It’s a pity that you don’t know how difficult it was for us at that time.

In those years, we had nothing but a vague goal.

But Marshal Sakaski never stopped moving forward.

Even the slightest bit…

——Carol’s Memoirs


You may not know what impact your brief appearance has had on my life.

You can’t imagine how important your brief appearance is to me.

I do not blame you…..


I didn’t expect that either.

——Relieved Nicole Robin


May I call you father, Mr. Lorca…

——Relieved Nicole Robin



——Carol (Rorka)


I can’t find it (hometown)…

—— Lieutenant General Hillburg (killed in action)


Forgive me for embarking on this journey before you were born, and I’m sorry that I can’t grow up with you, but dad hopes to live in a world without pirates and to be able to laugh freely on the sea.

This is why I brought you into this world.

—— Lieutenant General Hillburg (killed in action)


I want to kill all the pirates in the world! ! !

——Seven-year-old Hubert cried and swore in the ruins of the town.


When I was seven years old…

I was rescued by Marshal Sakaski….

Standing on the ruins of the village, I vowed to kill all pirates in the world…

A blink of an eye….”

Thirty-three years have passed…

The vows made at that time are about to come true…

Let me go back at this time…

I can not do it….

—— Lieutenant General Hubert, who directly pulled out the sword pierced into his body, refused to return to the rear to recover from his injuries.


Thank you for your sacrifice for justice…..

——The ruthless mechanical sound.


Everyone! Prepare to attack! ! ! !

boom! ! ! !

—— Lieutenant General Hubert who broke through the third defense chain of Cake Island (died in battle)


Are you finally done hiding, Navy brat?

——Roger of the massacre of the army.


Do you only swing your sword at the weak? You are garbage on the sea.

——Young Lieutenant General Sakaski.


Kid, do you want to die?

——Gloomy Roger.


wanna die.

——Indifferent Sakaski.



Navy boy, there is more darkness in this world than you think.

——Roger’s mouth curled up inexplicably.


You’re right.

But I don’t think a villain who just massacred thousands of people is very convincing.

—— mocking Sakaski who looked at Roger.


Just pirates, stop talking so shamelessly.

The navy is responsible for the justice of the world! ! ! ! !

——Sakaski who pulled Roger to self-destruct.


Brother Carol…

I can’t read.

——Stern three-year-old Enel looked at Carol.


I’m so stupid…so stupid…

——Carol, whose face was full of black lines, looked at three-year-old Enel.




——Three-year-old Enel is writing crookedly while reading.


Let’s go, Grandpa will take you home!

—— Lieutenant General Morris, full of joy, holds three-year-old Enelu.


Why save me?

——Twelve-year-old Barrett looked at the marine in confusion.


Because guarding this sea and protecting the people of the world is the responsibility of our navy.

——Carol said with a smile.


Dad, I want to join the Navy.

I want to have partners, I want to have comrades I can trust, and I want to protect everything I have.

——Twelve-year-old Barrett found his father.


Brother will pick you up in a moment, be good.

——Six-year-old Enelu who rescued three-year-old Sot.


What do you want to do to my boy?

Click! !

——Sakaski who opened the skull of the pirate who attacked Enel.


my dear

Is your son okay, Navy?

——Whitebeard who went to save his son.


See which head belongs to your son, and if you find it, I’ll give it to you.

—— Lieutenant General Kewell, base commander of Navy G4 branch.


No need to say much.

How can justice compromise with evil?

——Looking at the white-bearded Sakaski indifferently.



—— Lieutenant General Kewell, who was seriously injured, smiled intermittently.


Don’t you like luxurious funerals, Whitebeard?

——sarcastic Sakaski.


Go light the candles on the birthday cake, lava imp.

——The mocking Whitebeard.


How scary~Uncle~

Have you ever been struck by lightning?

—— Enelu who has not yet realized the danger.


Help! ! ! ! !

——Enilu after danger comes.


There is no absolute fairness in the world.

The value of people is not equal.

The word fairness depends on its own value.

