Chapter 16

[A/N: This might be considered gore for a few people]


"Let me through… ugh!" Struggling, Isa barely came out of the crowd. 

"Wha-?!" However, seeing the scene in front of her, her eyes grew up as her expression froze.

"*Gulp*…" Isa gulped seeing the bloody and injured body in front of her. She was not sure if he was alive or not.

"A-Amon?" The body was Amon's, as she ran there and crouched down by his side. "H-hey…. Amon wake up!" Isa was shaking Amon's body, but there was no response.

"Hey, Isa!" Suddenly, the chief's voice flowed from behind her. "Amon is fine, check it, he is still breathing! He is just exhausted and unconscious!" Hearing this, using her slight medical knowledge, she quickly checked his breathing and blood-vessels. 

"Fuuuh…" She released a sigh. It seems she was just too agitated to notice that Amon looked completely fine except for a few injuries. But those were not deadly at all. He was just exhausted and went unconscious.

"Hey!" The chief shouted once more from behind her. "Ignore Amon for now, we need you here!"

Hearing him, she looked back as her expression froze for another time. 

This time, the reason was Viper, but she didn't know if referring 'it' as Viper would be correct.

Ignoring this for a second, she called for the wrinkled lady, the same lady who was there at Amon's birth. And after her arrival, she handled Amon's limp body, instructing her to take him to his room.

After that, Isa diverted her full attention to Viper, as her hands flinched in fright. 

While Amon looked completely fine, Viper wasn't the same.

As, even from the outside injury, his crushed throat, and the footprints on his broken rib-cage, one could tell that this was a critical situation. 

Isa wondered, was this really Amon's doing? Was he always so strong?

Without much delay, she took Viper to medical care aswell. Though with that type of injury… she wasn't sure if Viper would live…


[A few seconds ago]


Amon's leg hit Viper in the chest, as he was about to get sent flying. However, before getting flung, Viper caught Amon by his legs and took him along, thus Amon was also flown towards the southern part of the village.

On the other hand, Amon wasn't surprised that Viper caught him. In fact, it was his strategy to get caught by him in the first place. 

He knew, just sending Viper flying far wouldn't have done any damage to him. So, he decided to tag along, planning to deal great damage in that instant!

Likewise, while flying towards that direction, in the small span of 5 seconds, Amon removed Viper's hands that were holding his leg, and held them tightly by pulling them towards him. Making him unable to use his hands and resist what Amon was about to do.

In that small duration, Amon had already placed his left foot on Viper's throat, while putting his right one on the chest. And since Viper was already injured by the previous impact , additionally since he was flying at an incredible speed, he couldn't even open his eyes fully, let alone struggle.

For that single moment, Amon was riding Viper like an air-bike. And by the time Viper was able to open his eyes, he was already about to hit a giant tree behind him!


The impact didn't hurt Amon at all, as he got covered by Viper. As his legs crushed many of Viper's bones.

"GAH!" He wasn't even able to puke blood since his throat got severely crushed.

Now with his throat and rib-cage crushed completely, he inevitably lost consciousness.

On the other hand, Amon was completely fine and he seemed ready to fight another round. However, as he sensed the people rushing towards his place, he knocked himself out by slamming his head on a tree.

It was better to be unconscious instead of answering too many useless questions.


[3 days later| At night time]

–General Pov–

Past three days, the Shandia tribe went through a silent period. Everyone was serious and concerned about their two best warriors.

As currently, in Viper's hut, he was laying on his bed, with a neck collar on. Though these types of medical-luxury were rare in this tribe, it wasn't non-existent. 

Viper had a hollow look in his eyes, and some people might even think that he's in a coma. But he was, in fact, alive and thinking completely fine. 'I still can't believe I have lost to a kid.' He thought with unbelief. 'Though he did take advantage of that special situation, it's still my loss… He was even able to injure me to this extent...' 

