the other side.

He saw the eight-armed lava giant opposite him, who was half a body taller than him.

Hale Nok, who transformed into a steam giant, was shocked.

Sometimes just looking at the surface doesn’t determine strength.

But the condensed thing is more than half your body taller.

No matter how you think about it, you can’t be weak.

However, he has dominated the New World for several years, relying on more than just power.

The most important thing is strength…

A fierce look flashed in his eyes, and his huge steam fist was filled with domineering energy.

While charging towards Sakaski, he kept firing.

I saw the eight-armed lava giant stretching out five hands.

The sound of collision sounded.

Five big lava hands directly grabbed the incoming steam fist.


A large amount of white steam suddenly emitted from the clenched steam fist, covering the lava giant in it.

Boom boom boom boom…

A series of explosions sounded.

The huge impact caused the lava giant to take a few steps back.

The steam giant not far away flicked his right hand.

A white steam giant sword hundreds of meters long formed and appeared in his hand.

At the same time, Hale Nok burst out with a domineering look and pressed towards Sakaski.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the lava giant enveloped in white steam.

He jumped up and aimed at the center of the steam.

It was chopped down like a powerful force splitting Huashan Mountain.

Suddenly a big lava hand broke through the steam and stretched out to grab the giant sword.


A violent burst of air blew away the steam.

The lava’s big hand grabbed the giant sword and pulled it downwards, and at the same time stretched out a big hand to clasp the neck of the steam giant in mid-air.

Just press down.

This five-hundred-meter-tall steam giant was like a child being pinned to the ground by a lava giant.

The ground shook violently.

Countless people across the island fled outside, wanting to stay away from here.

Not only because of the battle between strong men, but also because of another important reason…


“Get away from the island quickly!”

“After a while, Brother Nok exploded. That move can’t tell the difference between us and the enemy!”

“Hurry up!”

“Don’t ask for those treasures!”

“Life is important!!”

The large hands of the lava giant in the distance pressed the steam giant to the ground.

The remaining six arms were raised high.

Attached with domineering winding.

Hit it hard.

The island shook wildly.

Countless people were shocked and fell to the ground, then quickly got up and ran away frantically.

On the battlefield, the steam giant’s limbs were smashed off and flew out.

Boom boom boom boom….

Losing control of his body, his limbs flew into the air and exploded.

The shock caused the lava giant to pause for a moment.

Hale Nok, who was pinned to the ground, seized the opportunity.

“Explosive power…!”

Before he could finish speaking, Sakaski felt the increasingly manic energy of the giant beneath him.

He immediately understood what he wanted to do.

The eight arms directly locked every part of the steam giant’s body like a human stick.

Swing upward.

At the same time, eight arms detached from the body, and huge energy burst out from the tail.

He took the steam giant directly to the sky and disappeared.


A huge roar sounded in the sky.

The clouds in the sky were instantly cleared, forming a large hole.

Spreading outward.

Countless people on the ground who fled the island were shocked to the point where their eardrums hurt and bled.

Sakaski’s body shrank and condensed.

Six jet engine-like cylinders are condensed on the back.

Then magma erupted, taking the entire lava giant straight into the sky.

In the process of flying into the sky, eight lava arms regrouped.

The upper four arms grabbed the lower four arms and pulled.

The arms directly detached from the body and transformed into four magma swords that were held.

In the sky.

A large amount of white steam condensed where the explosion had just occurred.

Suddenly, three hundred-meter-sized steam giants broke through the steam and rushed out.

There is no intelligence, just a surge of manic energy.

Rush towards the lava giant in three places.

Sakaski controlled three arms and simultaneously split the steam bomber in front of him.

Boom boom boom….

Three steam giants exploded within a hundred meters of Sakaski.

Strong air waves hit the lava giant’s body.

Sakaski’s upward momentum was immediately stopped.

At this time, Hale Nok, who had reassembled his 500-meter body, rushed down.

There are also several blowholes on the back.

Rushing towards Sakaski at extremely fast speeds.

Sakaski’s remaining greatsword squirmed into a spear.

Shoot directly towards the steam giant.

The steam giant’s right arm was filled with domineering energy and struck to the right.

The spear was deflected and flew backward.

But suddenly the spear glowed red.


The compressed magma exploded directly, shaking the body that Hale Nok was rushing toward.


Hale Nok snorted, the explosion did not affect him.

He rushed to Sakaski and hugged the lava giant’s body.


Steam giant erupts steam from all over its body.

Rapidly shrinking.

The steam enveloped the huge body of the lava giant.

Hale Nok’s cruel voice came:

“Steam to kill in danger!!!”

Outside the huge white steam ball in the sky, new steam giants are endlessly generated.

Rushing into the white ball of steam, a huge explosion followed.

The range of the white steam mass is getting larger and larger, and more and more steam giants are generated.

Hot air waves spread outward from an altitude of more than a thousand meters.

The explosions continued for several minutes.

Even the surrounding islands far away felt the heat wave.

“what’s the situation.”

“It’s suddenly so hot.”


“You feel it too.”

“Too strange.”

At this time, it was over Garna Island.

A huge white steam ball has covered the world.

Hale Nok gasped and gathered his strength.

Looking at the several-meter-high magma mass in the center of the steam, a trace of retreat flashed in his eyes.

There is no other way.

This is not the kind of battle that lasts for ten days and eight days.

This outbreak of all-out fighting.

If the ultimate move is not effective, it will be difficult to kill the opponent.

This move of taking advantage of danger and steaming to kill can kill as many as you come in large-scale battles.

But it can be used completely on one person, but it doesn’t work…

Compressed steam erupted from Hale Nok’s feet.

If you say retreat, retreat.

A shrill scream of steam filled the sky.

The whole person retreated towards the distance.

And behind that magma mass, hot magma and impact force erupted.

A domineering black magma mass.

It hit Hale Nok like a meteor.

After a while.

Hale Nok’s pupils shrank sharply when he sensed the lava mass that was catching up.

The figure exploded again, but still did not escape.

Countless steam shields condensed to resist behind him.

But it was directly hit.

In Hale Nock’s horrified eyes.

Hit in the back by a dark meteor…


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