The sun cannot reach every inch of the earth.

Where there is sunshine there will be shadows.



usurp the throne.

—— Sakaski, Education Enero.


Don’t let anger get the best of you.

—— Sakaski, Education Enero.


They are heroes.

What are we?

——Sakaski looked at Enelu who was struck by lightning.


They are pirates.

They must die.

The existence of such people is wrong.

They wander between justice and evil.

They accidentally acted bravely and were regarded as heroes.

While denying the evil of pirates, he also denied the justice of the navy.

As pirates, they did some good things.

It easily distorts justice and evil.

This is unforgivable to the soldiers who died in battle and the people who were massacred by pirates.

—— Sakaski, Education Enero.


The advantage is mine! ! !

——The golden lion who got the news and prepared to destroy the navy headquarters.


Someone harmed me! ! ! ! !

——The Golden Lion was ambushed on the way to destroy the Navy Headquarters.


One day!

You will pay the price!

Just wait for me! ! navy! ! !

——The golden lion after escaping with a broken arm.


Thunder gossip.

——The wicked Sakaski knocked out a certain blue dragon with his mace.


Crush them!

——Barrett in ghost mode.



——Sakaski glanced at the little girl who knocked the ice cream onto herself.


Go buy a twenty-story one.

——Carol slowly reached into the pocket on the side where Sakura Ju was hanging, and took out Berry.


Get this chance to be a dog.

You have to thank the government, thank the navy.

Thank you even more…

Didn’t kill you.

do you know?

——Sakaski used his leather shoe to crush Crocodile’s head, which was trampled under his feet.


Ha ha ha ha ha….

have you seen….

Be the king of dogs.

—— Crocodile, who had just awakened his overlord color after being stepped on by Sakaski.



The dog king is also a king…

——Sakaski looked at Crocodile indifferently, and blew one of his hands.


Your question is good and gets the point.

But I don’t like your tone very much.

When you are a dog, you have to act like a dog, you know?

——Sakaski stepped on Crocodile’s head and crushed it.



——Marshall D. Teach, who had just gone to sea, was decapitated by Sakaski.


Find a freezer and freeze it.

——Sakaski looked at the headless body of Marshall D. Teach and said indifferently.


I want to plunge the earth into disaster…

——The ferocious golden lion Shi Ji.



Who will find out…

——The Roger Pirates, who arrived early, sighed when they returned.


That must be my son.

——Roger’s eyes flashed.


You don’t have a son at all.

——Rayleigh next to him had black lines all over his head.


There will be more in the future.

—— Roger laughed inexplicably.


The bloodline of the bloody butcher Gol D. Roger…

——The people of the country where Roger massacred more than 5,000 troops looked at the address on the intelligence with scarlet eyes.


The government will definitely investigate my whereabouts thoroughly.


The child is innocent.


Our friendship was built on countless fights.

You are as trustworthy as my companions.

It’s up to you to protect him for me.

——Roger, who was left alone before his death.


Anyone who crosses the line – die! ! !

——Standing in front of Lujiu, Rayleigh pointed his sword at the people of Kgesi Island.


Go ahead.

From the moment he had the intention to kill, his crime was unpardonable.

——Sakaski looked at Rayleigh, who was pointing his sword at the people, and said to Barrett indifferently.


Your Excellency said apology.

But no regrets.

Perhaps in your eyes, the lives of those more than five thousand soldiers are like ants on the roadside.

Even if they were trampled to death, it would just be a light apology, and then it would be as if nothing happened.

I had already guessed that the sinful bloodline would not be so easy to kill.

I prepared for the worst before coming here…

——King Dalons looked directly at Rayleigh, already prepared to die.


Get out of the way, Navy!

The child is innocent!

——Rayleigh was knocked into the distance by Barrett and looked at Lujiu anxiously.


I am a soldier, not a saint.

My orders are to stop you and…

Kill you! ! !

——Ignoring Rayleigh’s warning, Barrett attacked Rayleigh with a grin.


