After a brief meeting, Sakaski led the two of them to the marshal’s office at the headquarters.

Along the way, Aramaki chattered endlessly. Sakaski occasionally nodded and smiled, sensing the soldiers he met along the way…

In the marshal’s office.

A few people sat down, and a soldier came in to pour tea.

Sakaski sat on the marshal’s chair and looked down:

“The war is ongoing, so I can only give you a simple welcome.”

“You two have joined the navy for some time.”

“If you have any thoughts on the current navy, you might as well chat.”

Arammu said with some exaggeration:

“No no.”

“Under the leadership of Mr. Sakaski, this Navy is simply perfect!”


Yixiao also nodded:

“Yes, under the leadership of Marshal Sakaski.”

“Even the lowest-ranking naval soldiers have extremely firm beliefs. Such an army is admirable.”


A little hesitant, not knowing how to speak.

Sakaski saw the hesitation and smiled:

“There are no outsiders here.”

“If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me.”

Yixiao nodded, thought for a moment and said:

“Marshal Sakaski’s style of governance must be a bit harsh…”

“To some extent, many innocent people may be directly strangled by the navy during the battle.”

“Like the Kingdom of Germa, betraying the government and colluding with the four emperors is certainly abhorrent, but this is a decision made by the top brass within the kingdom. To directly destroy the country without leaving anyone behind, this…”

Aramaki was a little unhappy next to him. After all, he was the one who carried out the task, and this kind of task was also very to his liking:

“Hey! Smile!!!”

Before he could finish speaking, Sakaski raised his hand to signal him to stop.

Sakaski looked at the new general:

“Yixiao is right. This way of governing will indeed accidentally injure many people.”

“I can even tell you clearly that there are far more people accidentally injured than you think.”

“But as the marshal of the navy, the first thing I want to ensure is that the soldiers can minimize casualties, rather than pity the innocent people who are mixed with the pirates.”

“Perhaps you may not understand, but as a naval marshal, I must consider the overall situation.”

“We can’t tell whether what he said is the truth. Letting some people go just because they are pitiful would be irresponsible to the lives of naval soldiers and the world.”

“There may be innocent people in the Germa Kingdom, but have you ever thought about how much casualties the materials they secretly transported to the New World in a year would cause to our army…”

“The purpose of this war is for the future of this world, so that there will no longer be so many tragedies on the sea.”

“In order to prevent so many orphans, widows, and ruined walls on the sea, the number of people who die at the hands of pirates every year ranges from hundreds of thousands to incalculable.”

“The navy currently has hundreds of thousands of troops deployed around the world.”

“The easiest way to eliminate the pirates is to detonate the three End Pont islands in the new world and burn them to death.”

“But ordinary people in the New World numbered in the millions,”

“If you were a naval marshal and you were asked to choose one side to survive between the lives of millions of people and the lives of hundreds of thousands of naval soldiers, what would you choose?”

Yixiao’s mouth opened slightly, but he wanted to say something but couldn’t. What he wanted to say was stuck in his throat.

Sakaski smiled, stood up and walked to the window, looking at the sea in the distance:

“Just like you can’t make a choice, many people can’t make a choice either.

“The value of life can be judged just because there are fewer people?”

“The lives of millions of people are important, but the lives of hundreds of thousands of naval soldiers who fought bloody battles are not?”

“I can also maintain a balance and minimize sacrifices like the previous marshals, and the sea will remain the same as it has been for decades.”

“Because choosing one side’s life or death from the lives of millions of people and the lives of hundreds of thousands of naval officers is a sin that no one dares to bear.”

“The result is that there are still hundreds of thousands of deaths recorded every year, hundreds of thousands of families are broken up, and millions of lives are affected.”

“But this has nothing to do with us, does it?”

“We can still sleep and live with peace of mind, because these are all done by pirates.”

“As a marshal, I choose balance, as a general, I choose to hang high. Maybe some kindness comes out occasionally and saves some suffering people, and I am simply regarded as the savior…”

“It’s been like this for eight hundred years

Came here…”

Sakaski turned to look at Yixiao and Aramu, and asked a question:

“After the world conscription began, you should all feel the enthusiasm of the people.”

“Why do you think so many people joined the navy after the world conscription was announced?”

Aramaki scratched his chin and thought for a while, then said with a hint of enthusiasm:

“Maybe it’s because of Mr. Sakaski’s methods.”

“Treating everyone without mercy is the most desirable and admirable thing!”

Sakaski chuckled and looked in the direction of the smile.

After thinking about it for a while, Yixiao said:

“Because of pirates…”

Sakaski nodded slightly:

“That’s right and that’s wrong.”

“Hate for pirates alone is not enough.”

“Because they see hope.”

Yixiao’s face became serious, and Arammu became more serious:


Sakaski walked to the hanging map of the new world war situation:

“Sakaski’s name may have some effect, but it cannot affect the whole world.”

“The hatred for pirates will drive countless people to join the navy, but there will also be many cowards.”

“What really makes people all over the world join the army enthusiastically is because we bring them hope.”

“A hope to eliminate all pirates in the world…”

“There has never been a naval marshal with a reputation as ruthless, cruel, and cruel as mine…”

“But it is precisely because of this that it will bring a sense of security to the people of the world who have endured the scourge of pirates for eight hundred years, and firmly believe that we will definitely win.”

“Can you imagine that it took decades for an island to recover after being massacred by pirates?”

“Because of the start of the world’s military conscription, most of the young people have come to join the army…”

“That’s hatred that goes deep into the bones…”

“The hatred that cannot be erased even after decades…”

“We gave them hope and they put everything on us.”

“The word justice we carry at this moment is no longer just a simple word.”

“It is hope, it is righteousness, it is the expectation of the whole world.”

“We will definitely win this war based on righteousness, but at the same time… the sacrifices will be small.”


“But there is always someone who will do, choose, and bear the burden…”

“I will make the choice between the innocent people who are involved and the justice of the world.”

“I choose between the lives of millions of people and the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.”

“I will bear the burden of the innocent people who died in this war and the heinous sins.”

“Even if you insist on having your own way…”

“I also want to eliminate the source of this suffering…”

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