Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Sakaski and Carroll had already boarded the ship.


A bolt of lightning struck the deck.

Enelu landed on the ship with the rank of major general and a cloak of justice, taking a package with him.

Sakaski showed a smile:


Enelu chuckled.

Carol next to him cast a look of appreciation, then waved his hand, and the warship slowly started to move.

Sakaski looked at the proud Enel and shook his head and smiled:

“Okay, stop showing off.”

“Have you brought your things?”

Enelu nodded:

“Hey, I brought it.”

After saying that, he opened a corner of the package to reveal the magnetic field bomb that could block communications.


“This is the rank and cloak that Marshal Kong asked me to hand over to him.”

“However, with Brother Barrett’s strength and merits, how can he be made a major general?”

“Borusalino, Kuzan and the others have all been awarded the title of lieutenant general.”

Sakaski took the package, looked at it, and handed it to Carol:

“Put it away.”

Then he said to Enel:

“That doesn’t matter.”

“This large number of promotions is meant to intimidate the sea.”

“It’s just like an advance payment.”

“Barrett proposed it on his own initiative. Just be promoted to major general.”

“After all, the lieutenant can lead the ship alone.”

“If he gets promoted to lieutenant general, he has to leave.”

“Strictly speaking, my warship has exceeded the standard.”

“You, Carol, and Barrett.”

“Regardless of military rank and strength.”

“You can all work independently, but if you still want to stay on the ship, your military rank cannot exceed mine.”

“It is impossible for our headquarters to let one lieutenant general work under another lieutenant general.”

“So after I am promoted to general, Barrett will be promoted to lieutenant general.”

“Take over this ship.”

“Perfect transition.”

Enelu clicked:

“I see.”

“By the way, uncle, where are we going now?”

Sakaski said:

“Go get Barrett.”

“There is a Devil Fruit user in Barrett’s country who is causing trouble.”

“He went back to solve it and it was over.”

Enel is interested:

“He’s a Devil Fruit user with cholera country.”

“What kind of fruit ability is this?”

Sakaski chuckled:

“It is said to be a user with the ability of the Fusion Fruit.”

“Able to transform into a combined giant tens of meters tall.”

“It’s really troublesome for most countries along the Grand Line and around the world.”

“But he has been arrested by Barrett.”

This is the fruit that Barrett accidentally ate on the battlefield when he was 13 years old in the original work.

But because Barrett was taken away by Sakaski when he was 12 years old, he fell into the mouth of another person.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t have Barrett’s talent and physique.

After so many years of development, it was possible to synthesize a giant tens of meters tall.

Although it can sweep the country into chaos.

But it is not the current enemy of Barrett at all.


The Grand Line, the League Sea.


A series of bombardments exploded near a large wooden ship.

The warships in the distance continued to load and fire cannonballs, chasing the wooden ship.

In the rain of gunfire.


Finally a shell hit the ship directly.

The central keel of the wooden ship was broken, as if broken.

On the warship.

As a lieutenant general, Sauro shouted angrily to his subordinates:

“Stop it!”

“Stop attacking!”

“Just catch them!”

“He’s not a cruel pirate!”

“You are trash who can’t even catch a few scholars!”

“Destroyed one historical expedition ship after another.”

“But I really don’t understand why they have to die!!!”


The hammer hit the deck angrily, and the warship shook violently.

“This is really justice…”

The soldiers under his command looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

But the order from above was to leave no one alive.

Silent and speechless….

half year later.

Savullo, who was becoming more and more confused, sat on the deck and looked at the sea.

This should be the last one…

Unable to disobey the government’s orders…Sauro couldn’t bear to look at it.

After a burst of artillery fire.


“Lieutenant General Sauro, we caught a living person this time.”

Sauro turned back suddenly:


He stood up suddenly, the warship shook for a while, and then looked at the white-haired woman being escorted by several soldiers.

“To kill so many people is simply outrageous.

forgive. ”

The woman shouted angrily at him.

Sauro took a few deep breaths and slowly asked the question buried in his heart:

“You…really want to awaken the weapons.”

He just wants to know the answer to this question now…

The white-haired woman seemed to have heard some joke, tears welled up in her eyes and shouted:

“How stupid.”

“You don’t even have your own thoughts, so you come to punish us.”

“Blind trust in the law.”

“And he used it as an excuse to prevent the weapons from awakening.”

“You are just afraid of the past that you know nothing about!”

The woman’s words vibrated in Sauro’s mind.

I didn’t know how to react, I just stood there blankly.

When he came back to his senses, the sky was getting dark and the woman had already been taken away.

Sauro clenched his fists, as if he had decided something in his heart.

A few days later.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Marshal Kong hung up the phone and ordered someone to call Warring States.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Marshal Kong shouted:


Then he put out the cigar in his hand and threw it in the ashtray.

When Seng Guo entered the office, he saw a scene filled with smoke and an expressionless Marshal Kong.

“What are you doing?”

Marshal Kong motioned to Warring States to sit down:

“Those historical explorers know.”

Warring States thought for a while:

“You are talking about the group of people who suddenly appeared six years ago to study taboos.”

Marshal Kong nodded:

“That’s right.”

“Based on information found on the last ship that destroyed them.”

“It’s been found out, he’s from O’Hara.”

The Warring States Period is clear:

“That archaeological holy place… no wonder there are so many scholars there.”

Marshal Kong closed his eyes and rubbed his temples:

“The higher-ups have given orders to launch the demon-slaying order.”

“Destroy O’Hara.”

Warring States frowned:

“Isn’t it a bit much?”

Marshal Kong sighed:

“There’s nothing we can do about it, they violated a taboo.”

“It has touched the bottom line of the world government.”

“It would be okay if it wasn’t found out, but if it is found out, it’s irreversible.”

“Activate the golden phone bug in your hand.”

“Mobilize 10 imperial warships and five lieutenants.”

“As for the choice, you decide on your own.”

Warring States nodded, and suddenly thought of the Lieutenant General’s words…

“How about Sakaski leading the team.”

Marshal Kong frowned slightly:

“It’s not necessary, it’s overkill.”

Warring States said:

“Isn’t it that Sakaski lacks a meritorious service to be promoted to general?”

“After this incident, reporting it will not only shock the world.”

“Sakaski can be promoted to general as a matter of course.”

Marshal Kong whispered for a few seconds:


“In that case, let’s get ready.”

“Remember, secret summons.”

“Don’t be exposed.”

“Go ahead.”

Warring States stood up and nodded:



Opened the door and walked out.

Sengoku’s sudden suggestion to let Sakaski lead the team was a sudden thought.

Over the years, Sakaski’s prestige has grown day by day.

There was no flaw in his cruelty towards pirates, his generosity towards civilians, and his obedience to the government. They were performed extremely perfectly.

But that’s what makes it so outrageous…

The launch of the demon-slaying order will inevitably kill and injure many innocent people. How will you choose… Sakaski.

When he was young, the Warring States Period was still a die-hard loyal to the government.

Not yet the Warring States Marshal who was gradually released in later generations because he was covering up more and more dark things for the government.

Warring States, who considered the overall situation, conducted one last test of Sakaski…


The Grand Line, first half.

Standing on the deck, Sakaski watched his soldiers sweep across a pirate group, and suddenly received a secret report.

Looking at the secret report handed over by Carol.

Slowly opening the folded envelope, a few seconds later.


The envelope instantly turned into a ball of fire, and fell to the ground along with lava from the palm of his hand.

With a slight chuckle, the Warring States Period…

Sakaski shook his hand and said indifferently:

“Clean the battlefield.”

“Turn around and head to the West Sea.”

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