April begins in the year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar.

It was supposed to be a season when all things revived and spring flowers bloomed, but with Mary Joan’s shocking explosion, the whole world fell into an icy winter.

Endless volcanic ash enveloped the planet’s surface.

Natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes swept across the world in waves from the ruins of the original Mariejoia. The world also lost its communication capabilities due to the disruption of that disaster.

People are isolated on islands, resisting those disasters and waiting for the coming of light.

They don’t know what disaster has happened in this new world, and they don’t know what their future destiny will be. They can only rely on the knowledge in the three books issued by the navy to resist the disaster.

Waiting for the day when the world resumes communications, waiting for the figure carrying justice to appear…


The man named Sakaski walked step by step from the North Sea to the Grand Line, and from the Grand Line to the New World, bearing endless sins of murder…

Use the hottest magma to shatter the dark barrier shrouding the world.

When the volcanic ash covering the sky dissipates, the world will be greeted by a light that has never been seen before…



The world is gradually getting back on track.

When the World Federal Government, established by the Navy, announced the list of those killed in that war, the world fell silent. Only then did people know how tragic that war was.

Three years of war and seven days of decisive battle have completely wiped out the world…

Pirate side:

The Beast Pirates are destroyed.

The Four Emperors “Kaido” died, and the three major posters, Jhin, Quinn, Jack, Fei Liubao and other cadres and tens of thousands of pirates under their command were all wiped out by the navy.

The BIGMOM Pirates were destroyed.

The Four Emperors “Charlotte Lingling” died, and none of the thirty-four ministers including the Four Desserts, Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker, and Snag were left alive. Thirty-five of his subordinates Nearly half of the island was destroyed.

The Steam Pirates were destroyed.

The Four Emperors, Hale Nok, died, and all five of his commanders were wiped out. The Steam Pirates, the most powerful group in the world, fell apart. In the later period, the navy alone purged more than 300,000 people.

The red-haired pirates were destroyed.

The Four Emperors ‘Shanks’ died, and all the famous pirates under his command, including Beckman, Jesus Bu, and Lucky Lu, died. The islands under his command were wiped out, leaving no one alive.

From the rest of the pirate groups in the New World, large and small, not a single one was left during the three-year siege of the Cataclysm…

For the revolutionary army:

Due to its surprise attack on the former seat of the World Government, Marie Joa.

Incomplete statistics based on the new world federal government established by the Navy.

Long, the leader of the revolutionary army.

Bello Beti, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army in the East China Sea.

Karas, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army in the North Sea.

Mori, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army in the West Sea.

Nearly a thousand people who led the middle and high-level cadres of the Revolutionary Army, as well as tens of thousands of Revolutionary Army soldiers, were all killed in Mariejoia, and all disappeared in the disaster.

After the world restored communications, the newly established world federal government appointed Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, as the “Honorary Vice Speaker.”

And announced the identity of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, the former rear admiral of the navy.

He was posthumously awarded the rank of general based on all information on his participation in the Navy, the predecessor of the World Federal Government.

Moreover, the newly-appointed World Federal Government also announced the policy outline that was kept at the former Revolutionary Army Headquarters, and also announced the “General Outline” that had been kept at the former Navy Headquarters for a hundred years.

So far.

All the islands formerly under the control of the Revolutionary Army were absorbed by the new world federal government, and the detailed policies began to be implemented around the world.

As for world government:

As the supreme ruler of the original world, the Five Old Stars died.

The Knights of God, who guarded the Celestial Dragons, were destroyed.

The former World Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Kong, died.

All the Celestial Dragons and the Celestial Dragons, a clan of gods who had lived in Mariejoia and above Mariejoia for eight hundred years, died in that catastrophe.

Moreover, the Navy also announced an existence named ‘Im’, marked in red and bold font, Death.

As for the navy, the predecessor of the new world federal government:

Former Navy Headquarters, former Marshal, ‘Senshi’ was killed in the Warring States Period.

Former Navy Headquarters, former general, ‘Black Wrist’ Zefa was killed in battle.

Former Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, ‘Kizaru’ Porusalino was killed in battle.

The former admiral of the Navy Headquarters, ‘Qing Pheasant’ Kuzan was killed in battle.

The former admiral of the Navy Headquarters, ‘Green Bull’ Aramu, was killed in battle.

The former admiral of the Navy Headquarters, ‘Fujitora’ was killed in battle.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Karp was killed in action.

original navy edition

Lieutenant General Daubermann was killed in action.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Stoloberg was killed in action.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Hilber was killed in action.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Hubert was killed in action.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Bunir was killed in action.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Meredith was killed in action.

Former Lieutenant General of the Navy Headquarters, died in Huo Shaoshan.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Jimil was killed in action.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Maynard was killed in action.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Laculova was killed in action.

Former Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters……

The dense list of killed in action is frightening, as if there is no end in sight, from lieutenant generals, major generals, brigadier generals to corps commanders, soldiers…

The three-year war against pirates.

and the three-year purge during the Cataclysm.

The navy invested 573,427 troops, and as many as 486,571 people were killed.

These are not cold numbers in history books, but living lives…

When Sakaski was promoted to marshal and brought hope to the world, most of these young men who joined the army without hesitation with the expectations of their loved ones did not live to see the birth of the new world…

But each of their names and deeds are engraved on the Heroic Spirit Monument, so that people will remember them forever…

So far.

The powerful and powerful people in the world have been wiped out.

What followed was the new World Federal Government, and the three World Federal Government generals were announced to the public.

‘Blue Devil’ Barrett.

‘White Dragon’ Enelu.

‘Purple Lion’ Sauter.

With unparalleled power, the three men led the army to carry out a year-long campaign of suppression.

The main target is some “pirate countries”.

And during the three-year catastrophe, the “tyrannical country” took advantage of the chaos to attack and kill.

Of course, this is all for later…


After the Battle of Mariejoia.

The seventh day of the cataclysm.

Deep inside the summit of Upside Down Mountain.

This is the location that received the least impact from the catastrophe, because it is completely opposite to Mariejoia, the place where the catastrophe occurred.

In the simple house, the video phone with no signal played garbled code. Robin sat blankly by the window with a cup of tea, looking towards the direction of the new world, not knowing what to think.


The dumbfounded Robin turned around, frowning slightly, thinking he was hallucinating, but…


no! ! ! !

Robin looked around sharply.

The phone bug on the table actually had a signal and was beating constantly.

He stood up and walked slowly, and answered the phone with suppressed emotion. Robin’s voice was trembling:


Over there, Carol’s hoarse and haggard voice sounded:

“it’s me.”

(The above paragraph is the beginning of the extra chapter. Please give me five stars in the book review. Thank you~)

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