One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 89 - [80] The World Shakes!

[2583 words]

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"Oden, your call to adventure will be answered soon, but not by me but someone else," I told him as he tilted his head in confusion.


"Let's just say Wano is special and will draw the eyes and minds of others…" I squinted my eyes as I thought of something.


"That aside, I suggest you fix yourself up. You are weak right now, Wano is weak as well. The Samurai are clustered, the experienced ones are getting older and the newer ones are too weak. Kuri is in flames, filled with scum. Wano is a mess with their only heir apparent running around like a fool." I said plainly.


Kin'emon and Dejiro grumbled at my words as I practically called their home trash.

Yasuei just listened to my words.


"Oden, go back to your father and fix your home. That way, when the time comes, you can leave for your adventure without risking your home." I said as I washed my hands after finishing my meal.


"Hmm... the Lord Shogun won't let me back! And I don't think the people would either." He said as he grumbled after being called weak.


"Ha! We just caught the remnants of the Kurozumi Family and unearthed a deep scheme. With Toki and my words, you'll get your chance. Fix yourself, fix Kuri, fix Wano and wait."


"Hmph! I want to sail the seas and see the world! But…" He started muttering to himself.


I got up, "I have spoken my bit, I'm sure the Voices will guide you, hehe, hopefully you won't be weak as you are now so that I can see the true strength of the Samurai."

My challenge caused him to grin.


"Wahaha! I can't take that lying down! I will challenge you soon, be ready till then!" Oden declared as some Haki flared around him.


I chose against taking Oden with me for a few reasons.


I want him to bring Wano together and make it stronger. The Samurai are powerful but they haven't fought in wars in a long time.

I have plans for Wano and they won't come to fruition for a while as I plan to wait till post-Roger's execution before making big moves.

Oden will go with Roger and return 25 years before canon, around 1499.

He will be quite strong by then and have the desire to open up Wano's border, and that's when I will recruit him and Wano as a whole.


As for Kaido, without Orochi, he won't have a huge head start and I will deal with him then.


The Land of Samurai is a fruit. I simply need to wait till it's fully ripe.


[In the Paradise Sea]

[1 Week Later]

(Fulcrum POV)


A week has passed and my main body has resumed training.

"How is it, Aurora?" I asked as a girl warped out of the shadows before me.

"Everything is well. I took care of a few idiots who overestimated their worth and tried to steal our resources."

I nodded, "Good."


The door opened as Nate walked in.

[A/N: Nate Image]

His purple hair was a mess as I was overworking him a bit, but his salary was great.


"Fulcrum-sama! Everything is working as planned. All the major Underworld Powers have started to use the 'Styx Passage' and our asset value is exploding!" He reported.


I nodded in satisfaction, "What of the Government?" I asked.


He flipped through some papers, "We picked up some marine ships trying to locate the Passage but they were sunk immediately by the hordes of Sea Kings. The same thing happened to 12 other Underworld Powers."

I smiled under my mask, "Very good."


"What about my request?" I asked afterwards.

Nate was about to speak up but Aurora picked up instead.


"Fulcrum, we have collected 2 Skillful Grade Meito and 2 Great Grade Meito. We just need 1 more of the latter." She said my code name as Nate was present.


"Any news on another one?" I asked with some impatience.

She nodded, "Nothing so far. Perhaps we aren't offering enough for the hesitant ones."


I nodded, "Very well, send the word out in our channels, I will pay 300 million Berries for 1 Great Grade Meito or 4 Skill Grade."

Nate nodded and left.


"Damien, why won't you let me go Rob G-7 or something? It would be easy." She sighed as she sat down.

She took off her scarf and hood as her silky hair fell.


I smiled, "The Underworld may have grown somewhat used to our name but the Navy can easily weed us out. Messing with them now could be disastrous and not worth the risk."


I then walked up and moved the loose strands of hair on her face, "Right now we need to establish deeper and make more allies."

"How's the recruiting going?" I asked.

She tapped her chin and responded, "Well we are paying enough but our cash is running out so the amount of workers is lessening."

I nodded, "No problem, I know a place with tons of gold. I will retrieve it once my main body returns."

Aurora smiled at the end of my words, awaiting her reunion with my true body.


(Narrator POV)


Fulcrum, the new King of Shipping has started to root into the Underworld.

Only the top powers know of the Styx Passage as it is kept secret due to its great convenience.


Does the World Government know of it?

