He stuffed the third animal devil fruit directly into Tikki’s mouth.

The moment he was stuffed into his mouth, Tiqi completely lost his struggle and everything was over…

His ambitions and dreams all came to nothing as the three fruits entered his stomach.

Sakaski let go of the sluggish Teach and threw him to the ground.

“Sure enough, I can eat three.”

Looking at Teach who was motionless, Sakaski raised his right foot.


There was a sound of bone cracking, and Tiqi was kicked and smashed into the cabin.

Sakaski’s indifferent voice came:

“Come on, change yourself and take a look.”

The severe pain brought Tikki back to his senses, and his eyes instantly turned scarlet.

Anger broke through reason, damn it! ! ! ! !

In the crazy howling, the characteristics of three animals, horse, sheep, and mouse, constantly appeared on his body.

Monsters that turned into horse legs, sheep heads, and rat paws rushed towards Sakaski.

Look at this monster rushing out of the cabin.

Carol and Enel were both surprised. Not only did they not explode after eating three of them, they were able to use their abilities at the same time…

Sakaski stretched out his index finger and verified it, but it was useless.


It directly exploded Marshall D. Teach’s sheep head and turned it into a bloody mist.

The headless body fell to the deck, motionless.

There is no such thing as luck, and the dead cannot die anymore.

Even if he was fed the Shining Fruit just now, he wouldn’t be able to run away. It’s just so realistic and simple.

The horse’s legs and rat’s paws slowly transformed into human forms again.

Sakaski stepped forward and picked up the headless body:

“Let’s go.”

Then casually throw down a magma bomb.

Three piercing sounds sounded, and two breaths returned to the approaching warship in the distance.


As soon as it landed, the magma bomb on the pirate ship behind exploded.

It swallowed up the pirate ship and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Sakaski threw away the body of Marshall D. Teach:

“Find a freezer and freeze it.”

“Turn around and head for Punk Hassad.”


A few days later.

The warship that had just sailed into Punk Hassad.

Before they stopped, they saw Vegapunk leading a group of scientists waiting eagerly.

There are also a lot of new government CP organization guards nearby.

Enelu led Rosinandi and jumped down directly:


Vegapunk smiled:


Enelu pulled Rosinandi to introduce to Bega Punk.

After listening to the introduction, Vegapunk also became somewhat interested in Rosinandi’s Fruit of Silence.

But the most important thing is that…

After seeing the warship stop, Vegapunk couldn’t wait to look at Sakaski who came down from the warship.

Sakaski came down and said hello:

“Mr. Vegapunk.”

Vegapunk smiled and said:

“Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

After speaking, he looked at the freezer carried by the two soldiers behind Sakaski.

Sakaski waved his hand.

The soldiers behind him carried the freezer in front of everyone.

A group of scientists lay on the freezer and looked at it regardless of the image, trying to see what was different.

Vegapunk also took a look eagerly.

Nothing was found. It seems that the blood and flesh need to be extracted for testing.

Turning to look at Sakaski:

“Lieutenant General Sakaski, this is the dual-fruit ability user you mentioned.”

Sakaski nodded:

“That’s right.”

“The pirate turned into a human-animal form at that time.”

“It held a sheep’s head and its limbs turned into hooves.”

“But he was too weak and was killed by one move from me.”

“It’s wrong to think about it in hindsight.”

“That doesn’t seem to be a sheep’s hooves.”

“Forced the other pirates.”

“Only one of the pirates who was relatively close to him said it.”

“This kid is actually an esper who ate two animal-type Devil Fruits.”

“One is the Sheep Fruit, and the other is the Horse Fruit.”

“I thought you would like this material, so I sent it here.”

Vegapunk was a little excited when he heard Sakaski say it himself:

“If that’s the case.”

“Then his value is immeasurable.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

“You need to take a rest first.”

“I’ll go check it out first.”

“I’ll talk to you in detail when I get back.”

Sakaski smiled and nodded.

A group of scientists directed the CP members and rushed towards Experiment Base No. 1 carrying the freezer.

In an instant, only navy soldiers were left at the port.

Enelu’s face suddenly fell down, he had fallen out of favor…

Sakaski came over from behind and slapped Enelu on the back of the head:

“Let’s go, let’s eat first

go. ”

“If you’re not hungry, you can take Rocinante around.”

“The scenery here is pretty good.”

Enilu raised his head, regained his energy, and pulled Rosinandi:

“Let’s go, let’s take you to see the biological cubs raised by the teacher.”

He also ran towards the No. 1 Experimental Base in a hurry.


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

Inside the huge castle palace.

Signal the reporting CP member to leave.

The knife-wielding Wulao Xing put down the teacup in his hand:

“What do you think about this matter?”

The sturdy Wulaoxing leaned on the sofa:

“Wait until the results are ready.”

“Whether he has the ability of two Devil Fruits or not, we can find out immediately after checking.”

The tall and thin Wulaoxing nodded:

“That’s right.”

“As for that kid’s identity, we’ve also found out.”

“Marshall D. Teach.”

“Has a mother, deceased, and two sisters, unknown.”

“I disappeared for several years with my two younger sisters when I was a child.”

“The first appearance was on Randy’s pirate ship.”

“It takes about a year to get on board.”

“Then I met Sakaski.”

“Using all our strength, this is all we can find.”

Wu Laoxing, who was holding a cane in his hand, snorted coldly:

“It’s D again.”

“Did these damn guys come up with something?”

The five old stars holding the sword said:

“It doesn’t matter, they are just making wedding clothes for us.”

“Let Vegapunk crack it.”

“And one more thing.”

“I’m afraid Freifans’ problem is about to explode.”

“Some people are already getting sick.”

Wulaoxing, holding a cane in his hand, said:


“It’s been more than a hundred years, and it’s about time.”

The tall and thin Wulaoxing said:

“The truth cannot be made public, otherwise the government’s majesty will be undermined.”

“First send people to gradually penetrate and blockade the area.”

“At the same time, let several surrounding countries cooperate with the blockade.”

“What’s more, there is an anonymous D clan there,”

“Clean directly when necessary.”





North Sea.

“White Town” Freifans.

Because the ground and trees are as white and flawless as the land of ice and snow in the fairy tale world.

It is so beautiful that it looks like a fairyland on earth, hence its name.

Inside the largest hospital in Frevans.

A woman with a swollen belly walked towards one of the departments carrying a lunch box.

Dong dong dong——

After knocking on the door, a mature male voice came from the door:


Push the door and enter.

A male doctor wearing glasses and exuding a mature and heroic spirit was writing quickly without raising his head:

“Sit down, may I ask where you feel uncomfortable?”

The woman with a swollen belly chuckled:

“It’s because your stomach is uncomfortable~”

The male doctor was stunned when he heard the familiar voice. He looked up and saw his wife getting up quickly:

“Wife, why are you here?”

“Sit down quickly!”

“Don’t get tired!”

The woman with a slightly bulging belly rolled her eyes:

“Hmph~ If I didn’t come, you would still have food to eat.”

The man scratched his head and smiled.

The woman handed the lunch box to the man:

“We have decided on our son’s name.”

The man was slightly proud:

“Think about it.”

After speaking, he walked to the door, looked outside, made sure there was no one, and closed the door.

He walked back and gently touched the woman’s belly:

“My name is Luo.”

“Trafalgar D. Vatier Law.”

The woman stroked her belly and whispered:

“Trafalgar Rama…”

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