Carol also had a wicked smile on her lips:


But no matter how you look at this smile, you don’t think you are thinking of anything good.

The corner of Robin’s eyes moved imperceptibly next to him. This smile was so familiar. It was indeed the same strain, so sinister…

Robin seemed to have thought of something and hesitated for a moment before speaking:


“If something like this happened, would they really come to have a call?”

“And if there’s a conversation.”

“Then if they expose the news about the New World, it will spread directly throughout the world and have a great impact on the navy.”

“Isn’t it better to let the people know after the war is over?”

Except for the mainland of the New World, very little is known about what happened in the New World. After all, it happened last night, and it was just the morning of the next day.

If you want to spread it around the world, you have to at least wait for newspapers to publicize it, and it will take some time.

But if we want to have this kind of conversation, I’m afraid the whole world who is broadcasting it will know about it…

Carol said with a smile:

“Whoever said there should be a dialogue must let them speak…”

After Robin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then helplessly held his forehead.

Okay, she really didn’t expect this, but this is too…


Carol looked at Robin’s helpless expression, spread her hands, and smiled.

Sakaski looked into the distance and said calmly:

“Pirates are rubbish.”

“What I’m after is the freedom to break away from the rules.”

“Lawlessness is synonymous with them.”

“And this freedom is often accompanied by personal heroism.”

“They let the world know themselves by causing killings and promoting force, but these are actually very low-level.”

“Relatively speaking, there was a conversation and meeting that could be recorded in history books.”

“Can they say no?”

“The war has reached this level, and the heads of the two forces are talking.”

“Can they retreat?”

“What do you think this conversation is about?”

“Is it a game of chatting, then commiserating with each other, with each other’s attention and admiration, starting the final battle, deciding the winner, and burying the loser generously?”

Sakaski chuckled and looked into the distance, and said in a leisurely tone:

“Are they worthy?”

“I’m not that boring, and I’m not an idiot like Sengoku Garp.”

“That’s all they have left of value.”

“Just like a clown, he will perform a pantomime called ‘Incompetent Fury’ for people all over the world tomorrow.”

“Come to please the world…”

Carol next to him took over the words with a smile and said:

“This is what they can contribute to the world.”

“One last bit of contribution…”


This news shocked the world.

It only took half a day to spread throughout the new world.

Even though they were currently on the sea because everywhere they looked was the sea, Hale Nok and Shanks, who had lost their way, were notified by the other two emperors and discussed tomorrow’s conversation.

Newspapers and telephone bugs around the world are also promoting it day and night.

I want to do my best to spread this explosive news to the whole world overnight…


New Malinvando.

In the marshal’s office.

Carol stretched her neck, stood up after processing the last piece of information, walked to the window, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled:


Relaxed a bit.

He turned around and walked to the table, picked up the documents, distributed them to various departments, walked out of the huge fortress, and returned home to use his abilities.


Disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared not long after, he was carrying two boxes full of desserts, and chocolate and pudding alone accounted for most of them.



Carol, who had just returned, glanced at Robin sitting on the sofa in the house and said:

“Is there a problem.”

Robin sat on the sofa, propped up his chin and looked at Carol with a smile:

“It’s nothing, just a little boring.”

The tone is a little strange:

“You are…”

He was holding a pink box in his hand, and it had a strong sweet smell. It was obviously full of desserts, but it didn’t look like it was for a man…

Carol put the dessert in her hand on the table:

“A little girl’s last supper.”

Robin was stunned:

“Little girl?”

Carol nodded and said:

“That’s right.”

“The last three-eyed clan on the sea.”

Robin was a little silent when he heard this.

Representative of the three-eyed tribe

Of course she, who is proficient in history, knows what she is talking about:

“Three-eyed people who can interpret historical texts…”

I couldn’t help but think of O’Hara’s destruction, which was also due to the interpretation of the historical text.

But based on their new understanding of the Navy, Carroll, and Sakaski these days, this crime does not seem to be important to them.

Because it can’t affect any plans at all, this war that determines the fate of the world cannot be controlled by a little girl who can interpret the text of history.

Robin was full of doubts at this time:


Carol smiled and said:

“Does it matter?”

Robin opened his mouth, but after thinking about the theory of the few people who controlled the world, he shook his head and said he didn’t know.

Carol sighed slightly:

“It doesn’t matter.”

“The important thing is, apart from the world government and us.”

“The pirates on the sea have a way to decipher the text of history.”

