Hulk Island.


The door was violently pushed open by Espagu.

The fishman Tom, who was eating breakfast and preparing to go to the justice ship, and the mermaid Cocoro both looked at him.

Espagu was sweating profusely:

“No, Mr. Tom!”

“Franky’s ship attacked the justice ship!!!”

Tom the fishman stood up suddenly:


Cocoro was also shocked and said:

“That boy Frankie went to the city to do some shopping.”

“How could it be him?”

Espagu gritted his teeth and said:

“Of course it wasn’t him.”

“But that’s what makes it more troublesome!”

Tom the fishman rushed out without stopping:

“Follow me and stop them, Espagu!!!”

A fat body has unusual flexibility. Pirates are still… the government.


Justice ship.

The ship at this time had turned into ruins.

The raging fire burned the entire ship, and the judge was covered in black smoke, with blood flowing from his head.

Under the protection of many soldiers, he rushed out.

“Who is it!!!”

“You want to declare war on the world government!”

“Leave the port quickly! Lord Judge!”

“No! Go rescue people first!”

“There are still many citizens on board!”


“Go quickly!!!”


“Team 1! Team 2! Follow me!!!”


On the fleet that attacked the judicial ship.

The masked commander wearing a cloak said to the phone bug:

“The plan to attack the judicial ship was successful.”

Spandam’s voice came from over there:

“Very good, quickly enter the second stage.”

“Everything is for justice, hahahahaha!!!”

The masked agent replied:


Commanded the fleet to quickly evacuate and sail to Hulk Island…

Stand on top of the island building.

Spandam looked on with a sinister smile:

“Then let’s wait for the trial.”

“Tom Studio….”


The attack fleet turned around and headed towards Hulk Island.

When they were about to arrive, the CP agent driving the ship looked at the approaching figure in the telescope and said to the commander:

“There were two guys running towards us.”

The commander took the telescope and looked at it:

“It’s Fishman Tom, they are the target this time.”

“Get off the boat from the rear, don’t let them find you.”

All the CP agents driving the ship answered:


Then they dived into the seabed from behind the ship in an orderly manner and disappeared…

The out-of-control ship was getting slower and slower, and when Tom and the others rushed here, they jumped on the ship.

Only to find that there was no one around…

“It’s a frame-up…”

“But how come there’s no one there?”

“I obviously watched the ship coming.”

“what happened.”

Two more ships were approaching from the distance.

Espagu frowned:

“That’s Franky’s boat, too.”

Fishman Tom suddenly rushed over with wide eyes:

“Aspago! Danger!!!”

Boom boom boom——

The two French battleships, the most powerful and slowest, launched a fierce bombardment at the ship that arrived first.

The connected ships instantly formed a sea of ​​fire on the sea, as if they were about to bury the two of them.


Following the direction of the ship from the city, what Franky saw when he came back madly was a sea of ​​fire…

“Damn it, the French Combat was completely destroyed.”

“Who is it!!!”

Suddenly, they saw two people on the shore covered in blood and water, unconscious.

“That is!!!”

He hurried to the shore and shook the two of them:


“Mr. Tom!!!”

Espagu was slightly injured because of Tom’s protection:


Somewhat dizzy, I woke up:


He stood up unsteadily, walked towards Franky with a sullen face.

Franky was a little at a loss:

“Hey…are you okay?”


Espagu knocked Franky to the ground with one punch.

With a face full of pain and anger, he rushed towards Franky, grabbed his collar and shouted:

“You idiot!!!”

“I told you a long time ago, and even reminded you countless times!”

“Why don’t you listen!!!”

“Why put dozens of these murderous weapons on the island!!!”


The body seemed to have lost its strength and collapsed on the ground…

“Those former government intelligence officers…”

“Used your ship…”

“Everything is over…”

Franky’s pupils shrank to the extreme, and his whole body was trembling:

“You…you are on my ship…”

“Mr. Tom…”

Espagu looked at Frankie crying and said:

“Our technology will create murder weapons.”

“Even if it wasn’t your intention.”

“But the murder weapon does not distinguish between friend and foe, even the closest people…will be hurt.”

“We are all being screwed by the government.”

“Will be the murderer who attacks the judicial ship.”

“Because they wanted the blueprints, they wanted to take Mr. Tom away as a prisoner for interrogation.”

“How can you still say that making the murder weapon doesn’t matter at this point!!!”

“If Mr. Tom is taken away…”

“I will never forgive you in my life, Franky!!!”

Franky collapsed and covered his head:


The comatose fishman Tom woke up at some point and shouted:

“Stop talking!!! Espagu!!!”

The whole person kept breathing heavily:

“Don’t blame him, Frankie is not wrong.”


Suddenly he was interrupted by a joking voice:

“Oops, sorry.”

“Sorry to bother you, no, it’s you criminals.”

“Please come with us.”

Franky was about to rush over angrily:

“Spanda you bastard!!!”

Spandam said leisurely:

“It’s Spandam, Mr. Criminal.”

“take away!!!”

Several CP agents behind him rushed forward…


The Capital of Seven Waters, Central Street.

Because the judicial ship was destroyed, it was changed to a trial on the spot.

Spandam pushed the people down the central street and at the same time comforted the surrounding crowd:

“These are the attackers, so don’t worry.”

“Has been arrested by our heroic CP5.”

He walked up to the presiding judge and stretched out his hand:

“Hello, first time meeting you.”

“I am the commander of CP5, Spandam.”

The presiding judge stretched out his hand and shook it:

“It came at just the right time and was of great help.”

Spandam smiled and said:

“Everywhere, we are a family.”

“What should be done is to hand them over to us for trial later. The task will be completed successfully.”

The presiding judge nodded and agreed.

After all, he was old, suffered injuries from shelling, and was somewhat powerless.

After a while, a temporary court was set up.

The presiding judge knocked the hammer and began to speak:

“The first thing is the sea train. I must say it was well done.”

“In the future, it will definitely contribute a lot to the development of the Seven Waters City.”

“And these could have exempted you from the crimes you committed by building ships for the Pirate King.”

“Why add crime to crime?”

Somewhat regretful, I hate that iron cannot become steel.

Franky stood up angrily:

“What a joke!!!”

“The murderers who attacked the justice ship were not us at all!”

“It’s the Spandam next to you!!!”

Spandam pointed at himself in astonishment:


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