The pirate swordsman’s body fell to the ground.

The skull was opened, and red and white flowed all over the ground…

A flash of lightning flashed in Enelu’s hand in the distance.

Connected to the little “motto” in the air.

“Proverbs” slowly floated down, and Enelu touched the frightened little head and comforted it.

A three-year-old child who experienced the edge of life and death several times in just half a day.

At this moment, I finally relaxed and fell asleep slowly.

Just the furrowed brows showed his inner unrest.

Then “Proverbs” followed Enelu and floated towards Sakaski.

Enelu walked over with a heavy expression on his face and handed Sakaski a phone bug:


This phone bug is held in the child’s hand.

Even when he was about to be pinched to death, he didn’t let go… maybe because it was something left by his mother.

Sakaski took it.

He nodded and said nothing.

He took out the phone and paused for a moment before dialing.


On the other side, stepping on the moon steps, Zefa’s figure flashed in the air from a long distance, heading towards Tenley Island.

Then the phone rang.

Zefa answered in seconds, with a sonic boom accompanied by an anxious tone:

“Delia, how’s it going? I’ll be there soon!”

Sakaski’s deep voice came from the other end of the phone:

“General Zefa, I am Sakaski, the child is okay…”

Zefa was overjoyed when he heard it.

Then the reaction came suddenly, like a bolt from the blue.

He fell from the air in a daze.


With a crash into the sea, the cold sea water stimulated Zefa’s brain before he came back to his senses.

Use the Moon Step to rush out of the sea with one step.

Return to the air and continue towards Stanley Island.

Zefa’s voice was a little hoarse and he spoke with difficulty:

“I know, Sakaski.”

“Thank you, I’ll be there soon.”

Sakaski’s deep voice rang through the phone bug:


After hanging up the phone, Zefa, who was stepping on the moon cloth, rushed towards Stanley Island quickly.

Drops of water dripped from Zefa’s face.

I don’t know if it’s the water brought out from just falling into the sea, or the tears…



Sakaski put down the phone and looked at Enel.

I haven’t seen him for more than half a year, and the boy has grown a lot taller.

With a height of nearly 1.6 meters, he looks very handsome in a navy uniform.

Instructing Enelu to leave the “Proverbs” in place.

Then walked towards the merchant ship.

Sakaski asked Enel next to him:

“What have you been studying lately?”

Enelu said:

“I spent most of the day learning some knowledge about navigation and technology, and at night I trained in physical skills with my grandpa.”

Sakaski nodded in agreement:

“Learn scientific and technological knowledge well.”

“Now that you have laid a solid foundation, I will find an opportunity to arrange for you to study in the science army.”

“Proverbs can be improved in the future.”

“For example, melt the thundercloud launching device above into the golden stick.”

“This way you can control the thunder clouds.”

Enelu’s eyes lit up, it can still be like this!

It seems that it can really be achieved, because the Thunder Fruit itself does not have the ability to create thunder clouds.

Proverbs was designed specifically for this purpose.

The infinite power-driven “Proverb” of the Thunder Fruit.

After “Proverbs” is activated, the internal thundercloud launcher uses electricity to create countless thunderclouds that fill the sky.

In this way, thunder clouds can be controlled and the “Thunder Ying” can be condensed to destroy the island in one shot.

Enelu’s eyes became brighter and brighter as he thought about it.

It seems that he has imagined the majestic scene of thunder clouds filling the sky and driving away thunder and lightning when he waved his hand, and he was a little distracted.


A thought popped into Eniro’s head, and Sakaski’s voice came slowly:

“Stop thinking blindly and learn the basics first.”

Enelu covered his forehead, feeling a little angry:


After a while, Sakaski in front stopped and arrived.

After mobilizing his abilities, magma flowed out of his body and surged to the side of the merchant ship, forming two big hands of magma covered in armed colors.


With the roar of the water waves, the magma’s big hand directly pulled up the merchant ship and moved it to the shore.

At this time, Sakaski asked Enel to control the little “Proverb” and wait for the arrival of General Zefa.


A few minutes later.

Zefa could vaguely see the outline of Tenley Island.

Ignoring the bloody legs and torn muscles, he rushed forward with a little more force.

See the sea in the air

The figure in the middle of the deck of the merchant ship on the shore rushed directly down.

Zefa, who landed on the deck, stumbled and fell down.

Use moon steps to span the distance of multiple islands.

Zefa’s legs were covered with lacerations and bleeding, and he had no feeling at all.

The only thing that can support the rush is the firm will.

At this time, seeing his wife’s body, he could no longer control himself and struggled to get up and crawl away.

Holding his wife’s body, he felt great and silent.

It was as if he had lost the ability to speak, and tears could not stop pouring out.


He kept calling his wife’s name in his heart, and there was only endless regret for himself in his mind.

Sakaski and Enelu, who were under the boat, could not be comforted.

When General Zefa finally regained some sense, he handed over the child in the little “Proverb” to him.

After taking over his sleeping son, Zefa’s eyes regained some of their sparkle.

Looking at his son’s frown, his heart was as sharp as a knife.

The quiet space seems to be frozen, only waiting quietly…


Beihai, Fenghua Island, Navy Branch 194.

Branch chief Jollison is reading the newspaper leisurely in the office.

A few years have passed and Jollison’s temples have become a little gray.

Boom, boom, boom!


There was a knock on the door, and Jollison held the newspaper in one hand and the teacup in the other:


The young naval clerk opened the door and came in.

He walked in with a young man who looked a little old and wretched:

“Minister, this young man who is going to join the navy is a user with the natural ability – the Shining Fruit.”


Jollison slammed the newspaper and tea cup in his hand on the table and looked at the old and wretched young man.

At this time, Porusalino spoke in a unique sinister tone:

“Hello, sir~”

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