The Grand Line, on the warship.

In the cabin, Barrett was sitting on the sofa eating dessert.

At the desk, Sakaski put the two fruits in his hands into the box and put them away.

He handed it to Carol and said:

“Send it to Punk Hassad, Mr. Bega Punk.”

“The fungus fruit is for the ‘pacifist’ to eat. As for swallowing the fruit, let him deal with it himself.”

“He knows everything about it.”

Carol put away two boxes:



Disappear in an instant…

Sakaski turned around and picked up the newspaper on the table.

The cover of the second page of the newspaper shows Crocodile being completely elected as a ‘hero’ by the people of Alabasta.

In the newspaper, the photo has a good angle.

The golden hook in Crocodile’s left hand pierced a pirate and raised it high.

Mummy corpses lay scattered on the ground, and behind them were countless grateful people cheering.

It does have some different temperaments….

Of course…. This is not a hero certified by the state and is illegal in itself.

But people all over Alabasta couldn’t stand it, and they all respected Crocodile.

Even if the royal family of Alabasta had any objections, they could only ignore it and swallow it with their noses pinched.

Sakaski chuckled:


I don’t know who I am talking about…or both…


Put the newspaper down.

“Let’s go, Barrett.”

“Find a desert island.”


Alabasta, the land of rain.

In the splendid Rain Banquet Hall, Crocodile carried a bag of treasures and threw them on the ground.

The men quickly collected it and carried it away.

The trophies of another group of pirates that Crocodile just wiped out.

The surrounding guests were full of security and looked at Crocodile with admiration.

Crocodile waved his hand and walked slowly towards the depths of the rain feast.


The door to the depths of the Rain Banquet is closed.

behind the door.

Crocodile’s face immediately turned cold.

Going to the basement, this is Crocodile’s secret base.

After passing through the group of banana crocodiles, we came to the huge office.

He slumped in the boss’s chair with a tired look on his face.

No way… Anyone who has been pretending for decades will get bored.

But life must go on…the goal has not been achieved yet.

Crocodile pressed the button on the table, and after a while, Robin, who was already a qualified agent, walked in.

Looking at the tired Crocodile, he said with a smile:

“Going to play hero again, BOSS.”

I don’t know when…Robin began to have the potential to be sinister.

Crocodile snorted coldly and put away his tired expression:

“How is the formation of the Baroque Working Group going?”

Robin chuckled and said:

“The basic structure has been set up.”

“Main Whiskey Hill, there are still some die-hards there.”

“Don’t want to join us, but reluctant to leave there.”

“Otherwise, it will be officially operational in another two months.”

After all, it was secretly built by Crocodile and has become a well-known place in the bounty hunting circle.

As long as you are strong and occupy a position, the pirates from all over the world will pass by continuously, and they will all be money…

Crocodile’s face darkened:

“You want benefits but don’t want to sacrifice your freedom. How can there be such a good thing?”

“I don’t know what is good or bad.”

With that said, he threw out a piece of paper and flew towards Robin.

Arms sprouted one after another on Robin’s arms to catch the stray papers.

All of them are dark forces, famous killers or ability users:

“This is?”

Crocodile’s deep voice sounded:

“These are all selected killers and recruited into the company.”

“Everyone’s price is written down. Come if you come. If you don’t come, forget it. No conflicts.”

“As for those idiots at Whiskey Hill, I’ll deal with them myself.”

“Go down.”

After saying that, he closed his eyes and leaned back on the boss’s chair.

Robin responded and backed out.

I do not know how long it has been.

Crocodile suddenly laughed nervously:


“So that’s what it is…”

“It’s so… so stupid…”


His eyes were bloodshot, his mouth was a little ferocious, and he looked horribly nervous.

Just now, Robin’s words of ‘I’m playing the hero again’ came back to my mind.

Tired and irritable, he suddenly thought of

, the scene of trying to use the public to suppress Sakaski a few years ago…

It was like a blessing, and many things suddenly became clear to me.

Why doesn’t Sakaski care about people’s opinions and wantonly bully him, a ‘national hero’, in front of so many people?

It’s because he is strong enough to bury all his unscrupulousness under his strong strength.

So powerful that you don’t even need to care about the opinions of everyone in the world.

And he… put on a disguise for that ‘ancient weapon’ and became the ‘hero’ he hated.

Playing the role of a hero every day, looking at those stupid people, the irritability in my heart accumulates day by day, and I am even a little nervous, and I don’t want to destroy them all the time.

Destroy these disgusting flies, let these stupid people fall in pain, and let this country sink into darkness forever.

“How stupid…”

Crocodile sat up and mocked his previous stupid mentality.

I’m afraid that guy Sakaski looked at the people the way he did at that time.

It can be destroyed easily…

Breaking the barrier of irritability caused by playing the ‘hero’, the aura became stronger.

“The height is different…”

He looked into the distance with an inexplicable expression.

The whole city seems to be a little deeper…


New World, Punk Hassard.

In a huge underground chamber.

Carol awaits Vegapunk’s arrival.

In the underground secret room full of equipment, Carol was actually not the only one.

There is also a little girl standing still.

Apart from white hair and dark skin, there is nothing special about him, but he stands still, as if he is not a living person.

late at night.

Vegapunk came here through the secret passage:

“Sorry for the long wait.”

Carol smiled:

“Where is it?”

“This is what General Sakaski asked me to pass on to you.”

Vegapunk took it and opened the box:

“I know everything.”

His eyes seemed to be shining brightly as he looked at Tunton Fruit:

“Okay, great.”

“What a perfect fruit.”

Although I haven’t figured out how to use it yet, the ability to synthesize memory metal is worthy of praise.

He put it away as a treasure, picked up the mushroom fruit, and looked at Carol:

“You should have seen the prepared pacifist.”

Carol was stunned:

“Could it be…that little girl?”

Vegapunk said:

“Yes, that’s the little girl.”

“This is the latest pacifist developed.”

“I haven’t decided on a code name yet.”

“After all, this is just the first generation.”

“And it’s not perfect.”

“But this fruit is perfect for eating.”

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