After a while.

Zefa came back to his senses and said with a wry smile:

“Okay, I’m convinced by you…”

Sakaski and Morris looked at each other and smiled.

Morris suddenly cleared his throat:


Cross your arms across your chest:

“I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you, Sakaski.”

“I, Zefa, will not be persuaded by you.”

Zefa was a little helpless:

“You guy…”

Sakaski smiled and said:

“I’ll call them both back.”

As he spoke, a domineering look burst out from his body, and he pressed towards the back mountain.


Navy Headquarters, at the back mountain.

Enelu immediately sensed that overbearing look:

“It’s done.”

“Let’s go, Sauter.”

“Go to the office.”

The purple-haired young man Sauter’s eyes lit up:


The corner of Enilu’s mouth curled up slightly:

“Of course, come.”

“Let’s see who gets there first.”


It instantly turned into lightning and disappeared.

Sauter was a little helpless:

“You are cheating! Brother Enelu!!”


Use ‘Shaving’ to draw a purple shadow on the ground and disappear.


Naval Academy, Office of the Chancellor.


A bolt of lightning came in through the window and stopped in front of the sofa.

Enel concentrated his body, fell down, and sat next to Sakaski.

A few seconds later, Sauter also appeared in the office.

But I just pushed the door open…

Enelu joked:

“You lose, Sauter.”

Sauter was a little helpless:

“You are so shameless, Brother Enelu.”

“Father, Principal Morris, General Sakaski.”

Zefa smiled and nodded, and Maurice also nodded and said:

“You don’t have to be so formal, Sauter.”

“Look at Enelu, there’s nothing in the right shape.”

“Zefa, take a look and leave your child alone.”

Sauter smiled sheepishly, and Zefa snorted slightly, expressing his dissatisfaction, but deep down he also began to reflect…

Sakaski smiled and said:

“That’s right, you don’t have to be so formal.”

“Relax when you need to in private.”

“Eat this fruit, your father agrees.”

“Two more years of training and then you can go out.”

Sauter looked at Sakaski gratefully, and then looked at Zefa.

Zefa smiled and nodded:


Sauter was a little excited:


He picked up the fruit and ate it without hesitation, and finally… he could go to sea!

He swallowed most of the entire Devil Fruit in one gulp, swallowing it without chewing much.

It must be said that this child who grew up under Zefa’s training has extraordinary tenacity.

Even with such an unpalatable devil fruit, there was only one wrinkle and no expression.

After swallowing it forcefully, the slightly frowning brows relaxed a little:


“This smell really…”

“It’s hard to swallow.”

Enelu’s face was filled with admiration and some painful memories, and he gave a thumbs up, “Better!” ! ! !

“Feel the new abilities.”

Suot nodded, thinking as if he was born with it.

The whole person floated up out of thin air, a little unbelievably, and moved left and right, effortlessly.

It feels like I can control the clothes I wear.

And if he wanted to… he could go several times faster.

As Zefa’s son, he grew up listening to his father’s deeds, and seemed to have guessed what kind of ability this was:

“This…this is!!!”

Sakaski smiled and said:

“Piao Piao Fruit, the last capable person is the Golden Lion.”

“He is also your father’s old rival.”

Sauter excitedly bowed deeply to Sakaski:

“Thank you, General Sakaski.”

Sakaski said:

“No need to be polite, just get up.”

“The only people who know the Golden Lion best are the enemies, and these enemies are now at the Navy Headquarters.”

“To develop fruit abilities, you can just take shortcuts in the early stage.”

“Warring States, as well as your father, Lieutenant General Morris and others who are stationed at the headquarters.”

“They are all among the people who know Golden Lion best.”

“You are at the headquarters and you can ask them for advice at any time.”

“Grow up as quickly as possible and you can go to sea.”

“When the time comes, apply to form a fleet with air superiority, and you will be in charge.”

“You will learn a lot in these two years.”

Sauter took a deep breath and said solemnly:


Sakaski smiled and stood up:

“Okay, General Zefa will definitely arrange the follow-up training.”

“I won’t interfere.”

Head outside.

Several people

They all stood up, and Morris said:

“I won’t wait any longer.”

