Donghai, Rogge Town.

Viewed from a high altitude, the entire island was densely packed with people and was in chaos.

Rows of navy soldiers in white uniforms stood on the main thoroughfare to maintain order.

The head of the Rogge Town Navy branch shouted loudly:

“Hurry up!”

“Pack some things that are easy to grab, and quickly go to the port to take refuge on the ship!”

“Don’t linger! Don’t linger!”

“Roger’s enemy! The great pirate Golden Lion is about to attack!”

“Get off the island quickly!!!”

“Throw away all unnecessary things!”


Thanks to the fact that the chief of the navy branch usually has some prestige and the reputation of Roger’s enemy, the great pirate Golden Lion.

People on the island flocked to several asylum boats in the port.

“Damn it! Don’t squeeze me!”

“I got there first!”

“Don’t cut in line! Asshole!”

“Who cares about you!”

“Get out of my way! I’ll get on the boat first!”


Several refuge boats have left in the distance.

A middle-aged man who looked like a businessman, holding a child in his arms, finally found his wife and breathed a sigh of relief:

“Fortunately, we were able to squeeze in. Are the children okay?”

The delicate and gentle wife beside her pulled two people:

“It’s okay, I just got stepped on a few times.”

The middle-aged businessman sighed:

“It’s okay as long as everything is fine. Saving your life is the most important thing.”

The wife looked sad:

“When will this kind of day end?”

“Damn pirates, damn Roger, they won’t stop even if they die.”

“All the goods were lost on the island. I don’t know how much money I will have to pay this time.”

“If we continue like this, we won’t be able to survive for a year.”

The middle-aged businessman was an optimist and gently hugged his wife with one hand:

“It’s okay, as long as our family is safe.”

“As long as you live, you will always stand up.”

“We are still alive at least. Isn’t it just because the Sarcos family was greedy for those properties that they were killed by pirates…”

The wife quickly interrupted:

“Okay, stop talking, I know.”

“I’m just angry, ugh.”

The businessman hugged his wife gently:

“it’s okay no problem.”

Suddenly, the wife felt her husband’s body stiffen.

When she raised her head and followed her husband’s gaze, she couldn’t help but tremble, as did everyone on the boat.

I don’t know who screamed:

“Those islands!!”

“It’s the ability of the Golden Lion!!!”


Over the town of Rogue.

The golden lion, which was constantly climbing over the Upside Down Mountain, was rushing toward Rogge Town with several islands.

Not to mention the horror of those who discovered it.

The golden lion looked at the island getting closer and closer, and suddenly felt that it was not interesting…

The island where Roger was executed was no different from the islands we usually see.

Seeing him arrive, everyone ran away, and I could clearly feel the panic of the people on the island.

My heart has calmed down, as if I have seen through the world of mortals:

“This is the island where men like Roger were born.”

“It’s so boring…”

“Let’s start here.”

The indifferent voice was emotionless.

The remaining right hand waved downwards, and four island fragments about the same size as Rogge Town swooped down.


The people and soldiers on the island looked at the swooping island in horror.

Their bodies were shaking uncontrollably, and many people were slumped on the ground, looking desperately at the huge black shadow coming towards them.

Fragments of his life flashed rapidly through his mind, like a revolving door.

Countless people closed their eyes in despair:

“It’s over…”

“He died like this…”


Rapid and sharp screams rang in the ears of the desperate people.

An indifferent but safe-sounding voice echoed throughout the world:


Along with the sound, red meteors streaked across the sky.

It penetrated the two islands instantly, and then the magma that penetrated the islands rapidly expanded and exploded.

Boom boom——

The exploding magma formed two umbrella-shaped canopies.

It resisted the two islands that followed, wrapped them up, and fell downwards.

Boom boom——

There were two more roars, and the two islands crashed down, causing huge waves even if they were a certain distance apart.

The huge waves knocked over many people and destroyed many buildings.

But no one felt pain, they were all laughing crazily:


“Ha ha ha ha!!!”

“It’s the Admiral! It’s the Admiral!!!”

“I survived!!”


The whole island is going crazy…


On the sea surface, thousands of meters in the air.

All the islands stopped and the golden lion stepped forward.

The golden cloak and the long hair on his head were flying like a lion’s mane.

Looking towards Sakaski, who was standing on a lava golden eagle a hundred meters away, a calm voice sounded:

“You’re in the way, magma brat.”

Seeing Sakaski’s arrival, the golden lion knew that this journey might be over.

But…an old lion is still a lion.

The golden lion narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Sakaski indifferently.

Sakaski stands on a lava golden eagle.

Listening to the golden lion’s indifferent words, he chuckled:

“You have accepted your fate of death, Golden Lion.”

Looking at Sakaski’s disgusting smile, the Golden Lion took a deep breath of the cigar and slowly spit out:


“You have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, you magma kid.”


“It’s not certain who will die.”

As he spoke, he pulled out the long sword from his waist with his remaining right hand, and his whole body floated.

Sakaski flicked his right hand, and a long magma knife appeared, holding a knife flower.

Adhering to the dark domineering spirit, entwined with the domineering color:

“You are so tough, but I don’t know if your bones are tough or not.”

The golden lion smiled ferociously and stared at Sakaski.

Sakaski also smiled ferociously, staring at the golden lion opposite:

“Heh…” x2

Two cold sounds sounded.

