Over the Wano Country, above the clouds.

A ten-meter-long small ark was flying rapidly.

Enel was lying down, holding an apple and looking at the scenery below while tossing it.

Luo sat next to him and frowned slightly:

“So this mission is that General Sakaski will cooperate with Kaido, one of the four emperors?”

“Is there any mistake? The navy can also cooperate with pirates?”

Enelu chuckled lightly, took a bite of the apple and said:

“Young people, you must know how to be flexible.”

“There is no conflict in the cooperation between the two parties this time, right?”

“We need them to disrupt the new world, and they need those interests to stand in front of us.”

“fair enough.”

“The only one who loses is the unlucky guy.”

“But…what does it have to do with us? They are just pirates.”

The corners of Luo’s mouth twitched… What he said made sense, but it was still weird…


The voice of the phone bug rang. Enel took out the phone bug and took a look:



Luo’s attention was attracted.

Enelu smiled and answered the phone:

“What’s wrong, Rocinante?”

Rosinandi’s somewhat twitchy voice came:

“Uh…how should I say…”

“General Sakaski and my father…”

Enelu interrupted:

“Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

“The conflict between the older generation has nothing to do with us.”

“do not think too much about it.”

Rosindi’s voice came:


“That’s good, I’m still afraid of being separated.”

Enelu smiled and said:

“What are you thinking about all day long?”

“By the way, that brat Rona is here too.”

Then he threw the phone away and gave it to Luo.

Luo quickly caught it:



Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

Inside the headquarters hospital.

In a separate single room, Garp was sitting on the bed wearing a bandage.

Grab some fruits and snacks to eat.

General Hezhong sat on the chair next to him, folding his arms and closing his eyes to relax.

Warring States stood by the window, looking at the busy soldiers and people outside.

After looking at it for a long time, Warring States sighed.

Turning around and looking at Garp:

“How is the injury?”

Lieutenant General He also opened his eyes and looked over.

Karp burst out laughing:

“Hahahaha, it’s no big deal.”

“That boy Barrett is still a little green.”

Thanks to the timely suturing by the navy doctor, and Garp’s abnormal physique.

Even the broken bones on the left side of the face have been initially integrated, but there is still some severe pain when eating.

But these severe pains are not a big problem for Garp.

Warring States walked to the bed and sat down:

“After all, we did something wrong in this matter.”

Garp stopped his smile and sighed:


“Zeng Guo, are you going to resign?”

Warring States smiled bitterly and said:

“That’s right, do you think I still have the nerve to be the marshal?”

“But how do you know that?”

A look of guilt flashed across Garp’s face:

“I don’t have the nerve to stay any longer… I resigned from Marshal Kong this morning.”

“Marshal Kong told me.”

The Warring States Period sighed:

“What did Marshal Kong say?”

Garp looked up at the ceiling:

“What else can I say…”

“Same as you, you can resign, but you must retain your military rank.”

“I have been transferred to be the chief instructor of new recruits.”

There are some gods in the Warring States Period:

“As a recruit instructor…that’s fine.”

Lieutenant General He shook his head:

“You two…”

Garp looked at the ceiling:

“Are you disappointed in us, Xiaohe…”

“To actually do such a thing…”

Lieutenant General He said:

“In the entire headquarters, no one is disappointed with you now.”

“Nothing is more heart-wrenching than betrayal by your immediate boss.”

“But no one dared to say it.”

“Let Long take care of himself. If we face each other again…”

“It’s a fight to the death.”


Navy Headquarters, Headquarters Academy.

Morris organized branches around the world and reported the candidates for the elite class and sighed:

“That’s it again.”

Zefa, who was looking out the window, came to his senses:

“Why, it’s just mediocre again.”

Morris rubbed his temples:

“Since the Drake session, there have been several sessions in a row without any good prospects.”

It’s not impossible, Drake’s next term is pretty good, there is a natural type smoke fruit ability user…but

How can I put it… I can’t hold up my position.

“By the way, that guy Drake has graduated two years ago.”

“Where are you now?”

Zefa chuckled lightly:

“I’m with that boy Sauter.”

“There’s no need to worry.”

Morris shook his head and laughed:

“That’s good….”

Got up and moved around a bit:

“Okay, don’t think so much.”

“We have long been apart from Warring States Garp.”

“Concentrate on preparing for war.”

“Sakaski will take office later this year.”

“The so-called era of great pirates will also kick off its destruction.”

“Hurry up and train more naval cadres.”

Zefa took a deep breath:


“We are no longer traveling together…”


The great sea route, the windless zone.

A huge fleet is crossing the windless zone.

According to information from one of the Shichibukai, the Nine Snakes Pirates.

There will be a batch of arms shipped to the Revolutionary Army, escorted by the fleet of the Steam Pirates, across the Grand Route and transported to the four seas.

Because the high-end combat power of Nine Snake Island died at the hands of Sakaski…

The current Kuja Pirates do not have particularly strong combat power. They only have Kuja warriors with average overall strength, although they can use armed colors.

But facing the fleet of the Steam Pirates, one of the Four Emperors, they could only avoid its edge and inform the navy of the information.

Over the windless belt.

Above the clouds, the same huge fleet appears here, looming…

The difference is that these are Navy warships…

Sauter was floating in the air, looking at the almost invisible group of small black dots, calculating something:


“Put it in!”

A fleet of dozens of warships began to drop bombs downwards.

Densely falling like raindrops, they are all specially made bombs. Even if they fall into the sea, they will explode with high-voltage current.

at the same time.

A group of soldiers wearing special equipment and cloaks, led by Drake, were ready to go at any time.

After a while, all the bombs were dropped.

The fleet of warships began to swoop down, and Drake put on his goggles:

“SWORD, move out!”

Jump down first, equip the shoes with explosive power, and speed up the dive.

A group of people behind him also jumped down.

These equipments were all made incidentally after Enel plundered the Vinsmoke family’s scientific research materials a few years ago…

It has even been optimized by Vegapunk and is more powerful than the original equipment of the Vinsmoke family.

Sauter chuckled and activated his ability.

There were dense missiles floating behind them, and they also swooped down. They arrived at the battlefield first than Drake’s secret special forces and began the annihilation battle.


South China Sea, Kingdom of Sobel.

In the previously crowded conference room, only three people were left: Long, Big Bear and the commander-in-chief of Nanhai, Lindbergh of the fur tribe.

Everyone, including Sabo and others, set off secretly to the other three seas.

Because the revolutionary army retreated to all directions, the situation had just stabilized.

A split scandal broke out in the Navy, and Long took the opportunity to order the leaders of all bases to convene a meeting.

Led by the commander-in-chief of each sea, all the persons in charge of all the bases were required to be present, so no one suspected anything and went to the gathering point of the conference in each sea.

Only the top brass at the headquarters knew that this was a bloody purge…

It has been more than half a day since Long gave the order, and he has been staring at the report of the battle at the Navy Headquarters on the desktop.

Both Daxiong and Lindbergh were a little confused.

After half the payment, Lindbergh finally couldn’t hold back and asked:

“What’s wrong, Commander-in-Chief?”

“The division of the navy is a good thing. Is there anything in it that is detrimental to us?”

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