Sakaski waved his hand:

“Can’t stay idle.”

“I’ll go shopping first.”

“Enilu, please accompany Lieutenant General Morris.”

Enel said “hmm” and Sakaski walked out.

It wasn’t until Sakaski disappeared that Sauter withdrew his gaze and looked at Zefa.

Zefa looked at his son, a little dazed, and shook his head:

“Let’s go back too.”


At night, at Zefa’s house.

Sauter was supplementing his knowledge of commanding operations.

Zefa found them all for him, as well as some of his own experiences.

Although I also study commanding operations, it is not the main course.

In the past, I have always focused on improving my own strength, but now I plan to develop.

You must study according to the plan.

Dong dong dong——

There was a knock on the door.

Zefa’s voice came from outside:

“It’s time to eat, Sauter.”

Sauter came back to his senses from the sea of ​​information and shouted outside:

“Coming, father.”

When he came downstairs, Zefa was already sitting at the dining table, waiting for him.

After Sauter sat down, the two picked up their bowls and chopsticks and started eating.

Ding-dang-ding-dong… the sound of clinking bowls and chopsticks was heard, but no words were spoken.

It’s like being in a military camp.

This strange relationship between father and son lasted for twenty years.

On the one hand, it’s because Zefa feels guilty about his dead wife, but doesn’t know how to express it, so he can only get along with her according to his own ideas.

The second is that Sauter lost his mother at a young age and is extremely sensible, but also because no one has ever taught him how to get along, he only learned from Zefa.

They are obviously father and son, but after twenty years, they are like an officer and a soldier.

Zefa looked at his son who was eating, and unconsciously recalled what Morris and Sakaski said during the day. He might have really done something wrong…


He put down the bowl and chopsticks and looked at Sauter, not knowing how to speak.

Sauter heard the unusual sound, looked up at his father who put down the bowl and chopsticks, also put down the bowl and chopsticks and asked:

“What’s wrong, father?”

Zefa opened his mouth, his voice was a little dry, and asked the question he never dared to ask:


“You ever blamed me.”

Sauter was stunned and suddenly smiled:

“Never, Father.”

“You have always been the pride of my mother and I.”


“I’ve always been very proud.”

After listening to Sauter’s words, Zefa couldn’t hold back any longer.

Tears welled up in his eyes unconsciously. He held his forehead with one hand to cover his eyes, and his body couldn’t stop shaking.

Tears slipped from the corners of his eyes and kept falling on the table.


The sound of chopsticks hitting the bowl was heard.

Sauter picked up the vegetables with his chopsticks and put them into Zefa’s bowl:

“Father, this is what you like to eat.”

Zefa put down his hand, showing his red eyes, and picked up the chopsticks.

The voice was a little trembling and a little relieved:


Picked up the vegetables in the bowl.

The barrier that didn’t exist in the first place disappeared…


A few days later.

Representatives of kings from various countries, escorted by naval cruise ships, all arrived safely on the Red Earth Continent.

Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

The door of a hall with countless armored soldiers standing outside opened.

There is a huge round table inside, with a total of fifty places in a circle, and in the center is a huge World Government symbol.

Representatives from various countries have entered the venue together. This meeting, which will determine the direction of the world in four years, will last for seven days.

The president of each meeting will be the king of each country, who will take turns.

“Whose turn is it this time?”

“it’s me.”

“Kelson, I’ll leave it to you this time.”

“Don’t worry about speaking too slowly.”


The king Kelsen who stood up said:

“Well then kings.”

“About this beautiful world development.”

“Let’s discuss it carefully this time.”


Outside the temple, the huge door was closed… cutting off everything.

Before the final results came out, no one knew what the fifty kings discussed…

Marie Gioia, inside the Hall of Power.

The five old stars holding the knife picked up the cup and blew the hot air gently:

“The meeting has begun.”

The curly-haired Wulaoxing said:

“The turmoil is about to begin, let them enjoy this last leisurely time.”

The tall and thin Wulaoxing said:

“After all, the world cannot always remain in balance.”

“When necessary…”

Five old stars holding swords

Looking into the distance:

“Big! Clean! Wash!”

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