One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Chapter 40 - He's Not... Here?!

Chapter 40



|–General Pov–|

Stopping the [Tone Dial], Amon looked down at the sea where a pirate ship flying a jolly roger with blonde long hair on a human skull was sailing. 

Amon has been hunting pirates for the past 6 months and became quite famous. Until now, he has earned around 7.6 Billion Belly, though this was nothing if compared to a country's wage.

Putting back the dial in his bag, Amon looked down. "I heard their captain is a Logia fruit user," Amon said as he gripped his right hand wearing the sea prism glove given by Seraph.

"Time, to get some more money." *Fah!*

Amon was flapping his wings now and then to maintain his position in the air, as he took out some [Explosive Dial] and lightly tossed them in front of him.


He used his wings like a baseball bat to hit the tossed off dials towards the ship. 

*Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!*

As he hit all the dials, they dashed towards the ship below, roughly 1000 meters below. The wind current drifted their path, but Amon threw them after calculating things already.

Soon, the dials were about to hit the boat, however...


A strong wind current propelled the dials away.



"Oof." Surprisingly, the dials were tossed away by the wind, though Amon could tell it wasn't a natural one, as the wind pressure was only at that spot. After flying for 6 months, and trying to create his own wind version of 'Fishman-karate', Amon had a pretty good connection with the wind. His [Observation Haki's] range also increased a little for this reason.

With this, just now he could feel that the wind that tossed the dials away wasn't natural… obviously. "So, did the logia user eat something like 'Air-Air fruit'? Hmm," 

Amon said, as he used his [Observation Haki: Eagle Vision] and acknowledged someone did manipulate the wind. That someone being a woman in her 30s' with blonde hair. 

"Heh… Using air against me?" Amon looked down at them with a smirk. "Ironic."

Amon didn't care, at all, as he started to spin rapidly in the air using [Geppo], while also flapping his wings to be extra fast.

[Wind Sword Style: Wind Tornado]!

The weather didn't change, yet a tornado was formed in the middle of the clear blue sea. 



Soon, the defenseless pirates got their shipwrecked.


"You—Cough! How dare you!" The captain of the Sakaki Pirates, the blonde captain Sakki yelled towards Amon, the infamous 'Crimson Winged', though she didn't realize this fact yet.

The woman had her clothes rigged, and was crushed against the ship's wall, with her shoulder being penetrated with a small dagger made of Sea-prism stone, Amon made it after meddling with many dials, as Sea prism stone is very hard to modify.

"Cough—Remove this dagger! Or I will kill you!"

She was yelling constantly, and while she was doing so, Amon was a bit far from her, standing on top of a dead body with an orange in his hand.

"..." Amon put the orange on the ground, and looked back towards the captain. He had a heavy frown on his face. "Hey, bitch. Can't you see I'm trying to concentrate here? Do you want me to—Ow, that's quite a figure you got there." Amon's frown disappeared. "I didn't notice it until now."

"H-Huh?! You bastard! Who do you think you are!" The woman shouted as she covered her body. Though the boy in front of her didn't look bad, she would rather kill herself than giving herself to a person who killed her comrades. "I'll gouge your eyes out!"

"Anyway, ignore that, it's kinda hard to control my desires as a teenager you see," Amon said as he yawned. "Rather, tell me, how did you control the wind before?" Amon said as he took a notebook. 

Though it seemed like he had his guard down, in reality, his wings were arched up and the feathers were pronounced, prepared to attack anyone too 'smart'. Currently, 68 of the 80 pirates in the ship were dead, though some were still breathing they were unconscious.

"Is that even a question?" The woman tried to get up but failed to do so, falling back on her butt. "It's my devil fruit power… But that's not important! You free me now-!!!" 

*Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!*

Suddenly, she found 7 blade-sharp feathers around two sides of her neck, stopping her from moving a muscle. *Gulp*.

"Y… you… You are the 'Crimson Wing, Lucifer'?" She asked as she stopped moving completely.

"Uh-huh? I got 'Lucifer' added to my name." Amon said, surprised. "Fuck, I'm God and Devil at the same time…" Amon whispered and covered his face, and made a dramatic pose by almost falling on his back. But soon he returned back to normal. 

"Ahem. So, miss, you must have realized what type of situation you are in, correct? Answer my questions, and I will not **** you with my octopus pets." Amon said as he put his pen in the notebook.