Of course they do!


If a CP-0 agent could become an Underworld Emperor then surely they have more agents hidden in the major Powers' inner circle.


Why haven't they stopped it?

After all, the passage was a route to escape the eyes of the Navy, greatly reducing the number of illegal trades being stopped.

So why wasn't it removed yet?

Fulcrum's name is spreading wider and wider and the Government knows of it yet they did not try and stop it.


Instead, they offered him a deal.


The passage would only be available to the major powers. A percentage of the money reaped from the passage will be given to the Government as 'tax'.

This way, the Underworld trades will be restricted to the top powers, the troops needed to weed out the passage won't be wasted and the Government would still make money off it. A win-win-win.


Plus, Fulcrum also made some luxurious items from his modern past and sold them to the Celestial Dragons as a deal-sweetener, and it worked wonders.

Diamond sofas, custom ships, gold suits, modern telephones, etc.


As for any other interferences, for example, pirates raiding Fulcrum's ships?

There were none. Damien's main body commanded Jimmy the Sea King Master to transport all the goods underwater, this way it would arrive at the doorsteps of the buyers and have little to no chance of being stolen.


[Hakumai, Wano]

[2 Weeks Later]

(Damien POV)


I am in the forested area, clear of any eyes.

Ah, finally, it's here.


I felt a link from my body to my clone as my shadow started to bubble in darkness.

Aurora sent a package containing the swords.

Aurora can shadow-transport inanimate objects from a clone to the main body.

As for living creatures, they can only travel through the main body to a clone, not the other way around.



A wooden crate floated up and out as it landed before me.


I opened up the crate as the inside was made clear.

5 swords.

3 of Great Grade quality and 2 Skillful Grade ones.


'Hmm?' I thought as I saw a little note.


Dear Damien,

As you asked, I have sent the swords to you. Fulcrum told me that you will return soon, I await our reunion!

With love,



I chuckled at her antics as I read over the letter.

'Romance eh, well I think I can start thinking more about such luxuries. I also need to talk to Toki about such things…' I thought as I folded the note and put it away.



A quick pick of the wind as 3 more swords come out of nowhere.

These were the swords I had found when I raided G-4, thus adding to the needed amount.



[The System has detected the required items to proceed with an exchange.]

[Continue? Y/N]

I smiled at the notifications as I choose the former choice.



{Equal Exchange Menu}

An exchange has been selected.

1 Supreme Grade Meteoric Ore Chunk can be exchanged for 4 Great Grade Meito and 4 Skillful Grade Meito.

Proceed? Y/N

*Note that a trade conducted can not be reversed, regardless of the stated equilibrium.


I hummed at the little note and made the choice.

'Dew it!' I said.


The ground started to shake as the 8 swords floated in the air and danced in the mellow wind.

The 4 blades then began to glow white as they shook in the air.


The wind picked up as the 8 swords suddenly ran into the center as each and every one of the swords crashed into the other and combined into a single white light.


[The exchange has been processed! Please call the GM for any problems.]



The white light flashes bright as I hear a loud thud as the ground shook in its weight.

It was a large ball of metal will some rough, scale-like texture.

It was pulsing energy as it glowed a dull black.

A description pulled up in my mind.


[Universellium Ore]

[An ore that had crashed in the One Piece world 1200 years ago and eventually used to craft the 12 Supreme Grade Meito.]

[Enough for 1 weapon.]

[A/N: Ore Image]


I couldn't help but smile as I picked it up.


It had an unearthly feel as it had a coldness to it, something that felt out of this world.

I stored it in my {Inventory}.


[Old Man's Smithy]


*Knock* *Knock*

I knocked with vigour as the door creaked in pain.


The door slid open and slammed to its frame.

"Brat, you're here," The geezer said with some excitement.


We went in.

"I got the metal to make your weapon into a Great Grade Meito, boy," He said as he shuffled a large wooden box.


"It's alright, I got some of the Heavenly Rocks instead," I said.


"Right, right, it will take a few hours so be ready." He said.


"Oye, Jiji, I said I got the ore."


He turned around.



The ball of metal landed on the ground as the wooden boards broke apart from their weight.

Katsuyoshi's mouth fell open as his jaw comically hit the floor.

He rubbed his eyes.


"B-Brat…! I-Is this…!" He muttered as he touched the metal all over with his wrinkly hands.


"I'll ask you again, can you make the weapon?" I questioned him with a smug smile.

