One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Chapter 6 - Aren't Things Moving A Little Too Fast?

Chapter 6


–Amon Pov–

(1 year after birth)

Currently, I'm running on the village's road with my eyes closed. Yet, not only am I not falling on my face first, I can even tell the position of the people around me. More accurately, I can hear their 'voice'.

I feel things are moving a bit too fast, however, it seems my training is paying off. I've started 'sensing' things all around me. It's hard to explain, but I can hear the 'voices' of people around me. It's similar to what Isa's daughter, Aisa stated in the anime… In simpler words, I can 'see' even after closing my eyes.

Oh, oh! There it is! Some people are looking at me! 

"Look, Amon is walking with closed eyes…"

"Ah, this brings back memories. When I was a kid I used to play like that… haha, being a kid was nice, though I used to fall on my face a lot... I hope he doesn't fall though."

People were talking about me, unknown that I can still 'see' with my eyes closed. I can even discern their position with closed eyes.

I'm not sure of the range yet, but I can feel 8 people looking towards me. Not only that, if someone is approaching me, I can also guess who it is. Yes, it's still low level, and I have to use words like "Guess". 

Is this how Observation Haki feels like?

Well, if I say so myself, it's not that strange for me to have Observation Haki without any prior training at this age. After all, in the anime the winged-race have always shown their gifts on Observation Haki, or what they like to call it 'Mantra'.

In the Skypiea Arc, at the fight of the Upper-yard, not only Enel but also all of his priests were shown proficient at the so-called 'Mantra'. From what I recall, Enel and his priests are from the sub-race called Birkans, one of the three sub-races of Winged people. But Shandians also have shown gifts on Mantra. As the future daughter of Isa, the girl named Aisa was able to use Observation Haki at the age of 9 years. She was supposedly able to use it from birth, though it might just be a rhetorical saying.

Nonetheless, This can be enough proof that the Winged people are somewhat more gifted in Observation Haki than normal Humans or Fishmen...

Huuuuh, so there ARE some perks of having these useless wings after all… Though I don't know if I also have talent in learning armament, it's still better than nothing. Now, instead of drowning in arrogance, I should train more. Even if I have talent in Observation Haki, it's not like I will get to see the future anytime soon… Actually, even when I start seeing the future, it's not like I'd stop. After all, if trained accordingly, perhaps I can upgrade Observation Haki to something like [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception]...

First thing first, I have to take over Upper-yard, where the City of Gold is hidden. The city might have secrets as to why the winged people are so proficient at Observation, and perhaps even ways to use these useless wings.




(1.5 years after birth)

"Say, A."

"A" *Gulp*

It's been another 6 months of my life in this world. Currently, Isa is feeding me this terrible tasting soup… But I still have to eat it. I can eat by myself obviously, but Isa still feeds me... Anyway, I need a lot of nutrition for my growing body. And unfortunately, since this shitty tribe doesn't have enough rations to feed all the tribesmen, I won't be able to eat my fill later if I don't eat now.

From what I have gathered, this village is located in the 'right eye' of the upper-yard. Here the ground we walk on isn't Island-Cloud. Instead, it is just the average sea-cloud. However, it works just like island-cloud, meaning it's solid and people can walk over it. So we are literally walking over the sea-surface… The reason are the 'magical' Dials. 

From what I've gathered, a few thousand special kinds of Jet-dials are set in every corner of the ground-sea-surface we are walking in. It is activated 24/7 and shoots out extreme pressured wind all the time. Though the dials need to be exchanged with newer ones every month

Anyway, using that pressure, the different sides of the white-white sea under us are pushed towards the middle. Being pressured like that, the white-white sea which is already denser and thicker than normal water intimates something similar to the island-clouds… That's mind-blowing. Just from this, I can guess how overpowered dials can be. 


Suddenly I feel something about to hit my head, I instantly move my hand and catch the… spoon.

"...Hey! Quickly finish what's in your mouth, I'm waiting." The woman Isa shouted… she was about to hit me with the spoon. Well, let's eat this thing quickly. 

Thinking this, I quickly started to gulp the soup.

From the manga/anime, I have a pretty generic idea of what dials are. But I'm sure there are a lot more than what the anime has shown. Unfortunately, I'm still a baby or I'd have already started researching them...

...There is also that iconic giant beanstalk named Giant Jack. It's surely VERY big since even though it is located in the middle of Upper-yard, and it's 'right eye' is far from the middle, it's still visible from this village… Maybe in the future, I should create a palace at the top just like Ene-ugh I'm getting distracted again.

