
Carol’s silhouette from the bottom of the island.

Teleported directly to the castle above the stairs to the sky and surrounded by residential areas.

It’s not bright yet.

However, under the pressure of the Poker Pirates, people on the entire island got up to work, assembling and building the parts of the so-called ‘King Cannon’.

And build huge castles for the pirates of the pirate group to live and enjoy.

When Carol appeared in the palace, the Big Bear King was sleeping soundly with an incoming resident in his arms.

The sturdy Big Bear King looked like a chimpanzee over three meters tall. Carol frowned slightly and took out a high-explosive current grenade.


A clear voice sounded.

The Big Bear King woke up instantly and opened his eyes suddenly.

His whole body turned into steel, he rolled out of bed and looked at Carol:

“Someone is coming!!!”

The huge roar made all the pirate group members in the entire castle tense.

Keep running towards the central palace.

Carol made no move, holding a high-explosive current grenade and looking at the Big Bear King:

“King Big Bear, captain of the Poker Pirates.”

“Superman type – user with steel fruit ability.”

“The dream is to build a ‘King Cannon’ to rule the world.”

The sounds of chaotic footsteps outside kept getting closer.

The Big Bear King’s pupils shrank sharply, looking at Carol with some uncertainty, staring at him:

“You know a lot.”

He even knows everything about his fruit abilities and dreams. In his impression, this kind of intelligence ability can only be possessed by the navy.


Carol’s figure disappeared instantly.

The paste, like a wave of water, fell from the sky and hit the place where Carol was, exploding and condensing.

The blow missed, and the water-like paste rushed into the windbreaker floating in the sky, condensing the figure.

The only fruit-powered user of the Poker Pirates, Queen Sweetheart, fell from the sky.

He looked at Carol who appeared on the bed and returned after sending away the residents who had been plundered by the Big Bear King.

“What a handsome guy.”

“Are you interested in joining us~”

The Big Bear King roared directly:

“Don’t be a nymphomaniac! This guy might be a marine!!!”

A trace of regret flashed across the beautiful face of the Sugar Queen:

“That’s such a shame.”

Then three other strange-looking officers rushed in with a group of assembled pirates.

With everyone gathered together, the Big Bear King gained some confidence.

Nothing else….

That guy was really too calm…as if nothing mattered…

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Carol raising the hand holding a high-explosive current grenade.

The Big Bear King frowned slightly and said:

“You are a marine, right?”

“The teleportation just now was a fruit ability.”

“It’s really scary…”

“But underneath the palace where we are, is the lifeblood of the entire island.”

“The clockwork that drives the entire island.”

“If it is destroyed, the entire island will fall and all the residents on the island will die.”


His eyes were fixed on Carol.

Carol chuckled:

“Yes, I’m a Marine.”

“But…what does that have to do with me.”

“Are you kidnapping me morally?”

Smile’s cruel words shocked the pirates in the palace and their minds went blank for a moment.

This…is the navy? ? ?


Carol disappeared.


The high-explosive current grenade rolled into the middle of the crowd at some point.

Except for the big bear king who is made of steel, and the sweet queen who is a special superhuman type and a user of paste fruit ability, everyone else wants to run away.

But I just lifted my feet…


High-voltage current swept through the entire palace instantly.

No one is spared, not even the two Devil Fruit users…

After all, steel and paste are not insulating…


Carol reappeared and yawned:

“Idiot, I lied to you.”

Carrying two Devil Fruit Recyclers and ignoring the screaming and twitching pirates in the room, he walked to the Big Bear King and squatted down.

Although his whole body was paralyzed by the electricity, the Big Bear King still maintained his steely state.

Carol smiled, and the afterimage of her arm flashed past.

The needle tip of the Devil Fruit Recycler was attached with an armament color, and it pierced directly into the Big Bear King’s pupil and penetrated deeply into his brain.

The severe pain made the Big Bear King blush all over, and a beast-like roar came from his mouth.

Carol knocked on the Big Bear King’s body with her hand, making a thumping sound:

“The inside has also become steel.”

He stood up and pulled out Ying Shi from his waist, and gently drew it across the Big Bear King’s neck.

Big Bear King’s

The head fell off… rolled around a few times, and the Devil Fruit in the Devil Fruit Recycler slowly took shape.

Carol casually stabbed another Devil Fruit Recycler into the body of the limp Sweetheart Queen, and chopped off the Sakura Ten in her hand.

Another Devil Fruit is slowly taking shape in the recycler…

He pulled out two Devil Fruit recyclers, looked at the Devil Fruit inside, and the unconscious and twitching pirates here, and threw out two high-explosive electric grenades again.



The pirates in the palace were swept by three waves of high-voltage current… none of them survived.

Carol, who appeared under the island, sighed after seeing what was happening:

“It’s so convenient.”

One pot at a time…


New World, Punk Hassard.

early morning.

Carrying several Devil Fruits, Carol appeared in the underground research institute with a tired look on her face.

If nothing else, Vegapunk will come late at night.

I found a place in a daze and lay down…

When I was almost asleep, I felt some itching on my face, and I opened my eyes drowsily.

Only to find two unfamiliar faces appearing here.

There was a serious person doing experiments, and the other one was the girl in front of him.

The itchy feeling on her face was caused by the girl with the evil smile shaving her face with a feather.

Carol stood up and frowned slightly:

“You are?”

The girl with a bad smile said:

“My name is Lilith, and that guy is Shakya.”

The man named Sakyamuni put down the experiment in his hands, turned around and said:

“Don’t worry, Mr. Carroll.”

“We are clones of the original body.”

“The real body is what you call Vegapunk.”

Carol nodded slightly:

“That’s it…”

“what time is it now.”

Shakya said:

“It’s almost three in the afternoon.”

Carol said softly.

The bag containing the devil fruit was still at his feet, and Carol picked it up:

“Then I’ll leave this to you.”

“Here are the Hot Fruit, the Iron Fruit, and the Slow Fruit.”

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