Malinfando, Motobu Academy.

In the principal’s office, I felt the overbearing atmosphere of the collision in the fortress.

Zefa and Morris stood up suddenly and looked at each other:

“not good!”

“Something’s going to happen!”

He rushed out directly.


Everyone in the headquarters looked up at the central fortress.

The sense of oppression and murderous intent there made all the soldiers feel uncomfortable:

“what happened…..”


“There won’t be a fight.”

“No way…”



The outline of the headquarters can be faintly seen on the warship.

General He felt his heart sink when he felt the two faint overlord looks coming from him:

“Full speed ahead.”

After giving the order to the adjutant, he stepped on the moon steps and quickly rushed to Malinfando’s location.

Behind… a blue figure with a violent aura, like a shooting star in the sky.

He instantly surpassed Lieutenant General He and disappeared into the air.

General He’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his steps became a little faster:



Malinvando, in the Marshal’s office.

Except for Porusalino, everyone stood up, and the people in the row on the left unconsciously put their hands on their weapons.

It seemed like if Sakaski made a move, they would explode.

Porusalino looked at the people who were all standing up, feeling a little distressed, but he slowly stood up and looked at the two people who were clashing with each other across the marshal’s desk:


But the lightning flashed in Eniro’s hand, and the gold bracelet was melted into a short stick, pointed at Porusalino:


Porusalino raised his hand helplessly:


Sakaski stared at Sengoku and spoke in a suppressed voice:

“As Admiral of the Navy.”

“What you should consider is how to eliminate all enemies with the minimum cost of casualties.”

“Not for those enemies, compassion overflows.”

“There will be casualties in war. This is undeniable, but many of them would not have died, or died heroically on the way to eliminate the pirates.”

“But because of the supreme commander’s stupidity and betrayal, his sacrifice was meaningless.”

“Are the lives of our soldiers not worthy of mercy?”

“When you exposed the revolutionary army, did you consider the lives of the navy officers?”

Everyone in the office was stunned and looked at Warring States in shock.

Warring States did not speak, but his breath was stagnant and was suppressed by Sakaski.

Garp looked struggling and said:


Enelu’s golden short stick moved over and pointed at Garp:

“Don’t move, old man.”

Porusalino seemed to let out a long sigh of relief and lowered his raised hands…

Garp’s expression also darkened and he looked at Enelu.


The hall of the marshal’s office was directly smashed through.

Barrett in ghost mode revealed his body and walked out.

With the blessing of the multiplication fruit, Crane rushed here almost as soon as he saw Barrett disappear.

Looking at Garp pointed at by Enel, he grinned:

“What, you want to do something?”

“Old man, I’ve been displeased with you for a long time.”

“Doubled… ten times faster.”

In the horrifying eyes of everyone, the armed color flowing in Barrett’s arm condensed into the shadow of the evil ghost, and directly hit Garp.


The headquarters fortress immediately trembled.

Half of the room where the marshal’s office was located completely disappeared, and Barrett and Garp tangled together and rushed towards the back mountain.

The roaring sound kept coming, and the others didn’t react for a while.

Here, Sakaski’s arm suddenly turned into magma, emitting thick black smoke:

“The leader of the revolutionary army is the dragon.”

“Garp’s son is also named Dragon.”

“The government has just discussed a strategic plan.”

“The Revolutionary Army of the Grand Line began to retreat.”

“There are many more…it’s a coincidence.”

“Warring States.”

At the end of the sentence, his tone was cold and terrifying.

Warring States took a deep breath, closed his eyes and spoke slowly:

“What do you want, Sakaski?”

Sakaski spoke indifferently:

“How about it?”

The thick smoke on the arm suddenly erupted several times, and the strong wind exploded.

The fist rushed in front of Sengoku almost instantly:



A deafening bell rang.

At some point during the Warring States Period, his whole body transformed into the golden body of the Buddha.

Right fist collided with Sakaski.

The blast of air shook everyone in the room and pushed them backwards.

The two men, who were staring at each other, stepped forward.

Two rays of light, one red and one gold, directly broke through the office room.

Top, soar into the sky.

Kuzan’s feet moved and he just took a step.


The electric light on Enel’s short stick shone brightly, and the arc of electricity that erupted from his body hit Kuzan along with the short stick:

“Don’t seek death.”

Kuzan’s arm with a weapon-colored arm was pressed against the short stick, and he looked at Enelu:

“What’s the meaning.”

The electric light on Enelu’s body was even more dazzling, and his tone was solemn:


The eyes of both parties turned cold, and after looking at each other for a moment…


Porusalino looked at the two disappearing people, shook his head, radiated light all over his body, rushed out and disappeared along the disappearing roof.

There were only a few lieutenants left in the room, and they were a little overwhelmed.

But Dauberman, Flying Squirrel and others on the Sakarski side looked at Huo Shaoshan and others on the opposite side, and slowly drew out their weapons:

“Let’s compete?”

Huo Shaoshan and others had a headache:

“It’s not that bad…”

But looking at the actions on the other side, his hand was also on the weapon…

“Stop it!!!”

With a roar, Zefa appeared here with an angry face:

“Why are you joining in the fun!”

“Everyone go help me organize manpower and calm the soldiers’ emotions!”

“What are you doing standing still! Go quickly!”

Zefa’s authority and orders are still very effective.

Even the more unruly people on Sakaski’s side put down their hands on their weapons and turned around to walk out.

It broke out so fast that there was no time to stop it.

Morris had already turned around and organized the manpower on the way here.

After everyone left, Zefa felt a little headache as he sensed the battle between the three parties. After thinking for a while, he prepared to stop Enilu and Kuzan first.

These two are the best to stop, and they are also easy to follow to break up the fight…

When he turned around and was about to leave, he saw phone bugs scattered on the ground out of the corner of his eye:

“Almost forgot….”

Pick up the phone bug….


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

Office of the Marshal.

Through the glass, countless light spots condense.

Porusalino’s figure appeared, walked to the sofa, poured a cup of tea and sat down:


“It’s really leisurely ~ Marshal ~”

Marshal Kong laughed and said:

“Why are you here suddenly, kid? What’s the matter?”

Porusalino was a little troubled:

“Hmm~ How should I say~”

“That’s right~~~”


Hearing the phone bug’s voice, Porusalino breathed a sigh of relief:

“I shouldn’t need to say anything~”

Marshal Kong was a little confused, looked at the phone bug, and picked up:

“Hey, Sengoku.”




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