Alabasta, Santa Dora River.

As the mother river of the largest kingdom in the world, the Sundora River runs through almost the entire Alabasta.

But the only pity is…

The end of the river is blocked by mountains, making penetration almost impossible.

As for the desert people who have lived here for generations.

They have long been accustomed to the fact that if they want to sail, they have to go around the entire island, including the royal family and ships from all over the world.

But now…

Things they never imagined happened like a dream.

With the end of the Cataclysm, the navy intervened, and the survey team arrived and planned.

The port was temporarily controlled, the original three entrances to the river were abolished, only one was retained, and a towering military fortress was built.

In front of that towering fortress, no one would think that the pirates could break in.

And this is just the beginning…

They will never forget the scene that day…

A few days ago.

Alabasta, end of the Sundola River.

On a floating warship.

The breath of heat makes people drowsy, and the Santaola River below is calm.

From time to time there were sounds of discussion and quarrels in the cabin.

The sole heir of Alabasta, Vivi, has become queen.

Standing next to the guardrail of the warship.

Holding several planned drawings in his hands, he looked at the Santaola River below in ecstasy.

Thousands of years…

This idea was a flash in the pan in the minds of countless Alabasta kings.

Now the navy has actually got it in front of him.

The Santaola River is blocked by mountains, and the plan to connect it is in my own hands.

In the cabin, the designers who designed these plans were arguing about whose plan was better, and kept giving their reasons.

But the decision-making power is given to myself…

“Have you decided which plan to use, Queen Weiwei?”

Wearing a cloak of justice, the general of the World Federation Government, ‘Purple Lion’ Sauter, walked over.

“Actually, the plans are pretty much the same.”

“As designers, these are daily arguments, so don’t pay too much attention to them.”

“The decision is yours.”

Weiwei, who was wearing a crown, turned her head, still feeling a little dazed:

“I know.”


“It’s a bit unbelievable.”

“Connecting the Sundora River is actually something that every member of the Alabasta royal family has dreamed of.”

“But the manpower and material resources consumed are unimaginable.”

“Even in its heyday 800 years ago, it was only after a motion was proposed that it was abolished.”

“I didn’t expect it to be possible now. It’s really…”

Weiwei put her right hand on her chest, leaned down to salute, and said solemnly:

“General Sote, please convey this to Marshal Sakaski.”

“On behalf of the royal family of Alabasta and all the people, I would like to express my gratitude and tribute to the World Federal Government and Marshal Sakaski.”

Seeing this, Sauter also saluted and said solemnly:

“I will truthfully convey your gratitude and tribute to Marshal Sakaski.”

After receiving Sauter’s reply, Weiwei showed a smile on her face and picked up the drawings:

“These drawings are all very good. I am going to discuss them with the ministers.”

“It won’t be long.”

“There are also some gifts for the designers.”

Sot nodded and said:

“It’s okay, there’s no rush.”

“Connecting the Sentora River is just the beginning.”

“I’m afraid I will be stationed here for a long time in the future.”

“After all, Alabasta is so big that it would probably take decades for Seraph alone to transform it.”

“I’ll take you back to the palace first.”

The warship speeding through the air flew towards the palace of Alabasta.

Weiwei stood next to the warship, holding on to the guardrail tightly. The air blowing in her face brought a bit of coolness, which was fed back to the perception of her brain.

All of this is true…


The Royal Palace of Alabasta is brightly lit.

The noisy sound could be heard faintly outside the palace, and countless residents looked at the palace with curiosity, speculating that something big had happened.

“Choose this plan. After this plan is easy to connect, domestic communication will be more convenient.”

“No, no, this is the plan.”

“This plan is a long-term solution, and Alabasta will become the largest trade hub in the future.”

“No, the nationals should be given priority.”

“I think the follow-up desert control plan of this plan is the focus.”

“This set…”


Outside the palace, on the balcony.

Weiwei looked at the stars in the sky

, looking for which star his father is.

“Icarim, do you think my father will be very happy when he sees this plan?”

What he held in his hand was exactly the plan that focused on sand control after penetrating the Sentora River.

The curly-haired guard captain, Ikarem said softly:

“No matter which plan you set, the late king will be very happy.”

“This is a shackle that has trapped Alabasta for thousands of years, and now it is about to be severed.”

“Today’s world has really changed for the better.”

Weiwei suddenly smiled and her tone was somewhat emotional:


“Today’s world is really different…”

Under unified planning and management, the port was transformed and taken over by the Navy.

The emergence of identification cards has eliminated the possibility of pirates to the greatest extent.

According to the characteristics of the island, professional personnel design the plan.

Even if the largest superpower like Alabasta cannot use Seraph, it will be transformed by the strongest people at the top of the world.

This is something I never dared to think about before.

Whether it’s pirates, the navy, or the original world government.

If you want to invite such a person to take action, the price is simply not something Alabasta can afford.

Although it is just a piece of cake for those strong, but the strong are respected…

No one cares about what ants think, and no one will truly change the world.

In the past, even if all the property was spent, the Golden Lion might not be able to be hired to cross the Sentola River, and it would even be plundered.

But things are different now…

“Icarim, make an announcement.”

“Notify people across the country that those who are interested can go to the mountains to witness the completion of the Santaola River.”


Seven days later.

The mountains blocking the Sentora River.

There was a dense crowd of people coming from all over Alabasta, day and night.

The dusty clothes were covered with grains of sand.