“Only this three-eyed clan gives them a glimmer of hope, or they can find the ‘son of the devil’ who escaped from O’Hara.”

“These are the only two options the pirates have.”

“They can’t find the ‘Son of the Devil’, so the only person left who can interpret the text of history is this three-eyed clan.”

“It doesn’t really matter whether she lives or dies.”

“But what she represents is important.”

“She represents the destruction of the last glimmer of hope for pirates, causing these great pirates who have struggled for decades to completely lose the ‘key’ to becoming the Pirate King.”

“The most cruel method for these lawless pirates.”

“It is to let the dreams they pursue, everything they own, companions, and family ties be crushed by the navy one by one, so that they can experience the feeling of being miserable.”

The corners of Carol’s mouth were raised high, and her words made Robin feel a little strange. He seemed to realize that he was losing his composure, and he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

“Is it bad?”

Robin shook his head and said softly:


“Maybe for the people whose families were ruined by pirates.”

“This method should be the best way to relieve anger.”

Carol said:


“So this is why the Navy has such support from the people of the world. They hate it…”

“But they are powerless. They are too weak. It is not easy to stay alive. How can they expect revenge.”

“But the appearance of Marshal Sakaski gave them hope.”

“They know that there is such a naval marshal, and they will use the most cruel methods to torture those pirates to death.”

“They have chosen to support the Navy to the best of their ability, contributing money and efforts if they have the money.”

“In some countries that were massacred by pirates, during the global military recruitment, almost all the younger generation joined the army. Can you imagine the hatred?”

Carol sighed slightly, the memory in his mind was blurry:

“Not just the people, but the navy too.”

“Marshal Sakaski has never mentioned his family, but he has been alone all these years.”

“When Chief Instructor Zefa was a general, his wife was murdered by pirates. If Enel hadn’t arrived in time, Sauter would not have survived.”

“But Sauter, who survived, lost his mother.”

“My hometown was massacred by pirates. Fortunately, I met Marshal Sakaski who traveled around the world a few years ago and saved me from dying.”

“Many elite lieutenants in the navy, such as Dauberman and Ghost Spider, were orphans saved by Marshal Sakaski during that period when he was exterminating pirates.”

“Most of the people who make up the middle and senior levels of the Navy have this experience.”

“It is this experience that has created today’s navy, its almost fanatical belief in Marshal Sakaski, and its unparalleled execution and cohesion.”

“This is not something that any successive naval agency has been able to do.”

“And facing the hostility of the entire world and a navy like this, what can those garbage on the sea do to resist?”

“They can only watch helplessly as everything they own is destroyed and destroyed, and they struggle for decades and end up living in vain, with nothing left.”

“Let them experience the pain they have inflicted on the world and then die in despair.”

“This is the cruelest punishment for them.”

“It is also the navy’s explanation to the world…”


New Malinvando.

A prison deep underground.


Carol and Robin came here with dessert boxes in their hands.

After just finishing the somewhat depressing conversation above, Robin asked to meet the little girl who was also able to interpret the ‘text of history’.

This is the scene today.

Robin glanced around. It was a small prison dug out of a small area. It only had one cell in the center, but there were many ventilation passages and stairs.

Behind the bars of the center cell.

An orange-haired ‘girl’ hugged her knees and leaned against the wall.

Although the appearance looks very mature, but just the body, the expression and temperament on the face are like a sleeping girl, there is a strange sense of dissonance.

A few seconds after the two appeared, the orange-haired ‘girl”s nose moved slightly, as if she smelled the smell of the dessert box, and she opened her eyes in surprise:

“Raw chocolate and pudding from Cake Island!”

Looking outside the prison, it was obvious that he was already very familiar with Carol.

Carol smiled and shook the box in his hand:

“They are all your favorites.”

He opened the cell door and walked in, placing it next to Brynn. Robin also walked in and looked at the orange-haired ‘girl’.

Brynn said thank you and took the box, but looked at Robin next to her:

“Who is this?”

There was a hint of smile in his eyes as he looked at Carol, as if he was curious about the relationship between Carol and Robin.

When Carol looked at her, she knew she was thinking of something inappropriate. She shook her head and said:

“What are you thinking about? Eat quickly.”

Brynn smiled and opened the box, feeling a little surprised:

“So rich.”

“What day is it today?”

The two dessert boxes were filled with desserts from the cake island, large and small, all of her favorite flavors.

But Carol did not speak, but sighed softly.

