was in her [Night Realm] which existed in a separate plane as the normal reality, giving her the ability to walk around, never to be noticed.

The only time you could sense her would be when she entered or exited her realm, yet she had done her research, no one in this room can outperform her in the Colour of Observation, making her a perfect assassin.


23 Royals lined up at her mercy as she finally began her revenge.


[G-4 Base, Amethyst Kingdom]


The Marine Base, G-4, was built only 6 years ago upon this very land.

It currently housed 6000 marines as it was at the center of the Paradise Sea.

These men were led by 5 Rear Admirals and 1 Vice Admiral.

It is around 12 kilometers away from the Royal Castle of Amethyst Kingdom.


[Vice Admiral's Office, G-4]


A man sat at the front of the simple yet elegant room.

He had short purple hair under his marine hat.

He had the marine coat draped over his shoulders, his thick muscles popping out from the marine shirt underneath it.


This is one of the strongest marines in the force!

Vice Admiral Zephyr!

[A/N: Zephyr's pic once more.]

He is a non-devil fruit user known for his strength.

He enlisted as a recruit at the tender age of 14.

He had fully mastered the Art of Rokushiki early on.


Just this year he had fully mastered Bushoshuku Haki, allowing him to reach the closest to Garp's level of brute strength, earning him the title of 'Black Arm'.

[A/N: This is canon based on Movie Z, he is currently 34 which is the exact age he was said to have mastered Armament Haki.]


Zephyr is now considered a major Admiral Candidate as he constantly performs at great standards to having clashed with Overlords of the Seas!


Zephyr picked up his den den mushi and dialled someone.

"This is Rear Admiral Cocoa speaking."

"Marine Cocoa, this is Zephyr, give me a report on the Celebration." He asked.


"Yes, Vice Admiral! 23 Royals have arrived and are stationed within the Castle. Of the 23, 6 are members of the Reverie. We do not have the authority to be within 500 meters of this area and have readied troops at a moment's notice." Cocoa replied.

The purple-haired man nodded, "Very good, keep me updated."




[Amethyst Castle]


"PROFOFOFOFO! Indeed!" The Minister chatted with some Royals as they enjoyed their fine drinks.



Yet just now, the person lurking in the darkness finally acted...



A soft wind picked up as Aurora suddenly appeared within the Royal Hall, near the center.

No one noticed her as no one was looking in her direction.


Aurora then raised one hand in the sky as it turned into a purple wisp of energy.


"Eternal Night."


Upon her soft words, the energy gathering in her hand exploded into a purple column that blasted upwards to the roof of the hall.

The energy then gathered and was projected down as it trapped everything within it in everlasting night.

[A/N: Like Doffy's birdcage but a smaller, stationary one.]


The Amethyst Castle Royal Hall was now fully enclosed within a purple curtain.

What did this do?

1) Trapped others within.

2) The power of the night nullifies fruit powers, thus weakening all ability users within it.

3) As Aurora is the element of the night, she can teleport anywhere in this purple cage.

4) Traps all sounds within, no one outside can hear anything unless their Observation is beyond Aurora's.


"What is going on?"

"What was that?"


"Augh…" A man groaned as he collapsed from exhaustion, he was a fruit wielder with little mastery over his power, causing him to lose all energy.


"Everyone please, I'm sure everything is alright!" Proditor said as he raised his cane.

But the people's eyes were glued to the Queen who was pointed at the center of the hall.


"Y-You... that hair, those eyes..." She muttered as she recalled something from the past.

Vari then looked and froze, "You! You are the girl who escaped all those years ago!"


Aurora was standing at the core of the hall, her lower half was nothing but a wisp of purple as it floated over the ground.


"My name is Aurora. Amethyst Aurora, a former princess of this great Kingdom, reduced to nothing but a pitiful girl on the run from the world itself."

Aurora then smiled with the look of the devil, "It's good that you recognize me, after all, I surely can never forget the faces that took away my home, my family, my life, my everything."


"Now I have come to harvest your pitiful lives." She declared with no change in tone.


"Y-Y-You! Shoot, kill her!" The Minister yelled as he directed the hundreds of guards.