The people who arrived took over the simple food prepared by the royal family and the world federal government, and looked at the river in the distance with eagerness.

Just to witness the moment that changed the entire Alabasta.

“Can it really be penetrated?”

“It should be true. Her Majesty the Queen has already issued an announcement, and the current government is Marshal Sakaski.”

“His order will definitely not be wrong.”

“That’s great. You don’t have to go around a lot when doing overseas business in the future.”

“After direct connection, commerce will also develop. In the future…”

“Grandpa, why are you crying?”

“Be good…Grandpa didn’t cry.”

“Grandpa is happy…”

As time passed, the sun also moved to the center of the sky.

Even if there were still people who had not yet arrived, they could not wait any longer. Weiwei stood at the highest point of the mountain and announced to the loudspeaker device:

“People of Alabasta!”

“We are about to witness a historic moment.”

“The Sentora River connection plan proposed, designed, and implemented by the World Federal Government is about to begin.”

“After completion, the Santa Dora River will be renamed the Santa Dora Canal.”

“Alabasta will enter a new era!”

“Let’s look forward to it together!!!”

After the silence, there was an explosion of fanatical shouts.

Countless people stood on the mountains, shouting until their faces turned red, and their voices seemed to spread throughout the world.

Amidst the excited shouting, Weiwei could not calm down, but she was still able to maintain her rationality and said to Sauter beside her:

“General Sote, please take action.”

Sauter nodded with a smile and flew out.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, he flew over the end of the Saint Dora River.

“All residents who have rushed to the mountains, as well as residents who have not arrived, stand still, grab the objects around you, and stabilize your body!”

Sauter’s domineering voice was like a loud bell, allowing everyone to hear it.

Wait until all the people follow suit.

Sauter took a deep breath and looked straight at the mountains ahead.

Raising his arms, his muscles swelled.

Snapped–! ! !

Putting his hands together, a crisp sound spread throughout the world.


With a roar, the mountains trembled.

The people on the mountains could only feel the peaks under their feet shaking violently and moving incredibly.

The people who didn’t arrive only saw the figure flying in the sky after giving the order.

As if commanded by God, the blocking mountains gave way one after another, moving towards both sides of the Santaola River, and the ground trembled crazily.

Looking down from the mountain peak, the Sundola River was forcibly torn apart.

The roaring sound is endless, and the deep rift valley is expanding and stretching towards the far distance.

The sea rushed away.

Everyone stared blankly at this miraculous scene, losing the ability to speak.

Until the sea water on the other side of the island collides with the sea water here.

The power of the explosion was like a super bomb exploding in the water, mushroom clouds rising into the sky, and jets of water hitting everyone’s faces…

“Long live!!!!!!”

All the Alabasta people looked at the great river with tears in their eyes.

Looking at those generations of Alabasta people, the scene in their dreams, the excitement cannot be expressed in words, and I can only express my mood with crazy roars…

On June 5, 1523 in the Hailian calendar, the Saint Dora River existed since the birth of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Under the witness of countless people in Alabasta, it was completely understood.

However, due to various factors, this river has not changed for thousands of years. Under the planning of the new government, it has been transformed into a golden river.

The connection of the Sundola River greatly shortened the time for supply and navigation through Alabasta.

No more having to circle the world’s largest landmass before heading to the next island.

It also brought Alabasta into a new era.

June 5th every year is also designated as Saint Dora’s Day.

On this day, people in Alabasta hold celebrations that are no less than New Year’s celebrations.

Time returns to the present.

After the Sundora River was connected, the desert control plan was implemented.

After thousands of years of erosion, more than 90% of Alabasta’s land area is sand. Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to control sand.

Therefore, in the design of the planning team, if we want to completely control it, we can only move all the sand out of the island and throw it into the sea to fill it with new soil.

The plan alone for this kind of super project is daunting, but with Sauter’s ability, the plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Basin-shaped red soil, comparable to the size of Alabasta, floats around Alabasta.

All the sand removed through the control ability is temporarily put here, and will be subsequently sunk into the windless zone for processing.

The ground level that was lowered after the sand was moved was broken and filled into the ground by the broken islands in the new world that were moved over.

Now the east side of the continent separated by the Sentora Canal has been replaced with sand, and the next step is the west side of the continent.

Port of Sentora, naval base.

Sauter, who had just started exchanging sand on the western mainland, returned to the house in the evening.

The familiar aroma wafted over, and there was a table of steaming meals on the table. Sauter looked at Ain who was busy in the kitchen and smiled:

“It smells so good. Why are you here? Do you have any new missions?”

Ain said while cooking the vegetables:

“Why, can’t you come if you don’t have a mission?”

“Is there something shameful?”

“I heard that the Queen of Alabasta also has blue hair.”

With a look of helplessness, Sauter walked to the kitchen and hugged Ain from behind:

“How is it possible? It’s not too late to be happy.”

Ain rolled his eyes at him:


Pour the food from the pot onto the plate and walk to the table together.

“There is indeed a mission.”

“The establishment ceremony of the new government is less than twenty days away. Deputy Speaker Carroll asked us to wrap up the ceremony.”

“There’s a guy over there in the Revolutionary Army that needs to be dealt with.”

“Hmm? Who is it?”

“Among the founders of the Revolutionary Army, she is the daughter of Bartholomew Big Bear and the only surviving member of the Revolutionary Army’s elders.”

“Joelle Bonney.”

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