Zefa smiled and said:

“Take it up.”

Sotto nodded and waved his right arm forward.

The ground began to squirm and reorganize, and the large pits and gravel created by the battle in the field disappeared.

In a matter of seconds, the ground looked brand new.

Zefa looked at the flat ground:

“That old guy’s ability in Golden Lion is really useful.”

“You will be the leader of the elite class’s training in three months.”

“You can go out after that.”

Sauter was also a little excited:



Grand Line, Ileka Island.

On a blood-stained boat on the shore, a short old lady in elegant clothes and sunglasses got off.

Behind him was a strong man with slender lower limbs and a thick upper body. He had a crescent beard and looked like a demented man.

The short old lady is Miss Ba Jin who claims to be the white-bearded woman.

Miss Ba Jin moved a bit:

“Let’s go, Weibull.”

“Take you to eat something delicious.”

Weibull’s demented expression finally changed, and he was a little happy:

“Ah! OK mom!!!”


Repeatedly, Miss Ba Jin’s veins bulged on her head, and she tapped Weibull’s leg with a cane:

“Okay! Just say it once and that’s enough!!!”

Weibull was startled, like a child who had done something wrong:

“I’m sorry, Mom! I was wrong!”

Miss Ba Jin nodded with satisfaction:

“Well, that’s good.”

One big and one small, the figures are gradually moving away…

Inside the tavern.

Miss Ba Jin took out the latest information and looked at it. It was unmistakable…it was him! ! !

I saw that the photo was clearly that of Marco.

He casually took the photo on the table and looked at Weibull who had a pile of plates piled in front of him:

“Okay! Stop eating!”

“My wallet is almost empty!”

Weibull was stunned:


But he still put down the plate with some reluctance.

Miss Ba Jin smiled:

“Be good~ Wait until you get your father’s inheritance back.”

“I’ll let you eat enough then.”

Weibull’s face was full of surprise:

“Really! Then mom, let’s go get the inheritance now!”

Miss Ba Jin said:

“Don’t worry, the information is not enough. Your father’s inheritance is still being occupied by others.”

Weibull slapped the table.


The bar counter of the bar shattered and collapsed.

“who is it!”

“I’m going to kill him!!!”

Everyone around looked over.

Miss Bajin picked up Marco’s photo, came to Weibull, and said loudly:

“it’s him!”

“Occupied the inheritance of your father, the legendary pirate Whitebeard!!!”

“Throw it away. Mom, I finally found you again.”

“We must not let him go!!!”

At the same time, he also looked around in a show-off manner.

But the people around them looked at the two of them like idiots, and suddenly burst into laughter:


“Are these two idiots also pirates?”

“Obasan, when you are old, go home and have your grandchildren.”

“You are still going to sea at such an old age.”

“Chasing your dream?”


“That’s right, there’s no need for a white beard.”

“I’ve never heard of it.”

Miss Ba Jin’s face darkened:


“Kill them for me!!!”

Weibull was stunned and directly picked up the naginata:

“Okay mom!”

He obviously looked like a stupid guy, but no one could withstand the burst of fighting power for a moment.

The tavern collapsed within a moment, leaving rubble and blood on the ground.

Miss Ba Jin stood in front of the ruins and snorted coldly:

“Whitebeard is also someone you can insult.”

Then he looked at Marco’s photo with a wicked smile:

“This guy was Newgate’s only remaining son, and he later followed Roger.”

“Newgate’s huge legacy…must be in his hands!!!”

She was once on a boat with Whitebeard, and she knew that Whitebeard would secretly transport the treasures he collected to a certain place in his spare time.

I often look nostalgically in a certain direction…

As the last son, Marco will definitely inherit Whitebeard’s legacy, so…his location.

This must be where Newgate’s secret treasure is hidden!

“Let’s go! Good boy!”

After destroying the bar, Weibull, covered in blood, said blankly:

“Okay mom!!!”


Naval Headquarters, Naval Academy.

In the elite class that is about to graduate, everyone is working hard to absorb knowledge.

Prepare for this last moment.

A tall, thin, somewhat funny figure wearing a navy uniform ran in:


“This year’s internship~~~”

“The team is led by Senior Sauter!!!”

Everyone was a little surprised, after all, people of the same age are easy to talk to.

Moreover, the people in Sauter are also very kind, and they are willing to give advice to the junior students.

Ain, who has natural blue hair, said with some joy:

“Really? Binz!”

The tall and thin Binz smiled proudly:

“Of course!”

“This is what Chief Instructor Zefa I just met told me!”

“How can it be fake then?”

Huge cheers suddenly erupted in the classroom:

“Long live!!!!!”

On the playground.

Zefa looked at the brightly lit classroom and chuckled:

“You brat, you’re much more popular than me.”

The classroom couldn’t stop the huge cheers…


New World, Wano Country, Onigashima.


The giant dragon fell from the sky and hit the ground, shaking the mountains for a while.

Kaido turned into a human, shook his head and walked out.

Jhin came over at some point and looked at Kaido who was in a bad mood:

“It’s difficult to deal with, Brother Kaido.”

The battle on the Isle of Bitterness has spread throughout the New World.

Kaido snorted:


“I didn’t expect there was a kid on Roger’s boat.”

“They have all grown up to this point.”

“In addition, the group of people around me are much stronger than Oden’s samurai, so I didn’t keep them.”

“The new world is going to be lively.”

He reached out and took the wine bottle from Jin, and took a few big sips:


After a moment of silence, he suddenly laughed:

“Hahahahaha, let’s start making trouble quickly.”

Jin was speechless…


Kaido had a ferocious smile on his face:

“In terms of territory, that old woman has the biggest one.”

“In terms of power, that insidious guy is the biggest.”

“If this kid starts causing trouble, those two guys will be the ones to lose the most.”

“Keep an eye on the redhead’s movements for me.”

“After all these years, it’s time to do something.”

“It’s still too slow to realize our dreams just by selling weapons.”

“Not to mention that insidious guy still occupies half of the market.”

Jhin nodded:



The Great Line, a desert island abroad.

White snowflakes filled the world, and at a glance, there was no place to stay.

It seems that wherever you step on it, it will be a sin to ruin the scene.


Carol’s figure suddenly appeared in front of a huge snowdrift.

But just when Carol appeared, her feet had not even touched the ground.

A big black hand suddenly broke through the snowdrift…

Got Carol!

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