Babies are innocent.

Sakaski, I don’t want to argue with you.

Step aside!

——Garp, who went to rescue Roger’s orphan, looked at Sakaski.


court death.

——Sakaski’s face darkened and he looked at Garp who was attacking him.


You can’t do it, old guy.

——Barrett, who was covered in sword wounds, looked at Rayleigh.


You’re not even close yet, kid.

——Rayleigh gasping for air, his ribs cracked.



——Rayleigh, who was defeated and died, had his last thoughts.


Hello! One Piece! !

Where is the treasure you collected? ! !

You got that legendary secret treasure!

that! A huge secret treasure connected together!

ONE PIECE! ! ! !

——Looks like an uncle selling fish, shouting to Roger who is about to be executed.


Ha ha ha ha! !

Do you want my treasure?

I can give them all to you if you want.

——The corners of Roger’s mouth turned up inexplicably.


Execute quickly! ! ! !

——Seng Guo, whose eyes were splitting, shouted to the soldiers on the execution platform.


Go find it! ! !

I put everything in the world there! !

——Roger before he was stabbed through the chest and died.


how so!

A cursed baby is born!

This is the curse of the pirate era! ! !

——Dibalu’s mother cried bitterly (Dibalu, the person who issued the bounty for Sanji’s sketch).


Roger….why did you die.

What a new era.

Extremely boring…

Pirates are the rulers of the sea.

One day I will let you understand…

——The golden lion who was beaten into Impel Down City.


The child is innocent.

His sinful bloodline is original sin.

But he wasn’t even born yet.

His life has not yet begun, and he has not committed any crime.

He was sentenced to death simply because of his unchosen bloodline.

Such absolute justice.

I definitely won’t approve of it.

——Garp closed his eyes and said while undergoing the internal trial.


I can’t imagine this coming from a Vice Admiral.

What position do you stand on to be able to speak openly?

to say this.

navy! people! Still a pirate!

Not guilty?

Do you know how many people would have died if Barrett had not stopped Reilly because he was not born?

——Sakaski’s expression gradually turned cold.


If not for surveillance.

Roger wouldn’t call Reilly at all.

——Garp clenched his fists and looked at Sakaski.


You mean I’m wrong?

Carol, have you found any traces of the dragon?

Marshal Kong, I’m going to capture a naval traitor.

Send you his head.

——Sakaski turned around and left, preparing to kill the navy traitor Monkey D. Long.


Sakaski! ! ! !

——On the trial stand, Garp suddenly stood up and burst into murderous intent.


What are you angry about! ! !

You’ll also be angry when it’s your turn!

Then tell me! Shouldn’t the families of the more than 5,000-gram Gesi Island soldiers who were massacred by Roger be angry?

Don’t they have a life?

Their lives were cut short, and the futures of more than 5,000 families were completely destroyed!

Have you ever thought that they are all innocent!

Why should they forgive the son of the culprit!


What beautiful words can you say from the moral high ground? ! ! ”

—— Turning his head suddenly, Sakaski looked at Garp with the same murderous intent.


Take away Garp’s title of hero.





——The Five Old Stars on the Holy Land Marie Joa.


Name the pirate the emperor.

Which pirate can resist this temptation.

Those pirates in the New World are probably going to lose their minds.

——Sakaski looked at the title on the newspaper and chuckled.


You have a dark heart when it comes to playing politics.

——Carol sighed as he looked at the report of using only the title of emperor to control the pirate war in the New World.


You…are really here to awaken the weapons?

——Navy Lieutenant General Sauro, who hunts down Scholar O’Hara.


How stupid.

They don’t even have their own thoughts, so they come to punish us.

Blind trust in the law.

He even used it as an excuse to prevent the weapons from awakening.

You are just afraid of the past you know nothing about!

——Roaring Nicole Orbia.


I don’t believe them anymore.

So I couldn’t stay any longer.

From a legal perspective, this action was too brutal.

I just carried out my own justice….

You should go back to your hometown quickly and inform them, Olbia!

