The five old stars holding the sword said indifferently:

“Just another fool who inherited D’s ideas.”

“They failed eight hundred years ago.”

“Today, eight hundred years later, it is even less likely to succeed.”

“They keep appearing one after another…it’s really troublesome.”

The Strong Five Old Stars said:

“Just in time, let them stir up the world.”

“If we don’t take action, let them destroy those useless countries.”

“Anyway, as long as ‘that thing’ is there.”

“The world can be cleansed at any time.”

“The world is ultimately in our hands.”

The tall and thin Wulaoxing pondered for a moment:

“Don’t be careless, after all, the eight hundred years are coming soon.”

“Those ‘lights’ are bound to appear and stir up the world.”

“Pay attention, find those ‘lights’, and leave them to Lord Im for disposal.”

“However, the chance that this dragon is a lamp is probably low.”

Wulaoxing, who was holding a cane, narrowed his eyes slightly:

“Indeed, but I can’t say for sure.”

“Let CP0 investigate.”

The knife-wielding Wulaoxing stroked his glasses:

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Let CP0 do it.”

“The most important thing now is how the arrangement of Freifans is going.”

“Make sure nothing goes wrong.”

“Otherwise, the government’s credibility will be greatly compromised.”

Wulaoxing, who was holding a cane, said:

“The layout has been completed and it has begun to be gradually sealed off.”

“The world will only know the world-famous ‘White Town’ Freifans.”

“Destroyed by a terrible…”

“infectious disease.”


South China Sea, Kingdom of Sorbey.

In the palace, Big Bear, who had decided to follow the dragon, asked with some confusion:

“Isn’t it a bit big to plan from all over the world at the same time?”

“I’m afraid the government will notice it soon.”

The cloaked dragon said to him:

“You know O’Hara.”

Big Bear nodded:

“The government’s word is that they are trying to research dangerous taboos that could destroy the world.”

Long looked at the map on the desktop and said:

“That’s right.”

“But you know the government was trying to find evidence that O’Hara was researching taboos.”

“How many years have I been looking for you?”

“They’ve been looking for it for decades, even centuries.”

“Countless historians have been arrested trying to find evidence of their connection to O’Hara.”

“To destroy them.”

“They can obviously destroy it directly, but they insist on finding evidence. You know why.”

Da Xiong paused for a moment. He was asked and shook his head.

Long laughed and said:

“It’s because they are too arrogant.”

“You are so arrogant that you no longer think you are a human being or a god.”

“And in order to show the difference between Himself and humans, God will appear to be extremely tolerant.”

“I will find evidence so that you can die convinced.”

“This is also the reason why I want to develop secretly in non-governmental franchise countries all over the world.”

“As long as it doesn’t involve the franchise countries, they won’t take action.”

“They put themselves on a high level.”

“The government’s pride and majesty must be maintained at all times.”

“I don’t know what cards they have, though.”


“When the whole world is on fire, no one can resist it, not even God.”

“Even a god cannot resist the power of a world.”

Big Bear whispered thoughtfully:

“I see.”

“But if you target the whole world…it’s a bit big…”

He thinks Long is too confident, after all, it’s the whole world…

Long chuckled lightly, reached into his arms, took out a book, and handed it to Big Bear.

Daxiong took it and looked at the cover with confusion:

“Oppression and resistance….”

Long looked at the big bear who was flipping through the book and said:

“I was very confused before.”

“But after I read this book, it suddenly dawned on me.”

“The wisdom of our ancestors is infinite.”

“They pointed out a path for us and analyzed the fundamentals of the world.”

“The biggest mistake the government made was to underestimate the terrible man Roger was.”

“He dug into the foundations of the government and they didn’t even realize it.”

“What we have to do is add more fire to it to make it collapse faster.”

Long looked at the big bear who was flipping through the books and waited quietly.

Half a day passed by in a flash.

When he turned to the last page, Big Bear suddenly came back to his senses, closed the book, and exclaimed:

“This is the origin of the word revolution.”

“So… what they ignore is productivity.”

Long nodded:

“Yes, they don’t realize that the world is out of touch.”

“The existence of the Windless Zone and the Upside Down Mountain, coupled with the distance between the islands, as well as the Sea Kings, pirates and other reasons.”

“Bringing communication to a near standstill in this world.”

“Except for the development of the Grand Line, the people of the four seas are still the same as they were eight hundred years ago.”

“Farmers still make up the vast majority of the population in the Four Seas Kingdom.”

“But the nobles are still the same. Over the past eight hundred years, the exploitation and oppression have become more and more severe.”

“It may have been nothing before, because there were countless young people taking over from the old farmers and becoming the new oppressed people.”

“But when Roger started the Age of Pirates, everything changed.”

“Because of oppression, young people who are unwilling to be ordinary set out from their hometowns all over the world and rush to the great route.”

“They are leaving one after another. In less than ten years, all young people of this generation will be gone.”

Big Bear said:

“When the young people are gone, heavy oppression is superimposed on the elderly and children.”

“Eventually there will be no way to survive, and if there is no way to survive, they will rebel.”

As the king of a country, Big Bear understands what will happen if he thinks about it for a moment, and he shudders…

The dragon’s figure slowly turned into the breeze:



“It’s a revolution.”


A gust of breeze blew by, and the dragon disappeared without a trace.

Big Bear looked at the door and showed a smile.

King Sobel’s Queen Mother Corny, who had some white hair, walked in holding a baby wearing pink clothes.

Big Bear quickly walked forward and picked up the baby:

“How come you hold her yourself, mother.”

Queen Mother Corny smiled and said:

“This little guy is afraid of life and won’t be held by others.”

“I’ll leave this little naughty bag to you.”

“I’m going back to have a good rest.”

“I’m exhausted.”

But with a smile on his face, he didn’t look tired.

Big Bear nodded:

“Walk slowly, mother.”

Queen Mother Kony smiled, waved her hand, and left.

The big bear looked at the pink-haired baby in his arms and showed a very gentle smile.

He touched her outstretched hand with his fingers:


The little girl named Bonnie in her arms giggled and pointed at the big bear’s bear-eared hat:



Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

A day that sounds the alarm every day…

Buzz – um – buzz –

In the marshal’s office.

Put down the emergency information I received.

Marshal Kong sat in the front seat with a headache on his face:

“It won’t stop for a damn second.”

“Xiaohe, what do you think?”

As the headquarters’ think tank, Lieutenant General He frowned:

“It’s hard to guess.”

“This time Hale Nok and Charlotte Lingling have mobilized almost half of their forces.”

“The two current only emperors in the new world.”

“Such a large-scale mobilization of troops.”


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