
Far away in the depths of the new world, angry roars came from the ship of the arriving red-haired pirates.

Boom boom——

The overlord color swept out unscrupulously, red lightning sparked and raged between the sky and the earth, and a big hole was directly opened in the thick clouds.

The huge waves on the sea are surging, all revealing the extreme anger.

The red-haired Shanks’ eyes were as red as an evil ghost, staring at Sakaski. In his past life, he had never hated someone so much.

Eat its flesh, sleep on its skin…

He wanted to give up everything and fight to the death with the navy, but the only trace of reason he had left suppressed him…

The clenched fists crunched…


New world, new Malinvando.

After Sakaski let go of his hand, the body of Uta, the red-haired daughter of the Four Emperors, fell down weakly.

But the live broadcast did not end, and Sakaski was still standing on the execution platform.

Carroll appeared far away from the execution platform and nodded to indicate that everything was ready. The screens of everyone watching the live broadcast around the world were instantly switched.

The picture that appeared was of a sea. Looking down from a high altitude, you could even see the arc of the sea. It was obviously the highest level of the atmosphere.

Sakaski’s voice sounded faintly:

“Let’s take a look at these big shots who have shattered countless families and destroyed countless lives…”

“How do you behave when you face the death of a loved one…”

In the video footage overlooking the sea.

Something seemed to erupt in the sea below.

The almost substantial crimson domineering energy swept over and spread across the sea.

The clouds below were affected by the impact, and a large hole was opened directly, followed by a roar that resounded throughout the world:


Those who are familiar with it will definitely recognize that this is the voice of red-haired Shanks…

The picture just now was played back using the navy’s latest technology, and then there was a pause.

There was some shaking, as if the person holding the phone had stood up, and an indifferent whisper sounded:

“Doubling – 100 times faster!”


There was a loud noise and the video switched almost instantly.

What appeared on the screen were the angry red-haired pirates and the red-haired Shanks. Their eyes were red, watching the live broadcast with disbelief and a crazy killing intent on their faces.

Regarding the sudden appearance of the person, everyone in the red-haired pirate group reacted instantly and took action one after another.


The screen plunged directly into darkness…

Although it only lasted a moment, everyone could clearly see Shanks’ face and his angry emotion…

The screen cut back to New Marine Fando, aiming at the execution platform.

The cloak of justice behind Sakaski fluttered, and a demonic voice sounded:

“It turns out that the so-called four emperors will also feel pain.”

“These unscrupulous sea emperors rely on force and inflict pain on people at will, treating it as fun, freedom, and happiness…”

“All we’re doing is giving him back the pain he inflicted on people.”

“I didn’t expect this kind of performance. It’s really disappointing…”

“Faced with the death of a loved one, I am also so angry and helpless. I am no different from ordinary people…”

“Then what is the reason why they have never felt this kind of pain before…”

“They relied on their powerful talents to roam the sea without any scruples, thinking that there was no one in the world who could defeat them.”

“They clamor for freedom and bring pain to people.”

“They scream dreams and deprive people of their lifespan.”

“They clamor for war and want to destroy the world.”

“They clamor for profit, but they suck the blood of the world.”

“They cholera the whole world, and even have a vague myth, making people think that the so-called four emperors cannot be defied.”

“But everyone saw it today, they… will also feel pain.”

“This is easy to handle…”

“We will give them back all the pain they have inflicted on people and the world.”

“Let them experience the feeling that their lives, dreams, and the foundation they have worked for for decades have all come to naught…”

“Pirates of the New World…”

Sakaski looked directly at the video phone bug.

The sharp eyes seemed to be staring at everyone who was looking at the phone bug:

“The navy is coming…”

The sound spread all over the world, and everyone watching seemed to have lost their voices and became strangely quiet…



on islands around the world.

After saying that the navy was coming, the live video ended and the screen was cut off.

Only those four words and Sakaski’s grinning mouth remain in people’s minds…


Screams echoed over the island.

A middle-aged man with a broken arm, his eyes red, roared at the top of his lungs:

“Must win!!!!!”

Countless people came back to their senses and looked at the middle-aged man…


The entire island was immersed in a sea of ​​cheers.


The new world, the country of Wano.

Kaido, who was sitting on the throne, took a big gulp of wine, picked up the Hachisai ring lying next to him, and walked out.

Walking outside the main hall, I looked up at the sky of Onigashima, which is always covered with dark clouds. My head turned into a dragon and stretched upward infinitely.

Not long after, a huge green dragon rushed into the clouds.

The dark flame cloud flashed with thunder, lightning and fire, and was carried by the huge blue dragon as it flew towards the naval station against Kaido…



New World, Cake Island.

Charlotte Lingling stood up suddenly and stared gloomily at the closed live video:


After so many years, there is such a clear threat…


A huge explosion echoed across the island.


At this moment Perospero suddenly appeared in the palace:

“Mom, the navy has invaded!”

Charlotte Lingling didn’t say anything, and directly summoned Zeus to fly out. She had already sensed the coming people… There were only two of them:


The shore of Cake Island.

Garp looked at Charlotte Lingling rushing towards him and found that he stepped into the sky with his feet!

The strange thing is that the generals who arrived did not stop him, but stared at the figure standing there.

Facing so many pirates, Aramaki chuckled:


“Please become my nourishment!!!”

The vines all over the sky are intertwined with various abilities…


New World, Hobro Island.

The navy is currently at the forefront of the battle against Hale Nok’s island.

Long before Sakaski’s public execution, all soldiers were ordered to evacuate…

Some people who were unwilling to evacuate were constantly being forcibly taken away by the navy.

It has been half a day since the execution ended.

Seeing that there are still so many people who have not evacuated, the fleet managers have a headache. If they don’t evacuate, it will be too late…


First there was a sharp roar of steam, and the steam lance was fired at the rear of the fleet.

Then a white giant hundreds of meters tall fell from the sky and hit the fleet:

“Powerful explosive steam kill!!!”


Countless ice spread on the sea surface on one side of the fleet, rising upwards to form an ice sky:

“Ice Age!!!”

boom! ! ! !

Since the navy and pirates declared war, this was the first conflict between high-level combat forces that showed no restraint.


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