——Sauro who secretly let Nicole Orbia go.



A lifetime has passed on to a dog.

The dignified Vice Admiral let a criminal brainwash him.

——Sakaski’s face darkened after receiving the information.



——The eight-year-old Robin looked at the giant with some confusion.


Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Got hit! No more! dying!

Bastard! ! !

Help me tell my superiors that my son will take over my official position!

Ah, it turns out to be sleeves.

——Spangdine got up without incident after being hit by Nicole Orbia.


Isn’t this a felon who perfectly escaped from a naval prison?

What a magical encounter, Nicole Orbia.

The woman who has always denied any connection to Scholar O’Hara is here.

It’s almost like announcing to us that this is your hometown.

In other words, are the scholars here committing the same crime as you?

——Spangdine looked mockingly at Nicole Orbia, who was sweating.



Today, the world’s best archaeologists are going to die.

My work ends here.

All that’s left is to report to Lord Wulaoxing.

——Lazy Spangdine.


Why, it’s a lie, doctor.

It’s just an interpretation of ancient texts, why…

——The eight-year-old Robin looked at Dr. Clover in confusion.


You kid is so stupid.

Their purpose is to awaken powerful weapons.

Killing a lot of humans.

——Spangdine shouted to Robin angrily.


They know too much…

Activate the demon-slaying order.


Target all of O’Hara.

Knowledge is passed down and must not be allowed to travel beyond the island.

Never let anyone go.

Leave no one behind.

——The Five Old Stars who issued the order to erase O’Hara.



No! Lieutenant General Sauro!

——Ordinary soldiers looked at Sauro in horror as he lifted up the warship and smashed it down.


I no longer know what true justice is.

I just want to protect my friends.

Prepare to die! ! !

There is no good end to being my enemy!

——Sauro raised his warship and smashed it against another warship.


Report! Lieutenant General Sakaski!

An evacuation ship was spotted on the island ahead!

——Report from the soldier at the lookout.



——Indifferent Sakaski.


This…is a little too much.

——The lieutenant-general’s adjutant on another warship.


No one would trust a government that kills innocent people.

And the meaning of the Demon-Slaying Order is to completely eliminate…

They were dead from the moment the golden phone bug started.

But the government cannot bear this crime.

No one dares to stand up and bear this sin and infamy.

But no one can bear the responsibility of letting them go…

You can’t bear it, and neither can I…

—— Lieutenant General Prukon closed his eyes and spoke slowly while clasping the adjutant next to him who was criticizing Sakaski.


That refuge ship…

—— Back on the ship, I couldn’t help but ask Sakaski’s Eniro.


Breaking the law is only part of the story.

No one in this sea can question the legitimacy of the government.

They do it knowing they can’t do it.

Violate the government’s laws and violate the government’s taboos, just to pursue that empty ideal.

Live in your own world.

In the end, people and things on the entire island were involved.

But that’s not the main thing.

Do you know what the Demon-Slaying Order is…

——Sakaski’s indifferent voice sounded.


Authorized by the government and established by the headquarters.

Carry out indiscriminate and devastating attacks on the area where the signal is sent.

Used to completely eliminate things and people in an area that pose a threat to government rule.

——An answer to Sakaski’s Enero.


After all, this world is composed of 99% ordinary people.

Admiral of the Navy, King of Pirates, such a name may not be effective if thrown into the four seas.

The most ferocious person they have seen throughout their lives may be the butcher who sells meat in the town.

They cannot imagine the power of the strong

But if you bring ten warships to his door.

What do you think he will do, twenty ships? What about forty ships?

The purpose of the Demon Slaying Order has never been to destroy.

It exists for only one purpose.

That’s the shock.

Because of the inhumane nature of the Demon Slaying Order.

Only then can one shock the ninety-nine percent of ordinary people on the sea.

Although there are many newspapers and newsletters in this world.

But based on these alone, they couldn’t imagine the terror of the strong.

But they knew what would happen if shells fell around them.

If they are released.

Do you know what will happen?

