Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

In a spacious white hall within a castle complex hundreds of meters high.

The empty hall only has a set of sofas and a table.

One of the Five Old Stars put down the paper in his hand and threw it on the table:

“I really didn’t expect that.”

“Someone can actually touch that area.”

The mighty Five Old Stars who appeared in the battle in the Valley of Gods said:

“It needs to be wiped out.”

Wulaoxing, who was wearing a bathrobe and holding a demon sword in his arms, said:

“It would be such a waste to erase it.”

“It is better for such talents to serve the government.”

The other two five old stars didn’t say much.

He nodded in agreement.

In this way, the fate of this scientist who has led the world in science and technology for 500 years was easily decided in a few words…


The outskirts of the sealed mechanical animal forest.

A square piece of snow suddenly lifted a little higher.

A member of the CP organization in black clothes lifted the baffle of the pit.

He took out a telescope and looked into the forest.

The densely packed moving red dots in the forest made people shudder.

Suddenly a pair of red dots seemed to be looking here.

He was so frightened that he quickly put down the barrier and returned to the pit.

Looking at the two remaining companions:

“What should I do? The boss has been killing everyone for an hour.”

“There’s no news at all.”

One of the CP members is covered in bandages.

Thinking of those terrifying group of mechanically modified animals, I took a deep breath:

“Wait, wait for the order.”

“It’s terrible those creatures.”

The CP member who just investigated said worriedly:

“If you don’t dare to do anything, what will happen if you are punished by the higher authorities?”

The CP member covered in bandages said:

“Then go and investigate.”

The CP members who had just investigated thought of the group of modified creatures that could emit missile lasers from anywhere on their bodies.

He shuddered, smiled coquettishly, and said nothing.

The bandaged CP members looked at him disdainfully.


Then the phone suddenly rang.

The three of them suddenly felt nervous, fearing that some mission would be assigned to them.

The CP members, covered in bandages, suppressed their trembling hands and picked up the phone bug.

I was quite nervous at first, but then I kept saying yes.

The excitement was palpable.

Zhong hung up the phone and let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking at the CP member who was just investigating:

“You go to the town behind to pick up the soldiers from the navy branch.”

“Surround this haunted forest.”

“You can’t let anyone go.”

“Waiting for support.”


Deep in the forest of sealed mechanical animals, Vegapunk Laboratory.

In the huge steel building complex, hurried researchers were running around.

Packing away various equipment and data as quickly as possible.

Vegapunk directed some people to collect important information.

Looking at Quinn and Caesar who were also commanding some people in the distance, they couldn’t help but roar:


“Have your brains been eaten by bacteria?!”

“The things hanging around your neck are microorganisms!!!”

“Forget it about human experiments.”

“So many people were arrested in one place!!!”

“Forget it!”

“Not finished yet!!!”

“You are pigs!!!”



The two researchers who were directing their subordinates were scolded in public, and they were somewhat embarrassed.

But it’s hard to refute, this time it’s really their problem.

I had to press my nose to hold it back.

Quinn is okay, but the younger Caesar is a genius.

But his personality has been cruel, conceited, sinister, and cunning since he was a child.

He, who was already jealous of Vegapunk, became even more resentful now.

This also planted a seed for the future conflict between the two working for the government.

After scolding for a while, Vegapunk also regained some sense.

Suppress the anger in your heart and stop wasting time.

Also joined in the action of collecting information.


The outskirts of the sealed mechanical animal forest.

At this time, the Kingdom Guards and the Marine Branch soldiers from Balkimoa had arrived.

Strict surveillance is distributed all around the perimeter.

The head of the navy branch did not hang up the phone at all and reported the situation in real time.

Because it involves government taboos.

So the one directly connected to the phone was Marshal Kong.

Marshal Kong’s voice came:

“Titus, closely monitor the movements of the illegal research organization MADS.”

“No one can be let go.”

“Sakaski has

On the way. ”

“Before Sakaski arrives.”

“Even if it means death, I must stop the people from the MADS organization.”

Titus, the branch chief, felt reassured when he heard Sakaski’s name.

Taking a deep breath:

“Guaranteed to complete the mission!!!”

The soldiers looking around shouted:

“Backup is arriving soon.”

“Lieutenant General Sakaski is already on his way.”

“Cheer up, everyone!”

“No one from the evil organization can be let go.”

The surrounding navy soldiers shouted in unison:


The high-spirited soldiers closely monitored the dark forest.

But after a while, they could no longer hold back and began to communicate in whispers.

“Hey, did you hear that?”

“heard it!”

“Lieutenant General Sakaski!!!”

“Si Guoyi!!!”

“I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to meet Lieutenant General Sakaski in such a remote place.”

“That’s the hero who killed the great pirate Whitebeard.”

“I really want to see Lieutenant General Sakaski soon!”



The edge of the Seiyadi Sea.

A fiery red figure that covered the sky and the sun flew into the sea that was shrouded in dark clouds all year round.

The golden eagle made of lava has four wings, each of which is more than a thousand meters long.

Burning magma erupts from the tail of the wings as thrust.

Move forward quickly.

Lava falling from the sky fell into the sea.

It did not cool and solidify, but burned slowly.

It seems like there is endless fuel inside.

In this sea area where snow turns to ice all year round, a channel several nautical miles wide has melted.

The mechanism island that leads directly to the center of the sea, the Kingdom of Balkimoa…

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