Enelu was a little helpless:

“My younger brother in the headquarters is going to be an undercover agent for some reason.”

“That kid has such a soft personality.”

“His fighting ability…it’s hard to describe in words.”

“I’m going to prepare something for him to defend himself.”

Vegapunk nodded:

“That’s it…”


Then he turned around and walked towards his own private laboratory.

After a while, he came out with a sword and handed it to Enelu:

“Take this.”

“The weapons I’m researching here are too advanced and dangerous to be used.”

“But there’s nothing wrong with this, and it’s easy to carry around.”

Enelu took the long sword and padded it:

“Is there anything special about this?”

“That kid’s swordsmanship isn’t very good either.”

Vegapunk smiled and said:

“This is the sword that ate a devil fruit.”

“While progress on the pacifist side has been slow, it is not entirely unproductive.”

“This is one of the findings of research on ancestry factors.”

“Technology that allows objects to eat Devil Fruits.”

Vegapunk reached out and took the sword from Enelu’s hand:


hold head high–

An elephant roar came from the sword.

The sword in Vegapunk’s hand gradually grew in size and turned into a giant elephant.

The front two limbs are on the ground, and the rear tail is still the sword body, infinitely extended, and the hilt is held in Vegapunk’s hand.

The original trunk of the elephant turned into a huge long knife of the same length.

As Vegapunk swung, the huge elephant body seemed to be weightless, slashing away left and right.

Vegapunk saw Enelu’s doubts:

“Because that’s what the knife itself weighs.”

“So even after transforming into an elephant, the weight of the animal form will not change.”

“Compared to the average elephant.”

“It has extremely fast speed and steel-like defense.”

“And if you hold the handle of the knife, you can communicate with it.”

“The tip of the knife can turn into an elephant-headed knife, extending infinitely.”

“Well enough.”

As he spoke, he let go of his hand holding the hilt of the elephant sword.

As Vegapunk let go of his hand, the handle of the knife fell to the ground and slowly transformed into the two back limbs.

A giant war beast with a snow-white body and a huge long knife on its nose was fully revealed.

Enelu’s eyes are filled with stars:


Vegapunk smiled and said:


“Become a complete beast.”

“If your little brother isn’t very good at swordsmanship, he should have no problem using this to escape.”

“Although this knife is not very good, it is still a good and fast knife, and its hardness is still guaranteed.”

“I named this elephant ‘Fankelfried’.”

“When you use it, you’ll hear his name, right? ‘Fuck Fried’.”

hold head high–

The white elephant rubbed its head against Vegapunk affectionately.

Enelu looked excited:

“Funkerfried, come here!”

The white elephant hesitated, and Vegapunk touched it:

“From now on, just listen to its instructions, and he will take you to find a new owner.”

“Go on an adventure on the sea.”

Hearing the adventure, the white elephant was a little excited, nodded, and walked to the road of Eni.

Putting its tail on Enelu’s hand, it slowly turned into a long knife.

Enelu waved it, it was really the weight of a normal sword:


Following Enilu’s change of mind, an elephant head formed from the tip of the knife. The trunk of the knife was extremely sharp, and the blade stretched infinitely in all directions.

Enelu chuckled:

“That’s great.”

“Come back, Vankfried.”

hold head high–

The elephant head roared happily and transformed into the shape of a knife again.

“Thank you teacher.”

“Haha, with this, it will be much easier to handle.”

“I thought of another way.”

“I’ll go to the Third Research Institute and talk to that boy Caesar.”

“The device is connected, please take a look first, teacher!”

As he ran outside, Vegapunk shook his head:

“Go ahead, but don’t use your powers.”

Enel’s voice came from far away:

“Know it…….”

Don’t blame Vegapunk for reminding him, it’s mainly because this kid Enel doesn’t like Caesar who uses humans for experiments.

But the two have a common topic, which is the study of weapons of mass destruction.

The weapon Enel believes in is fire coverage, while Caesar believes in bacteria that poison everything.

Although the directions are different, we can learn from each other and inspire each other, and we can still have a few conversations.

But one time, the two of them had a really heated argument.

As his emotions fluctuated, Enelu flashed a few traces of

Thunder and lightning, tragedy occurs.

As we all know…Caesar is a gas man who ate the gas fruit.

The whole person is like a mobile gas tank, and the whole body is usually full of gas.

At close range, a lightning spark.


boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

Half of Research Institute Three was blown up, and Caesar was in a coma for more than half a month before he woke up.

From then on…Caesar trembled when he saw Enel.

This is no longer scary… This is so terrible. His ability is completely suppressed to death. It’s terrible.

For the first time in his life, Caesar regretted eating the fruit…


Punk Hassad, Research Institute Three.

As soon as Enel arrived here, the alarm in the entire institute rang.

Just as Enel was about to enter the institute, he stopped with a black line on his face.

Looking at the people from Research Institute Three who were wearing protective clothing and rushing out to block the door:

“Hey…that’s an exaggeration.”

“I didn’t mean it last time either.”

“You know Caesar can’t even control his abilities well, he’s just releasing gas everywhere.”

“Otherwise, we wouldn’t have blown up so many things.”

A somewhat hoarse and sharp voice sounded:


“Obviously you didn’t control it!”

“What are you doing here again, Eneloo!!!”

Then Caesar Courant, who was shorter than Enel, but taller than most of the researchers, walked out.

Enelu chuckled:

“Caesar, is there any poison that can defeat the strong?”

“Give me some, and by the way, there’s an antidote.”

This is what Enel suddenly thought of.

Fankfried’s body is a knife. Can the knife… be poisoned? Nope!

If you are in danger, just throw a gas bomb on the spot.

Over there Vankfried turns into an elephant, rolls up Rocinante and runs away, perfect.

Needless to say, Caesar’s poison is still very effective.

Caesar waved his hand impatiently:

“No no.”



The sound of electricity suddenly sounded on Enelu’s body.

The whole body exudes a dangerous atmosphere:


“You want to say…”

“What’s fast?”


Caesar swallowed, damn guy…


“I will…”


The Grand Line, first half.

Alabasta, the land of rain.

Inside the “Yuyan”, a casino that already has a hint of the scale of later generations.

As the big boss, Crocodile looked at the ringing phone bug with a gloomy look.

That was a call from Sakaski…

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