Brynn, who was reaching for her favorite Cake Island Pudding, paused for a moment with her arm, and then as if nothing happened, she picked up the pudding and put it in her mouth.

His face was also full of happiness, with a slight blush:


Carol nodded and said:

“If you like it, eat more.”

“I went to Cake Island to ‘steal’ it just for you.”

The smile on Bryn’s face grew stronger, she nodded and said:

“Do not worry.”

“I will never let down your good intentions.”

“I’ll definitely eat them all.”

The smile on his face continued, and his movements while eating the dessert became faster and faster, as if he was trying to push something down with the dessert…

But in the end, tears came pouring out, and I couldn’t control them anymore, dripping down from both sides:


My body kept shaking for a long time…

He suddenly raised his head with a ferocious look on his face, and stared at Carol with his eyes red from crying. He rushed forward and beat her body, and roared in tears:

“Why don’t you treat me like an ugly monster!”

“Why can you treat me like a normal person!”

“Why are you praising my disgusting eyes for being beautiful? Why!!!!”

“Aren’t you a navy! I’m a pirate! Why don’t you treat me like that!!!!”


As if he had lost all his strength, he collapsed on the ground with his hands covering his face:


If she was treated like that, she would not be unwilling to die. After all, in her past life, this kind of treatment and vicious words accompanied her in her childhood.

But no…

Everything here is different from Cake Island. There is no malicious intent. Some people just treat her as a normal person or praise her beautiful eyes.

These were things she had never experienced before.

No intrigues, no nasty guys calling her an ugly monster.

Although she was captured, she experienced a scene that was like a fantasy in a dream, and she was so sinking that she didn’t want to wake up…

There was silence in the underground prison for a long time, except for Brynn’s gradually silent sobbing.

I do not know how long it has been.

As if she had cried all her tears, Brynn took her away and wiped her tears, then suddenly laughed and said:

“Feel sorry.”

“I was a little emotionally unstable just now.”

“The desserts are delicious.”

“Thank you.”

Instead of looking at the two of them, he lowered his head and started eating the dessert again, so slowly…

Carol silently put down a handkerchief, turned and left.

Robin also felt a little heavy. He took a deep look at the girl, turned around and followed Carol away.

The prison is closed again.

This left the sound of chewing slowly.

The desserts in the dessert box were eaten bit by bit.

Not even a little bit of residue was left out. Finally, he licked the cream on his fingers, picked up the handkerchief left by Carol, carefully wiped his hands and face clean, and put it away.

He walked to the corner and leaned against the wall, staring at the ceiling in trance.

If I had mustered up the courage and followed Laura

My sister ran away…

She might be able to experience a life she never imagined, some good and some bad.

But no matter what kind of life there is, it should be better than living on Cake Island.

There is no such infinitely magnified evil among the pirates.

If only I had better luck.

So could it be her who is standing next to Carol today…

“What a blessing, Nico Robin…”

That’s right.

She recognized her.

The same kind of person who can also interpret the text of history…

He leaned against the wall and thought for a long time.

Somewhat relieved, Bryn slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep, preparing to face death tomorrow.

I don’t know what I dreamed about.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a hint of a smile…


The next day, noon.

Soldiers lined up in the square of New Marineland.

His face was full of pride and enthusiasm, waiting for that person to appear on the execution platform.

The reporters who came all night didn’t care about the match. They didn’t want to miss a second with their cameras in their hands.

On the execution platform.

The historical text that was originally embedded in the execution platform was now placed on a huge device after the execution platform was expanded.

The reporters took crazy pictures there, trying to capture this thing that could destroy the historical text as much as possible in their cameras.

Next to the huge device.

A shackled orange-haired ‘girl’ had her legs pierced and nailed to the execution platform, but her face was very calm, as if she was mentally prepared for everything.

As time goes by little by little.

It was getting closer and closer to noon, when the clocks in the reporters’ hands reached 12 o’clock.

An indescribable momentum filled the world, and everything on the island and in front of the image phone fell silent.




The crisp sound of leather shoes rang in the ears of everyone on the island.

Even if they were extremely far away, the reporters could hear it clearly, as if they were right in front of them.

This clear sound of footsteps shook people’s hearts with every step, and they lost all ability to think until…


The sound of leather shoes falling.

Indescribable momentum swept across, and people suddenly came back to their senses.

The figure with the cloak of justice flying behind him seemed to support the heaven and earth.

Already appeared on the execution platform! ! !

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