Hundreds of projectiles were launched at the girl with great speeds.

The people were relieved as they saw the attack, happy for their safety.



Yet every single bullet simply went through her body!

Her arms, leg, chest, head, all of it simply dissolved as purple energy flooded around it.


"L-Logia User!" The King muttered as he saw the result.


Aurora looked around with an indifferent expression as she slowly moved towards the people.





The people shot, some slashed their weapons yet nothing worked as she continued to walk on ahead.


The King looked around and grabbed his wife and threw her at Aurora as he ran towards the door.

"Vari...! You coward!" The Queen yelled.


She screamed as her life drained away, a purple dagger protruding out of her chest.


"Don't worry, I won't kill you, it won't be that easy..." Aurora said as she tapped the Queen.

A purple circle appeared under the woman as she was sucked into the Night Realm.


'Night Travel.'


Aurora turned purple as she disappeared from her position and right before the King.

Her [Eternal Night] allowed her to teleport anywhere within the range of the ability.


She simply knocked out the King and threw him into her Realm to reunite with his wife.

She looked at 2 princes now.


"You were there as well as you laughed at my family's execution." She said as she warped behind them and sent them to the Night Realm as well.


Proditor was now slowly walking back, waving his arms back and forth.


"Wait, wait! We can talk this out... I have a lot of money!" He said in despair.


She tilted her head to the side and asked with an innocent voice.

"I remember hearing my sister beg for mercy as well while you stood there with a smile. And now you do the same before me, how ironic."


She then warped forth and caged him within her realm.

She was trapping all her enemies solely because Damien had warned her not to take too long as the marines would be alerted.

It was better to trap them for now and 'deal' with them once she was free.


Yet at that moment...


A very loud bang resounded as the purple curtain around the hall started cracking as it fell apart like a broken mirror.


Immediately the entire cage had disappeared as hundreds of marines flooded in.


Aurora froze as she saw the marines surrounded her as she gritted her teeth.

"How?" She muttered in a silent voice.


Zephyr stood at the front with a grim expression.

"It's good that I was transferred here for the day, if the previous Vice Admiral was still here then who knows what tragedy might have befallen upon us."


He was right, the previous commander of G-4 was Vice Admiral Bollox, a new recruit in the rank, one who Aurora had studied.

Yet she never expected the role to change to an Admiral Candidate!


"Judging by your hair and eyes, you must be the former princess who escaped our hold... *Sigh* I know you were wrongfully attacked but this will not fix anything," Zephyr said with sympathy as he shook his head.

The marines around him were shocked by his words as the girl, young or not, was a huge threat to the Government as her family had held forbidden relics.


Aurora turned purple as her body was about to flee to the Night Realm.

The Vice Admiral shook his head and rushed forwards.


"You should know that that wouldn't work!" He said as his black arm bashed into the purple mist before him.


His fist collided with the air as Aurora reappeared and was blasted into the wall, coughing blood along the way.


Aurora stood back up and out of the wall, wiping away the blood.

Zephyr spoke, "Give up, child. I know you are innocent and your family deserves justice... but this, this will not bring them back. It will only further worsen what little remains"


Aurora was somewhat surprised to see a marine who wasn't blindly following orders but stood her stand.

"I have devoted my life to avenge my loved ones and since the Navy will rob me and my family of their justice then I will do it myself!" She replied as her body started to rush with Night energy.


Zephyr simply squinted his eyes as he saw the girl before him.

"Such devotion should have brought you great things in life, it's a pity you turned to the dark side of the world. If you return the Royals and the Minister you trapped then I will plead on your behalf for a reduced sentence."

Aurora gave a small smile but then shook her head, "I am happy to see fair Marines like you... but I have gone too far to head back now, plus I cannot fall now, I have someone I must return to!"


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Just so you know, Zephyr is pretty damn strong.

For one, he MASTERED Armament Haki at 34 so the Movie Z is not something you should use to scale his power as Emission wasn't even introduced into the story at the time.


Random Trivia:

Would you move to someplace where it's always hot as hell or cold as tundra?

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