Viper's headache got worse the more he thought about it. 'Ugh… and I'm smelling something too…'

But soon, his eyes gleamed with resolution 'However, I'm a Warrior.' He thought. 'Even though I lost to him, it's not impossible to get my position back.' Viper thought as he recalled his hard days in the battleground. 'I'm someone who has lived with injuries all along with his life. For someone like me, I would just need a few more months, and everything will be completely healed…'

Viper was right. As unlike the normal world, where people would have died in this state, in this world, Viper even had possibilities to heal. More surprisingly, this type of thing was no miracle in this world.

Thinking about that fateful day a few months later, where he will kill that kid, Viper chuckled internally since he can't do it literally. 

"Sniff, sniff!" But, suddenly something strange caught his nose. He tried to guess what it was, while not long after, green gas started to enter his room.

'This… sleeping gas?' As an experienced warrior, he was able to guess which it was the moment he smelled it. 'Uh… is this an enemy attack?! I have to warn everyone… I can't fight in this state right now, however, that kid can possibly save the tribe… I have to do something…' If he was not injured, this type of gas wouldn't have done much harm. 'Ugh… It's slowing getting me…' However, in his current state, his body gave up without a fight.

As his sight started to become blurry, while his surroundings started to go dark. From his slowly closing eyes, he saw a small figure entering his hut.

Fortunately, unlike his assumption, this wasn't an enemy attack, and unfortunately, the person he wanted to trust, that same person was the one responsible for this.


Feeling the collision of the stern soil, Viper slowly opened his eyes… 'Uhh, so was it just a dream-....?!?!'

His answer was answered even before he fully formed it, as he felt that he was being pulled by the legs, while his back was colliding with the hard and malignant ground. 

'Argh… it hurts since I'm already injured.'

Enduring the pain, he tried to look who the person pulling him was, however, he didn't need to try hard as the person, or more specifically, as Amon looked back himself.


"...You are up?" Amon said as he again looked ahead. "Looks like the antidote worked." Mumbling, he kept walking.

"Umm! Ummmm!" Viper started to struggle as his muffled voice entered Amon's ears, however, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't form any words.

Amon ignored him completely, as he walked towards a certain detection. 

He was currently in the upper yard, and unlike when he was 7, currently, he was walking through the forest as if it was his backyard. Though he was still avoiding every living being. 

For now.

"You see, just a few hours ago I spread a strong variant of sleeping-gas all around the village using [Dial: Sleeping Gas]. So, unless I provide the antidote, no one will wake up before three days." Amon said in a cold voice. "So, don't expect any hero to come to save you." He looked back at Viper's eyes, with his rosy red eyes.

If someone from God's militia saw him now, he wouldn't believe this was a child, partly because of his completely emotionless face, along with his blood-red eyes. Rather, seeing this, they will most likely run the other way.

After this, Amon kept walking with Viper being pulled by while colliding with the ground. His legs were on the two sides of Amon's waist, while he was holding and pulling them using his hands. 


A few minutes passed and Amon finally stopped beside a big tree. He stopped at this exact point, because this place was a bit isolated, being covered by large trees from all around. And partially because Amon didn't sense anyone close to this place.


Stopping here, Amon threw Viper in a tree. As he hit the tree, and fell on the ground, while blood started to flow down his nose. 

Then Amon slowly walked towards him, as Viper's eyes started to shake. He wasn't scared of death, a warrior should never be. However, he knew today, he wouldn't just die a normal death.

Amon came close to him and crouched down, now at his eyes level. Then staring at his eyes for a while, Amon suddenly chuckled. "Hey uncle…" Saying this innocently, he then started to laugh while holding his stomach. "Haha… wait… haha… lemme catch my breath." He was laughing as if he had gone mad, while Viper looked at him as if looking at a monster.

After a moment, Amon stopped his laugh abruptly while wiping a single drop of tear from the corner of his eyes. "Anyway." As if changing personalities, his expression changed. Now, he was wearing an amusing smile. "Hey, uncle. Do you have any idea why I'm doing this?"

Viper didn't answer, rather, he couldn't. Instead, he just glared at him, making Amon know that he still had a little will to live inside him. 

"You know… This is kind of not so fun." Amon said as he got disappointed for not being able to hear his voice. Maybe he shouldn't have destroyed it that severely. But it is done, what is done.