– Sakaski asked rhetorically.


The means of frightening the sea were destroyed in one day.

No matter how I explain it, no one will believe it.

People only want to believe what they believe.

When the weapons used to frighten the world and the country lose their effectiveness…


—— Enel shuddered.


Is there no other way?

—— Kuzan walked out of the darkness.


Any other way?

The world doesn’t work the way you want it to.

Their only outcome is life or death.

Death may be their best ending.


In the ice and snow, the huge project in the East China Sea has been underway for seven hundred years. Where do you think people came from?

Your kindness brings them only endless torture and darkness…

Stupid idealist…

——Sakaski looked at Kuzan and said without emotion.


I decided to let you leave this island.

I want to see what will happen to the seeds that Sauro guarded with his life.

—Kuzan who let Robin go privately.


over the past thousands of years.

Pirates, a cancer on the sea, emerge in endlessly.

They did not engage in production and relied on burning, killing, and looting to survive.

It threatens people’s lives and property all the time.

The evil pirate Roger started the so-called era of great pirates.

The whole world thought it was a pirate carnival.

But what I want to tell you today is this.

This is the age of the Navy! This is the age of justice!

Our Navy carries the justice of the world!

The evil pirates will definitely be wiped out!

We will fight in the sky!

We will fight on the ground!

We will fight in the sea!

We will eliminate all evil and let people enjoy a peaceful and peaceful world!

justice! Must win! ! !

——Sakaski when he was promoted to general.


I don’t want any more feet.

Sent to you.

Thank you for taking care of me these past two years.

——The golden lion escaped from prison by cutting off his legs, grinning ferociously.


Jie hahahahaha.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! ! !

very good!

There are feet! ! !

——Use two swords to insert into the broken leg of the ferocious golden lion.


Find an angle.

It must be photographed to make it look like there is a lot of garbage below.

——Sakaski, who was sitting on the pirate head view, said to reporters.


This day has finally arrived.

I know you don’t belong here.

I won’t stop you.

But Usopp is still young…

Take another look at Usopp.

——Jesus Bu’s wife wiped away tears.



——Jesus Bu turned around and left to go to sea.


There will be a day on this sea.

There will no longer be any pirates, and people all over the world can sail the sea openly.

——Sakaski encouraging soldiers.



Most people with normal outlook on life will behave badly when they meet a weak person.

They will all have feelings of pity, sympathy, etc. because of their tragic experiences or past.

So let them go.

This is normal.

But it’s a pity.

I don’t feel that way…

—— Randomly blow up Sakaski, the head of the pirate who just left the sea.


I’ll prove I’m right, Roger…

Pirates are the rulers of the sea.

The great pirate era is just a play house for a group of star chasers.

I will let the world know what a real pirate looks like.

Just wait for me…

——The Golden Lion who is ready to overturn the world.


Even if the so-called truth is spread throughout the world tomorrow.

so what.

It’s just empty talk.

History represents the past.

And the past cannot be undone.

The life of an island was ruined because of something irreparable.

Isn’t this stupid?

– Said Carol, defending Robin.


It is understandable that people will have feelings after being together for a long time.

But the word “emotion” should not appear in us.

Because there are feelings, it causes more harm.

Her life experience is very pitiful, and her experience is very tragic.

But the action cannot stop. What we are planning is not just one family, one country.

There is nothing that cannot be sacrificed, not even you, including me.

If we can do it, don’t leave it to others.

It is enough for one generation to bear these sins.

——Sakaski said to the soft-hearted Carroll.


Our king is finally born.

There will probably be one born in that distant sea.

The day the two kings met again…

Whales will cheer too.

This time…it will definitely succeed.

——The communication between thousands of meters long super giant sea kings under the sea 10,000 meters away.


As long as I become the slave of the Celestial Dragon, I can see Stella…

——Tezolo thought in despair as he watched Stella being bought away by the Celestial Dragons.




It’s revolution.

——The dragon looked at the big bear and dissipated into the breeze.


