Carol took out her notes:

“Collection finished”

“At present, the forces in the New World are beginning to gradually integrate.”

“The BIGMOM Pirates, the Steam Pirates, and the Golden Lion’s Flying Pirates.”

“Three parts of the world.”

“Most of the territory is occupied by these three parties.”

“Among them the BIGMOM pirates.”

“Due to Charlotte Lingling’s strength, she has had fewer battles with the navy over the years.”

“Currently the strongest and the largest territory.”

“The second is the island controlled by the golden lion.”

“Since the last time the Golden Lion’s fleet was destroyed, a large number of islands in its territory have been lost and occupied by various forces.”

“But not long ago, the golden lion appeared and bloodbathed the Galipeng Islands.”

“We regained a lot of territory with ruthless tactics.”

“But there is no intention to continue to expand.”

“Instead, they searched for scientists everywhere. A large number of scientists were robbed and kidnapped to the Golden Lion’s territory and disappeared.”

“Finally, the Steam Pirates.”

“The Steam Pirates’ original territory was at the intersection of Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and BIGMOM.”

“Suppressed by three parties.”

“After the Battle of Insgrim, Whitebeard was killed and most of the Golden Lion Fleet was destroyed.”

“The Steam Pirates took the opportunity to invade Whitebeard’s territory.”

“While occupying most of the Whitebeard Pirates’ territory, we will develop underground forces.”

“The underground dark forces that control the arms, shipping, loan sharking, etc. of the New World.”

“Through various means, sacrificing interests, etc.”

“In a short period of time, we reached cooperation with all the forces in the New World and established a firm foothold.”

“These three parties control most of the New World.”

“The rest are some scattered territories occupied by the new generation of pirates.”

“Such as Blue Dragon Kaido, Moonlight Moria, etc.”

“Others are like the aloof red, Baloric Redfield.”

“These powerful loners from the Roger Pirates.”

“Wandering around the world and not participating in the disputes of the new world.”

“In general, most of the forces in the New World have been finalized.”

“The riots sparked by Rox’s death are beginning to subside.”

“We can start trying to re-garrison the new world.”

Sakaski pondered for a moment:

“Not urgent.”

“How’s the investigation going in the West Sea?”

Carol said:

“Someone in O’Hara did form an expedition.”

“But looking at the situation, it seems unlikely that we will start in the next year or two.”

“There is no financial or human support.”

“It’s a bit difficult to rely on their group of scholars alone.”

Sakaski nodded:

“How is the distressing of that booklet?”

Carroll took out the booklet he carried with him and handed it to Sakaski.

Sakaski took a quick look at it and found nothing wrong with it.

Passed it to Carol and thought about it:

“Let it go for now, although I can’t see any flaws.”

“But O’Hara’s group of scholars specialize in these studies after all.”

“I’m afraid it’s not easy to fool.”

“Continue to monitor them.”

“Slowly look for opportunities.”

Carol nodded and hummed.

Sakaski suddenly said:

“The soldiers on the ship have almost grown up.”

Carol said:

“That’s almost it. Most of them are able to use Haki skillfully.”

“Enough to suppress pirates from all over the world.”

Sakaski nodded:

“Then let’s get started.”

“Put these soldiers together with some other soldiers who are training at this headquarters.”

“Decentralize to branches all over the world, accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity.”

“We must decentralize all the Sihai branches.”

“If necessary, arrange for people to get rid of those moths and go directly to the top.”

After pondering for a while:

“Control the quantity.”

“No more than five branch leaders may die accidentally every year.”

“The times have not gone crazy yet.”

“Too many deaths is unreasonable…”


New World, South Kesha Island.

The harbor on the shore had already been cleared by this time.

Only a group of Black Mist Pirates stood here waiting for something.

Captain of the Black Mist Pirates and natural smoke fruit user, Dean Longfellow crossed his arms.

At this time, his body was emitting thick smoke and compressed towards his hand.

Looking at the big ship appearing in the distance, his eyes narrowed:


The huge ship was covered in fiery red color.

There are streaks painted on the ferocious skull and crossbones flag, as if they were steam.

It was the Steam Pirates, one of the three giant forces in the New World, who came.

