One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Chapter 89 - Battle Of Element And Animal!

[Read 15+ chapters before release in P.A.T.R.E.O.N–(Currently, on 105th chapter)



Chapter 89

Title: Battle of Element and Animal!


As far as the eyes could see, there was sand, this place was kilometres away from the residential area.

Sir Crocodile was looking ahead of him, Liger had finally arrived. He reconsidered if he should create a pit of quicksand under him. But he found it too easy so he suppressed himself from finishing him off too early. 

Even though he was a little more cautious than his anime counterpart due to Amon's influence, his bad habit of playing with his enemies still stands.

"Oh, you worthless Vice-admiral. You fell for my trap, you entered my domain!" Crocodile crackled up. "Kuhahaha!"

"Kekek…" Unexpectedly for Crocodile, Liger also laughed. He knew what Crocodile was pointing towards, but there was no way he would lose. "Crocodile, do you know what my devil fruit is?"

Slowly, Ligers body was changing. Strange tiger-like marks were forming in his body while blonde fur was covering his entire self. "Kekka! It's a Zoan, an ancient Zoan to be specific." 

He grinned as Crocodile frowned. "Thousands of years ago, there used to exist a certain animal. That was a mutant race, a mixture of Lion and Tiger. Using its extraordinary power, it gained its name…  Liger! Ironically, my dead parents chose this certain name for me, and I also got this certain fruit." His grin widened as he spread his arms in the air. "Ancient Zoan; Cat Cat Fruit, Model: Liger!"

From the sky, Amon chuckled hearing him. His guess was correct. Although word of his exact devil fruit name  never got out, he knew for a fact that it should be something like this. After all, he had seen it in person before. 'But an ancient Zoan? Talk about a pleasant surprise.'

Liger's body grew in size and got completely covered in golden fur with markings similar to a tiger all around his body. However, he also had a lion-like head. In this form, he looked dangerous and intimidating. He obviously had the power to back that look as well.

His pupils were now red, glaring at Crocodile. Crocodile didn't think much, the man was dangerous. He raised his right hand in the air and...

Swung the arm down aggressively. "[Desert Sword]!"

Crocodile formed his right hand into a loose blade of fast-moving sand and then stabbed it into the ground, extending it along the ground like a torpedo, splitting anything in its path, including the very ground itself. However… Liger had already vanished from his spot.

He suddenly appeared from behind Crocodile with his hand forming a punch. "Kek! You aren't half-bad, huh!"

Before Crocodile could fully turn around, Liger's punch hit him in the face!


Crocodile tried to transform into sand, but the punch hit him too hard. He flew a few meters away from the spot, but he didn't hit the ground. He transformed into sand mid-air and became one with the desert itself.

Liger stood there in silence, looking around him. The wind of the desert caressed his fur while the heat made him sweat a little. This was a bad atmosphere for an animal that never touched the desert, resulting in a huge disadvantage by the  fur covering his body. 

"...Did that coward run away after one hit–!!!"

His question was answered the next second as a hand made of sand came out of the ground and grabbed his leg. He grinned and stepped on it with his other leg, but more hands came out of the ground and subdued him. 

In a few seconds, hands were wrapping his whole body and pulling him underground. Liger couldn't move at all. "Kahahaha! Show yourself, coward!"

He was quite fascinated by how Crocodile did things. Crocodile took a big lesson from the time he got threatened by Amon with frickin water bottles. He won't let himself be humiliated like that, ever again. 

Soon after, in front of Liger's eyes, a sand sculpture of a human came out of the ground and soon took the form of Crocodile who had a cigar in his mouth. 

"Look at your worthless face, did you think beating me in a desert is possible?" Crocodile looked down at him who looked back with a grin. 

"Oh, you think some hands made of sand  can… KEEP ME DOWN?!"

Suddenly, his 9 foot body started to grow large and soon took the form of a 25 feet tall giant humanoid Liger. "Have you ever seen an awakened devil fruit? You didn't right? So here, you can take pride in being able to see it now."

He monologued  while freeing himself from the sand hands. Crocodile growled seeing this, it seemed he would have to get serious as well. 

With his hands preparing to grab Liger's giant neck, Crocodile jumped forward. But that was the wrong  move.

"Yawn~ This is boring, too boring." Although it was quite a surprise that Liger had already awakened his fruit and even had such a transformation up his sleeves, he couldn't outmatch the cautious Crocodile. Though that doesn't mean Crocodile was on the winning side either. The current match was impossible to determine, for most people at least.

Amon kept watching the match while floating on his stomach, around 3000 meters up in the air. He could still see everything clearly. Amon made some preparations and took some pictures of the match. This can be enough to prove that they died while fighting each other. 

At first, he wanted to take things slowly and finish Crocodile in a way that won't let the Marines know about it. Although doing things such hideously didn't appeal to Amon, he had to be careful since he would be absent from the earth for a while. 

First, he wanted to use Liger to expose everything about Crocodile. Then when he would have been in the run, Amon would have claimed his head. However, this wasn't half-bad either. This was a through and through golden opportunity. 

Eating ice cream that he brought from the Sky a minute ago, Amon kept looking at the scene. Suddenly, Amon's sword flinched lightly as he patted it lightly. "Don't act like you have a life, I will get paranoid."

Chuckling to himself, Amon looked back at the first month of him with the sword. At first, the sword was a disobedient piece of shit. It took him 375 hours of Conquerors Haki injections into that shit to tame it. Even now, it's an aggressive and stubborn sword just like it's other two family members.

"Oh, oh it's getting interesting."

Amon paid more attention to the fight down there. 




Hours later, Amon was walking through the desert with a packet of fries in his hand. After walking like that for a few more a minute, Amon finally reached a sandy hill which he climbed atop. 

He looked down, down at the two people barely keeping up their fight. Crocodile was barely forming his sand attacks while Liger was on the verge of falling to his knees, his body had become very skinny and dry, indicating him falling victim to Crocodile's moisture draining ability. The fight was interesting since, somehow, Crocodile learned how to use armament as well. 

Crocodile wasn't weak at all this time around, and since he was less arrogant than before, he at least reached this point. In fact, if he was not arrogant at all, he might even have won against that monster. Amon sipped some juice which he spilled out because the heat ruined the taste. 

Crocodile and Liger were still on their feet, Amon grinned. It was time to hunt. "Hey boys!"

Both Crocodile and Liger looked back.


"Hey boys!"

'What?! Lucifer?!' 

Both of them had the same reaction seeing the black-haired, red eyed devil looking at them with a grin while his hair was fluttering in the air. "It's been a while, both of you."

Although their initial reaction was indeed that of being surprised, currently they were plotting in their head. 'Great, I'm his partner, he will take my side.' 'Great, from what I know they are enemies, he will take my side.'

Unfortunately for both of them, they will be getting one big surprise.

Amon grinned and took out his sword. He would have never thought of carrying a sword all the time like this before. Things changed after he got this piece of art. This was one of Tenguyama Hitetsu's creations.



Meanwhile, Robin was in her room sitting in her chair, staring at the ceiling with hollow eyes. "I failed again… I really am a Devil. Just for some drink, I hurt him." 

Her tears were spilling even though she's been crying for hours now. A thought came to her mine, "...Should I commit suicide…?" She instantly shook her head. She glanced at the hidden bottle of whiskey around the room. "No, I will never drink in my life again!"

She fell on the bed face first and cried while hugging her pillow. 'I won't rebel ever again… p-please come back.'




P.S; Let us reach 1000+ power stones votes for a bonus chapter. (289 right now)


This chapter was proofread by Discord members and edited by @Retuculum and @AyyZelos and @Shortmotor!


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