A golden light and a red light collided rapidly in the sky.


The white clouds as far as the eye could see in the sky, with the two people as the center, formed a circular shape and quickly retreated and disappeared.

At the center of the collision of swords, wisps of black and purple thunder and lightning flashed.

After only a moment of stalemate, the Golden Lion fell into a disadvantage. Sakaski said with a cruel smile:

“you’re old…..”

Looking at the knife being gradually pressed towards his neck, Golden Lion had to admit that he…had…taken a deep breath:

“Then give it a try, lava brat!”

As he spoke, he burst out with a huge force and pushed back. At the same time, the two swords that replaced his feet also slashed towards Sakaski’s chest.

Sakaski’s whole body was instantly covered with armor, and he received two hard blows, and the muscles of the arm holding the knife surged!


The golden lion flew upside down in the air and crashed into the island not far behind it.

Sakaski’s fiery figure followed closely and rushed over.


The island was directly blown to pieces by the magma, and dust filled the sky.


Like the sound of tearing rags, a sword light split the dust in the sky into two, and the golden lion shot straight into the sky.

Sakaski’s figure, standing on the broken island block, suddenly swelled and twisted.

One is five hundred meters in size, has thousands of hands on its back, and has a face like an evil ghost.

A magma giant that was just big enough to stand on the fragments of the island appeared:

“A Thousand Hands Come to the World!”

Thousands of arms were aimed at the golden lion charging into the sky.

Swish swish swish——

Countless arms detached from the body, and lava erupted from their tails and rushed towards the golden lion.

The entire sky was filled with magma, wrapping the golden lion in the middle.


Suddenly the magma exploded into a large hole, and behind the golden lion floated many magma masses, condensing into a lion’s head that was tens of meters in size.

Attached to Haki, he held a long sword and swooped down at Sakaski.

From Sakaski’s point of view, there seemed to be a huge shadow of a lion, charging towards him with fierce sword energy, and chuckled:

“A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.”

The thousands of arms of the magma giant suddenly turned into magma, rushing towards the two hands at the top.

A magma sword hundreds of meters long was formed, which was held in the hand of the magma giant.

Holding the knife in both hands, he moved behind his back and slashed at the huge lion shadow that was charging towards him.


boom! ! ! ! !

In a sound that seemed to shake the sky and the sea in half.

The two people crossing each other stopped.

The huge lion shadow suddenly split into two halves from the middle and disappeared.

The golden lion also had a bloody streak starting from the center of his eyebrows, all the way to his chin and chest.

He looked down at the scars on his chest and felt in a daze:

“I lost…”

To this extent… I suddenly calmed down.

Turning around and looking at Sakaski not far behind him:

“Magma imp.”

“Do you think I’m worse than Roger?”

The magma knife in Sakaski’s hand slowly merged into his arm and disappeared:

“It’s all garbage at sea. It’s better than anything else.”

The golden lion let out a soft chuckle, tightened his grip on the sword, and took a deep breath:

“Forget it, I don’t expect you to say anything nice.”

“Magma imp.”

“Try this move next.”



After he finished speaking, the aura of the Golden Lion continued to improve, but life also continued to pass.

The fragments of the ten islands scattered all over the sky began to gather and reorganize.

Forming a super huge lion head.

In front of this rocky lion’s head, the island town of Rogue below, is only the size of this giant lion’s eye.

The golden lion panted heavily, his clothes soaked with sweat, and fell behind the huge lion’s head, stretched out his hand and pushed.

This super huge lion head seemed to be tilted from the sky, pressing down on the falling Sakaski:

“Take this move! Magma Imp!!!”

“I am! Gold! Lion! Son! Ah!”


A huge roar roared from the mouth of the rock lion and rushed towards Sakaski.

Sakaski stepped forward and rushed upwards. His dark right arm was wrapped in Overlord color and moved behind him to accumulate strength.

At the moment when the two collide.

The armed color and overlord color of the golden lion’s whole body are attached to the front of the lion’s head, faintly surrounding the lion’s head.

boom–! ! ! !

Like Mars hitting the Earth.

The middle of the super huge lion’s face began to collapse.

But the weight of the land of the ten islands still pushed Sakaski down to the sea.

Sakaski took a deep breath:

“As expected, it won’t work. It’s too heavy.”

A dazzling red light suddenly erupted from his body.

“Lava blasting jade.”


The magma exploded, forming a magma air defense wall in the sky.

The strong impact caused the huge lion head to pause for a moment.

Sakaski instantly regrouped his figure, but in the red lotus state, aimed at the middle of the lion’s head, and struck three times.

The sharp force is applied layer by layer to break the surface.

The muscles in his right arm swelled and he hammered out again:


A red light instantly penetrated the huge lion’s head, and the red magma penetrated the chest of the golden lion behind.

The entire super huge lion head collapsed instantly, and the armed color and overlord color were directly removed.

The golden lion looked at the big hole in his chest and opened his mouth, but made no sound.

It’s over. I sighed in my mind in a daze:

“How many times…”

“I have really failed in my life…”


His eyes slowly closed, even if he was unwilling to do so, he fell into darkness.

As the island falls to the sea.


A red light flew over and Sakaski caught the golden lion.

Looking at the dead golden lion, he spoke indifferently and casually twisted off his head:

“I still need you to establish your authority, old man.”

“Make your only contribution to this world.”

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