"You little fucker—"

She was interrupted.

"Tell me about your devil fruit." 


"So, Logia: Steam-Steam fruit?" Amon said. "After eating, your body turned into steam, and you can now release hot air, however, can't manipulate wind/air, or EVEN the steam in your surroundings." Amon said. "So, to simplify things, you have a steam body, and can only produce steam and control the ones you produce, correct?"

"...Yes." The woman answered silently.

'Hmm, pretty weak. But it will do the job, I only needed a Logia because its intangible property...' Amon wrote them down in a mixture of ancient language and English(yes), so that nobody can read it unless they are proficient at both languages. Even then, it will take hours to intercept the words.

Amon then glanced at the woman who was buying her lips, seemingly thinking of ways to survive. 

"Um, miss, calm down and answer~." The woman's body shook, as she looked at him. "Your fruit looked like a watermelon when you first ate it, right? That's pretty cool if I must say." Amon said as he looked at a table in the middle of the deck. There were all kinds of fruit, the ones that he brought and also the ones the ship already had, it had 2 watermelons too. 

Among got up, and slowly walked towards her. 

"Alright, thanks. You can die happily, your devil fruit will be used by a… man who will help me greatly impact history in a few years." Amon said as his sharpened Wings dashed towards her neck.


He stopped his wings at the last moment, though it still scratched her neck as blood trailed down. "Yes? Any proposal?" Amon crouched down.

"Y-yes! Let me live, I will be your slave!" She said as she had a shaking smile with sweat forming in her head. She remembered how he looked at her body a while ago. "I-I will do anything! I'll be your sex slave if you want-"

"Nope. Too late, I'm not horny anymore" Amon stood up. "Sorry, and goodbye." He said as her expression paled.


The next second, blood splattered throughout the ship, and soon the massacre came to an end.


A few hours later, at the nearest marine base from Amon's previous position, he was seen flying with a giant bag in his hand. It contained the proof of the complete destruction of 'Sakaki Pirates'. Their jolly roger, a few of their iconic clothes and the head of their captain was in it.

As he landed on the gate of the base, the marines stationed as guards whispered about him.

"Look, he came again…"

"This time it's the Sakaki pirates… unlucky bunch. They would have been luckier to have been captured by us, rather than die like this."

Amon ignored them, as he started to walk closer through the gate, with the guards stepping back. "Welcome, welcome." 

Among just nodded, and walked past them, as his wings started to become smaller, and they soon seemingly disappeared.

"So, the rumor of him being a devil fruit user is true? Damn, and here I thought he really was an angel." One of the guards said as he looked at his back. No trace of wings was left.

"Obviously, dumbass. You think having wings without eating a devil fruit is possible?"

"Well… Anyway, what fruit do you think he ate?"

Amon does this every time he sees an opportunity. Unlike at first when he could only make his wings go back to their original size, he can even make them smaller than a human head, as they get covered by his clothes. Maybe, one day he will even be able to turn them into tattoos on his back…


Soon, a Marine soldier guided Amon to the office of the captain in charge of this Base. As next, Amon found himself sitting in a chair, though the chair opposite to the chair of the captain was empty.

"Wait a minute, I will send the captain soon." The guide marine said in a gruff voice as he went away.

Amon looked around the room as the marine left. "Ahhh, so boring." Amon released a breath and put his legs on the table as he leaned back. He then took out a mango icecream from his bag and started to eat it.

A few minutes passed, and Amon finally heard the footsteps of a person coming towards this room. 

'And here comes the drama queen…' He thought with a deadpan expression.

Soon, the shadow of a woman fell on the room, as Amon looked back to the pink-haired Marine captain.

"Oh, what's up Hina-chan~ It's been a long time since we met, I almost died missing you," Amon said as the girl entered the room, and sat on the chair opposite to him.

"It's been only 2 days since Hina saw you the last time. Hina is annoyed by your presence." It was a 22 years old Marine captain, Black Cage. "Put your legs down, or Hina will put you in jail."




A/N: I heard there is a good thing laying around in a island of East blue ????. I mean Amon heard, not me.

This chapter was proofread by discord people and edited by @Retuculum and @AyyZelos.

P.S: This book will receive 1 bonus chapter the day it hits 1000+ power stones.

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