Suddenly a figure flew out of the boat.


The sharp sound of steam breaking through the air was heard.


Hit the ground.

In the dust all over the sky,

An arrogant and fierce voice sounded:

“Longfellow, what are you thinking about?”

“As long as you join my army, I can keep your current territory.”

“You only have one chance, so don’t flatter yourself from time to time.”

“Click, click, click.”

Longfellow narrowed his eyes slightly:

“Then thank you very much for your kindness.”

“The famous Lord Steamnock.”

Heat waves surged out of the pits on the ground, blowing away the dust around them.

Hale Nock didn’t seem to hear the sarcasm in Longfellow’s tone:

“So what’s your choice, Longfellow.”

Longfellow smiled scornfully.

The thick smoke compressed into his hands even more rapidly.

Hale Nok’s mouth split open:

“I don’t know what’s good or bad.”


A huge impact and steam suddenly erupted from Nok’s body.

The whole person turned into a 200-meter-tall steam giant, pressing down on everyone in the Cloud Pirates.

Longfellow snorted:

“The dust of destruction!”

After speaking, he threw the compressed smoke bomb in his hand towards the steam giant.

boom! ! ! !

Explodes in the steam giant’s chest.

Countless tiny particles of dust destroyed the steam giant’s body.

Half of the steam giant’s body was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Then the endless thick fog formed a giant as big as a steam giant, and it rushed towards Nok with armed and colored fists.

Nock looked at the charging Longfellow, and his cruel laughter sounded:

“very good.”

After saying this, the body of the half-remaining giant skyrocketed by more than 300 meters.

He directly held down the fog giant and knocked it down.

Cracks appeared on the steam giant’s body.

Longfellow, who turned into a smoke giant, had his eyes fixed, and an endless sense of crisis came over him.

The giant he transformed into was rapidly shrunk and compressed:


Longfellow didn’t wait for a counterattack.

Nok’s indifferent voice came:

“Explosive power steams to kill.”


It sounded like the high-pitched steam of a pressure cooker.

boom! ! ! ! !

Then there was a loud bang.

A mushroom cloud of white mist the size of half an island rose into the sky and spread in all directions.

Everyone on the ship of the Steam Pirates who had not yet reached the coast was amazed.


“The boss used that trick again.”

“How pitiful.”

“I don’t know how many people will die on this island this time.”

“Every time I watch it, I feel very shocked.”

“Hey, stop it first.”

“The island is temporarily unsuitable for visitors.”

“Hurry back to the cabin, the heat is coming!”

“Hurry up!”

Everyone in the world only knows that the Steam Pirates are ruthless and ruthless, and they have used various means to gain a foothold in the new world.

thus ignoring its own strength.

Not many people know about Hale Noc, the captain of the Steam Pirates.

He is a strong man who exploits his fruit ability to the extreme.

With one explosive move, everyone on the island was steamed to death almost instantly.

Killing islands at every turn and leaving no one alive is also synonymous with the Steam Pirates…

Again, because there are no living mouths.

Therefore, some pirate groups do not know their strength and often ignore Hale Nok’s recruitment.

And this was one of Hale Nock’s bad interests.

Deliberately showing weakness to the enemy, and then using absolute power to brutally kill the opponent.

On the steamy beach, Longfellow lay on the ground vomiting blood, with countless dead crew members behind him.

Looking at Hale Nok in horror:



A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Hale Nock walked over to Longfellow and knelt down.

He reached out and grabbed his hair, lifted it up and looked at him.

Hale Nock laughed nervously:

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

“That’s the look!!!”

“It’s so wonderful~”

Armed colors are attached to the hands, and abilities are running at the same time.

Endless superheated steam enveloped Longfellow’s head, forming a hood.

Watch Longfellow struggle.

Hale Nok’s cruel voice sounded:

“Yes, yes, that’s it!”

“Struggle! Struggle!!”


Longfellow’s head turned red little by little… motionless…

Hale Nok threw it to the ground and kicked it away.

He opened his arms and took a deep breath.

Smelling the scent of steam or something that filled the beach.

Slowly spit out:


“It’s so wonderful…”

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