Katsuyoshi finally regained his attitude as he laughed.

"KOKOKOKO! BRAT! JUST WAIT, I WILL MAKE THE BEST WEAPON IN THE WORLD!" He roared out as his gray Haki flooded out.

The people of Hakumai felt the tremor as the weaker ones fell unconscious.


I smirked, "Well, let's get to it."


[Outside the Smithy]


"It's coming from here!"

"What's that crazy old man up to?"

"So loud!"


Hundreds of people gathered around the area as they heard the noise.




Constant rumbling of metal hitting metal filled the area as the repeated bashing of ore was heard.

The people knew of the sound but were unsure of what was being made.


"That old man is actually making a weapon?"

"Oh? But what weapon makes so much sound?"

"Look, father! A storm is coming!"


The people looked up as they saw black clouds gather over the smithy.


Lightning struck the air as loud rumblings were going off!


"What is going on here!" Yasuei roared as he saw the chaos.

Some wooden homes were burning as the lightning struck down and the glass was shattered by the banging of metal.


Toki was wondering as well as she remembered Damien's words.

"Damien-san said he was planning on crafting his weapon…" She said as Oden turned to her.

"A weapon? Ah!" He suddenly groaned as his hands darted to his hips.


Many of the samurai and swordsmen suddenly felt their weapons shaking and pulsing.

Oden's Enma and Ame-no-Habakiri were shaking as they felt the birth of a new blade.


"What kind of blade can cause such a reaction!?" Yasuei exclaimed as his own weapon was shaking as well.



The noise continued as heavy rain poured down, the world was reacting!




[You are breaking the balance set more than a millennia ago.]


[Karmic Backlash detected!]


[Anti-Nerf Protocol initiating...]

[The System has neutralized all Backlash using the Supreme One's Blessings!]


I guess breaking the balance can cause a shift in the world but the System has my back.

The geezer was currently moulding the blades into the desired shapes.


Every smash of the hammer upon the Heavenly Ore sent out enough energy to level a hill. Stronger smashes would destroy mountains!

Arcs of lightning were sparking around the smithy as I was constantly using my {Field of Kings} to destroy them.

The geezer was already so old that a strong wind would kill him, this energy was enough to send him to the grave a hundred times over!



The shaping of blades went on.




All the blades, the swords, the weapons, every single one was shaking as the inner spirits were responding to the new entry of the Supreme Class.


Naturally, this was happening all over the world as well!


[Room of Authority, Mariejois]


The Sword Elder's eyes widened as his Shodai Kitetsu started to pulse with energy.

"What is going on?" An elder asked.


The bald man was stumped, "Impossible! How could there be another one!"


[An Island in The New World]


A large man with a large mustache was chewing on a large piece of meat with his crew.


Suddenly, a few grunts resounded.

"What is this?" Rayleigh wondered out loud as his saber pulsed.

Roger stood up and put down his food,


"WAHAHAHAHA! My 'Ace' is crying out, how interesting!"


[An Island in The New World]




"Someone is brave enough to try and make another sword?"


Many eyes were opened as they felt the change.

Escanor's Rhitta, Roger's Ace, Whitebeard's Murakumogiri, Elder's Shodai Kitetsu, Xebec's Mokushiroku, Yoru at Yozora Island, each of the 12 Supreme Grade Weapons were pulsing and sending out masses of energy.

The Sword Spirits in these blades, whether they were sleeping or resting, each one of them woke up and roared in frenzy.

This was instantly noticed by almost everyone!


[From Everywhere]



"In the sky!"

Hundreds of millions of eyes were averted to the sky as they saw the change in atmosphere.


There was a legend a thousand years ago, it said that when the 12 swords were made, an equal amount of stars shined in the sky that day and formed a constellation.

And just now, a few bright lights were illuminating the sky.


"A thirteenth star!"


Indeed, another light suddenly came into being as a constellation of stars grew and was seen from everywhere.

The powerful swordsmen from all over the globe knew it instantly.

The powerful swordsmith knew it as well.


They came to a single conclusion.


"Someone was successful in creating a thirteenth blade! An addition to the Saijō Ō Wazamono!"



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

He wants Oden to go with WB and later to Roger and recruit him once he's done. Until then, he will bring Wano together and strengthen it.

The weapon is also forged, I don't think I'm overexaggerating the idea of a 13th blade for the context I gave it.

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