The sky over Delson Island is filled with dark clouds.

There were continuous explosions on the island, and the pirates gathered on the island.

Several pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, armed with swords and guns, stared closely at the tall woman in the middle.

Charlotte Lingling, who had become slightly fatter and had a fleshy face, laughed ferociously.

“Who should I start with?”

His cold gaze swept over the crowd, as if he was selecting prey.

The captain of the Demolition Pirates, Alvin Hugh, knew that he could not continue like this and roared angrily:

“Come together and kill her!!!”

“Blast Slash!!!”

The long sword in his hand was the first to cut out a sword energy with the ability of explosive fruit.

Charlotte Lingling’s eyes moved to him and she casually grabbed the sword energy.

boom! ! !

A mushroom cloud tens of meters high rose into the sky, and thick smoke billowed out.

Ta da da da….

The sound of footsteps was heard, and Charlotte Lingling walked out of the smoke unscathed.

“Then let’s start with you.”



The Prometheus attached to the hand rushed away from the hand.

It grew in the wind and turned into a huge wave of flames, covering everyone around it.

Seeing the huge wave of fire coming towards them, everyone in the Explosive Pirates took out their weapons and struck them.

Sword energy, abilities, physical skills, and domineering energy were all used.

Although there are not many members in the Explosive Pirates, they are all elites.

The fire wave that directly broke Prometheus.

The swordsman of the Explosive Pirates, Mori Waits, had just landed on the ground when he heard Captain Alvin Hugh yelling:

“Huai Zi! Get out of the way!!!”

Huaizi suddenly felt someone behind him and was startled:


Subconsciously, I wanted to look back, but I only heard Charlotte Lingling’s voice saying:

“Go to death in peace.”

And fell into darkness…

Charlotte Lingling’s big hand covered the domineering force, directly covering the top of Huai Zi’s head and crushing it down.

At the same time, a thunder and lightning in the sky connected with Charlotte Lingling’s palm.

Endless air waves rushed out, accompanied by thick black smoke and a burnt smell.

Huaizi, who was crushed into a ball of flesh, turned into ashes.

Charlotte Lingling said slowly with a sinister smile:


Alvin gritted his teeth and looked at Charlotte Lingling:

“Damn it!”

“You guy!!!”

He rushed towards Charlotte Lingling angrily.

A sword stabbed the motionless Charlotte Lingling in the heart.


A huge explosion went off, but it had no effect.

Not even Charlotte Lingling’s figure moved.

Alvin abandoned his sword and reached out to grab Charlotte Lingling’s neck.

At the moment he caught it, he shouted:

“Run away!!!”

Then the power under his feet exploded, with a huge impact, and the two of them were lifted into the air in an instant.

In an instant, he rushed up to a thousand meters in the air and was still rising rapidly.

Charlotte Lingling also understood Alvin’s purpose:

“You want to sacrifice yourself in exchange for your partner’s escape.”


“It’s so affectionate and righteous.”


“it’s useless.”

That incomparable big hand instantly grabbed Alvin’s neck and lifted it up

Alvin was instantly captured by Charlotte Lingling.


Two crisp fracture sounds were heard, and Alvin’s legs were kicked to pieces.

The upward trend weakened rapidly.


Those two powerful arms were ripped off directly by Charlotte Lingling.


A black thundercloud flew over:

“Here comes Mom!”

He caught Charlotte Lingling and took her flying down.

When they reached an altitude of three hundred meters above the ground, Charlotte Lingling signaled Zeus to stop.

From here you can clearly see the small moving spots on the ground.

Those were the figures of the crew members of the Demolition Pirates scattered and escaping.

Perospero, Katakuri and others on the edge of the battlefield did not stop him.

Endless thunderclouds gathered in the sky.

Katakuri glanced at the sky:

“It’s coming.”

Perospero smiled and said:

“Stupid guys will definitely pay with their lives for their actions of provoking my mother.”

“No matter how fast you are, you can still outrun the thunder and lightning.”

“Mom can control the weather.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”


Above the sky, Charlotte Lingling, who was stepping on Zeus, turned around and carried Alvin in her hand.

“See your partner one last time.”

“Tianman is the God of freedom!!!”

Countless bolts of lightning struck from the sky, as if they were conscious, crooked, but impartial.

Hitting every fleeing Explosion Pirates crew member.

With several voices resounding across the sky

In the wailing, everyone was reduced to charcoal.

When Alvin’s eyes were filled with tears, Charlotte Lingling’s cruel voice sounded again.

“For the sake of your good relationship.”

“You can survive this.”

“But the price is.”

“40 years!”


Charlotte Lingling yanked her hand from Alvin’s body.

A ball of pink stuff was instantly pulled out and eaten by Charlotte Lingling.

“It’s so delicious.”

Charlotte Lingling licked her lips, while Alvin aged rapidly and became an old man, struggling feebly.

Control Zeus to fly to the ground and casually drop Alvin on the ground.

“Let’s go.”

“Next island.”

The Charlotte family followed Charlotte Lingling and left.

Alvin, who had lost his arms and turned into an old man, was left in tears, squirming on the ground and crawling towards his charred companion in the distance…


A few days later.

The two emperors’ cleaning operations shocked the entire new world.

None of the pirates expected that it would be so straightforward.

These famous pirates were completely helpless and were all killed in the most brutal way.

The new generation of pirates seems to have become a joke.

Countless pirates knelt down and begged for their lives.

Those who stubbornly resisted were like ants in front of the emperor, and were wiped out cleanly.

And the time has finally come for the two parties, one from the south and the other from the north, to meet.

The territory that was originally allocated to the new generation of pirates was eroded by Hale Nok and Charlotte Lingling without any polish.


“Nomiro Island.”

Sengoku’s voice sounded, and he put down the map in his hand.

Two huge warships sailed side by side on the sea, heading to Nomiro Island.

As expected, the Second Emperor launched a cleaning operation.

But it was too fast. In just a few days, when we drove here, we were almost there.

According to the latest intelligence, only Nomiro Island, the most central location, is left and has not yet been cleared.

And now people from both sides are gathering there.

Warring States also immediately turned around and headed there.

You can’t come here in vain, let’s see if there is a chance…


Three days later.

When you can clearly see Nomiro Island.

A white mushroom cloud several times larger than the island, intertwined and collided with a red flame mushroom cloud.

The island trembled, and the impact force and heat waves dispersed in all directions, setting off huge waves on the outer sea surface and sending them outward layer by layer.


A huge roar came after a few seconds, accompanied by a heat wave and a domineering impact.

On the warship.

Kuzan, who was becoming more and more lazy, became more serious:

“Alala, an island can be destroyed so easily.”

That kind of impact would destroy everything on the island.

Porusalino said exaggeratedly:

“Within the mouth~”

“This is…….”

On the outskirts of the island, Katakuri’s eyes narrowed and he turned around to look:


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