Impossible, Torrebol’s life card is still intact.

It must have been seized by them.

——Flying rapidly through the sky, preparing to rescue Torrebol

Doflamingo said to the phone bug.



What did someone just say about intact?

I didn’t hear it clearly.

What means.

——Sakaski crushed Torebol’s head with his foot and asked the phone bug.



—— Doflamingo, filled with murderous intent, hung up the phone bug.


That turned out to be Oden’s son…boring.

Burn it with the castle.

——Looking at Momonosuke crying, Kaido lost interest and threw him into the fire.


Enelu, leave him the one in your hand.

Take the original with you.

——Barrett who snatched away the research equipment and materials from Vinsmoke Garage.


What a fate this is…

—— Shanks, who found Uta in the looted treasure chest, seemed to see himself back then.


I’ll take you…home.

——Bellemere was awakened by the baby’s cry and climbed up from the pile of corpses.


The purpose of the Shichibukai’s existence is to inhibit the development of pirates.

I’m not here to hide in Alabasta and be a hero.

Find a way for me to take the initiative to destroy the pirates.

Finally give you one year.

If you can’t prove the meaning of your existence.

Then don’t even think about it in your head.


——Sakaski who drank coldly to Crocodile.


Did that guy just want to attack us?

—— Enel looked at the two pirate ships submerged in the magma with some amusement.


Magma imp.

Do you think I’m worse than Roger?

——The dying golden lion.


They are all garbage on the sea. Compared to what, is it worse?

——Sakaski sneered.


How many times has it been…

I have really failed in this life…


——The golden lion who was defeated and died.


I still need you to establish your authority, old man.

——Sakaski casually unscrewed the golden lion’s head.


Let me join you as a pirate.

I wanted to destroy everything I saw.

Whether it’s towns, houses, or people, I will destroy them all.

I grew up in the ‘white town’ Freifans.

I don’t have much time left to live.

I’m going to destroy everything! ! ! !

——Lo, who escaped from the white town and fell into madness, joined the Don Quixote family.


I want to live!

I want revenge!

I want to become richer than anyone else in the world! ! !

Even the richest Celestial Dragon! I also want them to kneel down before me! ! !

As long as you have money! ! Everything can be done! ! ! ! !

——Tezolo escaped from Mariejoia amid the fire.


What a joke!

How can it be!

He He! ! ! !

Did you climb up from here? ! ! !

——The shocked search soldiers looked at the blood stains on the 10,000-meter-high cliff.


This world has become corrupt. One day, there will be a fire that will destroy the filth of this world.

Burn out…

——Carol who teaches Robin.



—— Caressing the black knife night, Jorakor Mihawk was defeated and died.


Even if the country is destroyed because of my whim, I will be forgiven no matter what.

Because I am so beautiful.

——Boya Hancock, who succeeded in her first battle and fell into narcissism.


Rude man.

When you break into this country where men are not allowed to enter.

It’s already a capital crime.

Hand over the Shichibukai’s appointment.

I will show you great mercy.

Allow you, a group of dirty souls to be tempted by my concubine.

Turned into a hard stone body.

——Boya Hancock looked at Sakaski on the warship and said with disdain.


Has no one ever taught you to fear the strong?


——Sakaski looked at Boya Hancock indifferently.


Click! ! !

——With a crisp sound, Sakaski casually broke Boya Hancock’s neck.




…As long as you can save me…no matter who it is…

Just save me…

——Foz Foo after hearing the forbidden story.


No, it’s our fault.

I want to put Uta here,

Tell Uta for me, her songs are the best…

We went to be hunted by the navy.

Help me train Uta to be the best singer.

Don’t tell her the truth….

In short….singing is not sinful.

——Red-haired Shanks standing on the ruins of Allegia.


I see…..

The inheritance of all the music-loving residents of Alegia will be handed over to Uta.

I will definitely train Uta to become the best singer in the world.

——Uta, who had just been transformed into the Demon King of Song, swore to Shanks when he slaughtered the king who destroyed his country.