Anyway, the village's location is hidden from outside eyes since it's covered by actual solid island-cloud from all sides, from the top too. Also, besides the giant beanstalks, only a few other trees, are inside this cloud covering us. However, every tree is covered by clouds till their trunk, so nobody can get their hands on 'Vearth' unless they directly visit Upper-yard.

So in this place where we don't have many sources for food, except those few trees, which doesn't have fruits growing most of the time, our only source of vegetables and fruits are the ones in the actual Upper-yard, where it's hard to hunt because of God's Militia. Then the only other way besides that is from the "Raids" that the "Raiders" perform on pirate ships.

However, the food they can retrieve isn't enough for us. According to what I counted there are around 120 or so people in this tribe… Although the number is short, the food still isn't enough for them-us… Sigh, why do I have to suffer with this useless bunch...

Every month, Viper and his team, the current generation of Raiders, go to the upper-yard to steal supplies and also to try and take back the Upper-yard. But they fail always…

They have been fighting for 380 years it seems… They are fighting this war to take back their land and protect the Poneglyph. What a stupid bunch of people. I remember from the anime that the current 'God' of the Upper-yard wants to solve everything without resolving to violence. But these bunch of brawls won't listen. Just how much of an idiot can the tri-


Suddenly, with my sharpened senses, I hear some quick and loud footsteps coming towards this room, I try to 'see' who it is. But even though I tried, I can't discern their identity. Since at the current level, I can only discern the identity of the ones I've spent a specific amount of time with. I can only 'see' it's a male and that's all.


The door opened loudly and a guy with a chunky figure came to my view. He has a fat but weak body so he's probably a civilian…

"Isa! Come quickly, the Chief is on his dying bed!" 

Oh? The fat idiot brought good news. But I wanted to kill that old bastard myself… dammit, nothing is going according to me. Sigh.

"Huh?! I'm coming!" Saying this, Isa ran off with that guy. 

She dropped the bowl on the floor too… It seems I won't be able to eat all of my food this time. Sigh, big sad.



(1 year later/2.5 years after birth)

"Dodge this if you can!" Wiper said and punched towards me.

The punch was slow. Very slow. I just take a side-step to dodge that.

Wiper lost his composure for a second, and taking the chance I set the target at his abdomen and he knees him in the gut.


He puked saliva and fell on his back.

This kid is weak, but I don't know shit about fighting. So it's better for me to learn how to fight by beating these kids… wait, I'm a kid too. Anyway, I've plans for Wiper, so time to act bad so that he hates me.

Thinking this, I look at Wiper on the floor with a mocking face. "Eh? Wiper, are you getting weaker every day, or am I getting stronger?" Seeing my Mocking smile, he spat on the gourd.

"*Spit*... Next time, I'll win." He grunted and ran away.

Well, let's just ignore him.

Anyway, last year the chief died… Ugh, I can't believe it. I felt so frustrated for the first few days after his death. I wanted to kill him myself! Yet that old piece of garbage died by himself! A peaceful death?! Why! Why did he get a  peaceful death! Is some ROB playing with me? Fuck this shit!... Sigh, let's not lose my cool...

Anyway, now I'm around 2 years and 6 months old, and I possess the strength to beat teenagers striving to become warriors, so beating kids like Wiper is easy. But to be honest, defeating the teenagers is a bit tough. Still, that's good progress. After all, these teenagers aren't like normal One Piece human teens, they are a lot stronger.

Now, let's talk about Enel. Actually, unlike how I used to think at first, after contemplating for a long time, and living in this world among these people for more than 2 years, I don't think that guy with God Complex would be that hard to deal with. Even though his powers are terrific, he is a dumbass… a dumbass smarter than most.

At worst, if I fail to attain the fruit before him, I would need some 'allies' who will take Enel's lightning spams for me. I'm sure many good-willed people would be happy enough to take them and die for me.

This is a world full of idiots, after all.

Anyway, calculating by cannon, unless I can get the fruit first, there is around 14 years left until Enel will arrive on My Sky-Island. Until then, I will be more than strong enough to take him down.




A/N: For those who have forgotten, Upper-Yard or Jaya is shaped like a Human Skull. In cannon Shandi base's location wasn't specified. So after researching for a while, I surmised that the Shandia village is most likely located in the left-eye of that skull.

Thanks to @Reticulum for proofreading this wonderful chapter. ????May the wall bless you.

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