Viper became confused hearing him. 'I don't understand…' He thought. 'Is he here to kill me, or just make fun of me?' Veins popped up in his head. 'This little bastard! If I can get out of this I will definit-'

"If I'm able to get out of this alive, I will definitely kill you!" Amon said. "Is that what you are thinking?" Saying this he again started to laugh. "HAHAHA! Such similarities in our thoughts." 

Viper was surprised at his first line, but the latter made him just confused. 'Similarities? The hell is this kid saying?!'

"Hahaha…. Alright, I'll stop." Amon stopped laughing, as he said, "You must be confused at my words, so let me help you recall things." Saying this, Amon slowly and carefully removed Viper's neck collar, to not hurt him in the process.

Then, standing over a high ground, he grabbed him by the neck, raising his body up.

"UAUAGAHN!" Viper howled instinctively, as he felt as if someone was tearing apart his throat. After all, his throat was already crushed. So, it's like adding oil to fire. Soon, Amon's hand got clad in blood from his throat.

Amon just ignored this. "Do you remember now?" Then Amon said in an aggressive voice. "Around 8 years ago, just like this, you were about to choke me to death just like this." Hearing him, Viper recalled that day, the day where he almost killed this kid. '...How does he remember?' However, he was surprised by how he could recall things from his birth.

"Ah, don't think too much," Amon said in a fake concerned voice. "You are gonna die anyway, so just enjoy your last moments, alright?" He then pulled his face closer and gazed at his eyes. "Enjoy your last moments filled with Pain." 

Amon then tightened his grip on his neck, as Viper's mouth widened in pain. "Argh! Nwoh!"

Ignoring his groans, Amon took out a few tea-bags like packets, the packs which were filled with spices and salt. However, these were developed by Amon, especially for torture.

Then using his unrestricted hand, he shoved all the bags inside Viper's throat!


The first second, everything was nice, things hadn't gone too far. "AAARGH!" But the next moment, Viper screamed in pain. As not only his bloody throat but even his insides were burning.

"HAAGAH! GOD! I-UGHN!" Viper yelled at the top of his lungs, however, he wasn't able to form any more words, as blood started to fill his mouth, and he was almost about to choke.


However, Amon didn't have any plans to let him die so easily, as he kneed him in the solar plexus. "Gah!" Viper spat out all the blood, surviving barely.

However, soon he would regret why he didn't die just now.


[A few hours later]


Amon kicked Viper on the face, as he spat blood. "Well, this is enough…" Amon said, as hearing this Viper looked at him with pleading eyes. They weren't asking for forgiveness, they were begging for death. The pain was too much for him. His insides were literally burning. 

"Haha, don't worry uncle. Even though I hate you, I'm nice enough to accept this wish of yours. After all, I'm a weak-hearted child." Amon said. "However, sorry to say but I can't take your life by my hands." Amon wiped his imaginary tears. "But…" But the next moment he grinned maniacally. "You do not need to worry." Amon then took out a packet of poison, and slowly entered it in Viper's mouth. "This will fulfill your wish soon enough…"

"Ughmm!" Viper groaned… This time it wasn't spicy, instead,d, it was sweet. However, it was still painful.

Just as Amon did this, Viper heard loud footsteps coming towards here, with people talking. "Y-Yes. Those sounds were coming from here…" God's Militia was here. 

At that moment, Viper only had one thought. 'Would... would it have been better if I killed him back then?...'


"I heard it when I was patrolling around here, but I didn't have the courage to see it for myself." One of the God's militia said. 

They were in a group of 30, as soon they reached the spot where the groans were coming from. "It's her-PREPARE FOR BATTLE! It's Viper!" 

Just as they arrived at the spot, they recognized Viper and dashed towards him all at once. They weren't sure why he was laying down, however, thinking that this is just him letting his guard down, they all attacked.


In an emergency, they didn't even realize that the Viper they were attacking, he was already dead.




A/N: Anyway… Viper's dead. Good job Amon. Anyway... some of you thought Amon lost... Okay...

This chapter was proofread by @Reticulum(Kyah he's back!????????)

This book will get a bonus chapter when it reaches 1000+ stones.

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