Island of Gods, Apayado.

Sakaski and Kulik came out of the temple and browsed the island that had changed over four hundred years.

“Mr. Sakaski, when are we going to the Sandia station? Can we really shake hands and make peace?”

Kulik’s tangled voice sounded.

Just now in the palace, Sakaski agreed to go to the Sandian camp to convey his wish.

But…can there really be peace?

Although the young man did not have enough experience, he also knew how a four-hundred-year war could be easily resolved.

“There’s no rush, let’s go find the ruins of Shandorla and the Lantern of Shandorla first.”

“400 years of hatred will not be easily resolved.”


“If the lamp of Shantora is rekindled.”

“Maybe there will be a possibility of negotiation.”

Sakaski locked the approximate range with all his sights and sounds, and walked away with Kulik while talking.

It’s funny to say that the Kingdom of Gods occupied Gaya Island for 400 years without even knowing there was such a ruin.

It was Anilu who found it after he arrived, and then emptied Shantora’s gold to create the Ark’s Proverbs.

“That’s it…”

“found it.”



Sakaski grabbed Kulik’s collar, and the two figures disappeared.


The golden city, Shantora has a few scattered golden buildings.

A little shocking and a little strange, it seems not as good as the legend…

“Although the golden buildings are shocking, this is really the rumored golden city.”

“Of course not, Shantara is down there.”



Sakaski picked up Kulik and stamped his feet hard.

An invisible air column rushed downwards and exploded into the ground, causing the two of them to fall downwards.

After a while, new clouds filled the hole.

Looking from the sky, this is a city made entirely of gold.

Looking at the past, there is a bright golden light, and the center is penetrated by huge vines.

The vines are surrounded by four golden towers surrounded by huge vines.

If there were not giant vines, the center of the guard would be the legendary Lamp of Shantara.

Behind the huge vines is an altar to the sky.

The few scattered golden buildings that were exposed before are the top corner of the altar.

There are countless golden houses below, either complete or in ruins.

Everything here is made of gold.

The vast and ancient feeling spreads over the place. When you are in it, you can imagine how prosperous and majestic Shandola was 800 years ago.

Putting down Kulik, who was shocked to the point of losing his voice, Sakaski walked towards the huge vine.

There were some broken gold slates with square fonts engraved there, and sure enough…

“Can not Understand it.”

Sakaski was a little helpless, but not too disappointed.

The historical text records are all in the past tense, just the sword from the previous dynasty. After wandering around for a while, I found Kulik who was recording.

Seeing Sakaski coming, Kulik said:

“Mr. Sakaski, it seems there is no legendary Lamp of Shantora here.”

Sakaski picked up Kulik’s collar.

“The Lamp of Shantara is indeed not here, it is in heaven.”

Then he jumped hard, and a volcanic impact erupted from his feet, flying to the top of the huge vine. The place covered by the clouds was the location of the golden bell.


On the other side, the White Sea.

A small island in the southeast, Bika.

It is different from the castle style evolved from other sky islands.

The buildings here remain simple and solemn, and the patterns on the buildings have a very ancient feel.

Somewhat depressing, as if speaking loudly in this place is a sin, as if it is an ancient holy place.

But this is just a quick glance. Because there are people, the island has become a lot more humane, such as…

“Damn it, that bastard Enelu is here.”

“Find him for me. If he dares to steal my apples, I will give him a good beating.”

“you you you you.”

“You four go over there.”

“You two follow me this way.”

“Get him out!!!”

A five-year-old child from the angel tribe led a group of three- and four-year-old children.

He directed them to search for Enelu and waited until the group of children dispersed and moved away.

A white cloud was lifted from behind a flower bed.

Enelu’s little head was revealed. Unlike the group of angel children just now, Enelu, who was only three years old, did not have wings.


After taking a big bite of the apple, Enelu looked in the direction of the child king just now, with a proud expression on his face.

“Hmph, you idiot, you still want to catch me, wait until I can

A bit more angry. ”

“I want you to look good.”




Enelu squatted down again.

At a corner a hundred meters away, a pedestrian just turned around.

Until I turned the corner again and walked away, I didn’t find a child in the flower bed.

Click click click…


Island of Gods, at the top of the vines.

The legendary Lamp of Shantora and the huge golden bell stand quietly here.

Four hundred years of wind and rain have not diminished its brilliance.

Two giant gold pillars with a length of eight meters in diameter stand here, and the huge golden bell hangs in the middle.

It is the text of history, it is the song of the legendary island, and it is the starting signal of the war that lasted four hundred years…

“Ring it.”


Under the huge golden clock, Sakaski’s figure of nearly three meters seemed small.

Looking at Kulik who was confused, he said in a low voice:

“For the inhabitants of the sky, it was a signal to start the war and a signal to end it.”

“For the Sandians, it is a promise to Rolando, and it is also a regret that the great warrior Calgara died in.”

“The war lasted for four hundred years, and generations of people shed blood and sacrificed their lives.”

“If it were struck, there would be a glimmer of hope for peace talks between the two sides.”

“It depends on whether the leaders of the two parties dare to be the sinner.”

“The sinner who has carried four hundred years of hatred.”

“If you don’t ring it, you can go to the Xandian tribe now.”

“Fulfill your ancestor’s last wish, and convey Gan Fore’s wish for peace talks.”

“After all, no one has the courage to bear those four hundred years of hatred.”

Kulik didn’t know what to do. As a descendant of Rolando, he could become a bridge for peace talks between the two parties.

But he had no right to make decisions for those Sandians, looking at the huge golden clock.




Underground ruins, Bika.

The architecture and layout here are very similar to the Sky Island in the White Sea, as if they were copied as a whole, but without any trace of life.

Click! Click! Click! Click! ….

A lonely robot patrols here, but it can no longer hold on. There is no energy supply. After waiting for more than a thousand years, it finally…


After exhausting the last bit of energy in the huge underground city, he fell to the ground and looked above the ruins.

It was as if I had penetrated all the obstacles and saw the blue planet, and the light in my eyes gradually lost…

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