A self-righteous guy like you who stands out.

I have killed.

56 of them…

——Sig, the bandit king of the East China Sea, hit Shanks on the head with a wine bottle and said viciously.






——In front of Doflamingo, Sakaski broke the necks of his family members one by one.


Stop it! ! ! !

——The ferocious Doflamingo burst into murderous intent.


People who are willing to fight for freedom!

Just get on this ship! ! !

——The Kingdom of Goa, on the shore of the burned-out waste terminal, the dragon’s cry resounded throughout the world.


I am…..

The anger of the fishmen! ! ! !

Tear them to pieces, not a single one will be left!

Shark hahahaha! ! !

——The violent fish-man Aaron.


Dumb Kamasi (so noisy)…

——Barrett, who was awakened by the fish-man Aaron and walked out of the hatch, said coldly.



——Barrett grabbed the fish-man Aaron’s jaw and tore off half of his body indifferently.


Throw all this garbage into the sea and feed it to the fish.

——Barrett ordered as he looked at the broken corpses of fishmen lying on the ground.


I want to complete all the tasks that require generations or even dozens of generations to complete.

So what if he has to bear the reputation of brutality.

Ten thousand years is too long, I only seize the day.

——Sakaski answered Carroll’s question on the eve of total war.



You have always been a source of pride to me and my mother.


I have always felt very proud.

——Sot talking to Zefa.



——After hearing Sauter’s words, Zefa, whose tone was trembling, said with relief.


Not my ship?

How could you say such a thing! ! !

No matter what kind of ship it is.

There is no distinction between good and evil in creation.

It doesn’t matter what kind of ship you build in the future.


No matter who the ship you built hurts, even if it destroys the world.

The owner who created it must take care of it.

Only the person who created it cannot deny it.

Don’t blame the ship!

A man must take care of the ship he built! Stand up! ! !

——The fishman Tom who teaches Franky his final lesson.


Even if my guilt goes back to 14 years ago.

The island is also different from before.

Everywhere is full of energy now.

No matter what happens to me in the future.

I’ve done everything for this city.

my dream…..

Finally started sailing…

——The fishman Tom smiled and gave up resistance, and the whistle of the sea train seemed to be heard in the distance…


Stop it, Smoking Tom! ! !

Where are you taking your biological father? ! !

——Standing on the sea track, Franky fired at the sea train.


I no longer want to build any ships…

Come back….Mr. Tom….

I also want you to teach me…

——Franky tried to stop the sea train with his flesh and blood, but was hit and his body was broken.


It is built with the goal of being able to penetrate the world and hit any island.

This is the weapon that will shock the world in the future.

From now on, it will be placed on the Red Earth Continent and pointed at the world.

No need to cover up,

Let everyone in the world see it and fear it.

– Ruthless Sakaski.


Am I cruel?

I’ll take responsibility.

But you…are talking nonsense here.

Are you playing house here tonight?

Prepare these warriors, gunpowder, and guns.

Is it for decoration?

If this battlefield breaks out tonight, more than just this number of people will die.

liberation? free?

Have you asked the opinions of those Kingdom defenders who died in the battle?

Killing someone…there’s nothing to hide.

It’s just a different stance. Isn’t it normal for me to kill your people?

Why should we define ourselves as the righteous party and accuse others from the moral high ground?


——Sakaski looked at Ivankov, one of the leaders of the revolutionary army who was preparing to liberate a participating country.


Bastard ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! !

——Luo was carried away by Enelu.


This group of sea garbage can destroy, war, and the world at every turn.


If you rely on your strong strength to crush ordinary battles, you think it is a war.

Any idea why they want war?

It’s because no one has ever brought them the pain of war.

It’s because no one destroys everything they care about.

And I just want to give them their dreams, their hard work, everything they care about.

All came to naught.

Let everything they have disappear into thin air.

Let them go crazy with hate, let them find that they have lived in vain for decades and have nothing in the end.

Use the most cruel means to completely destroy them…

——The ruthless Sakaski.

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