One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Chapter 9 - Seimei Kikan

Chapter 9


–General Pov–

[Time-skip 1.5 years| Mc's age 5.5]

On the eastern side of the Shandia village, Amon came out from a tent slightly bigger than the normal ones.

Soon, a short and fat man also came out of the tent, just behind Amon. He had a pretty heavy looking basket covered with a curtain in his hands too. 

"Hey, Amon. Err… Do me a favor and give this to Isa… alright?" The fat guy, Bob asked.

Amon responded with a fake playful smile. "Oh? What is this? Is this what the adults call love? You are even giving your own food for Isa, now?"

Bob blushed hearing him and scratched his head. "Hehe… wait no! You are just a kid, you aren't supposed to ask something like that! And, no I'm not giving her all my food… You see, I got a bonus this month from the chief. I exchanged some goodies with that, so I thought… Why not share it with, Isa?"

Amon took the basket from his hands, and said, "Alright, I'll give it to her. Maybe… I can even say a few good words to her about you. Hmm…? Should I?"

Bob's eyes grew for a second as he replied quickly, "H-huh? Really? Then I'll give you my special shooters-wait, no! It's not that I want you to do something for-"

Amon interrupted him, as he said, "Hey, hey, calm down. A little help won't do any bad. You see, everything is fair in love and war!" Amon showed off his biceps as he said this. Then he prepared to walk away. "Anyway, I'll be going now. See you."

Saying this, he started to walk towards the Western part of the village, where his and Isa's house is located.


After a few minutes of walking, Amon reached his house. He sneakily went inside, evading people using his [Observation Haki]. After that, he sat down on his bed.

Using Observation Haki at full capacity, Amon confirmed that there wasn't anyone around here. Then, he slowly removed the curtain from the basket, as his eyes shined. "Damn… look at this. It's fresh carrots and apples... What did he exchange to get this?..."

By food, Shandian people only knew sea-foods, since even though there are a few trees inside their 'dome', fruits grow on those trees rarely. The only ways to get fruits are raiders retrieving them from pirate ships or the Upper-yard.

Since the village doesn't have any currency, they live by exchanging goods for other goods. Like ancient times in Amon's previous world. 

Amon chuckled like a child seeing the fruits in front of him. "What a simp lord… he must have exchanged some good dials…. That's a big waste. I had my eyes out for a few of his special dials... But," Amon picked an apple from the lunch-box. "It's not that bad, after all, something good happened to me for his stupid action. These fruits…full of nutrition…these are mine now."

Amon then started to eat the fruits. As soon as the fruits in the basket started to dwindle.

As he kept doing just that until only 2/10 of the original fruits were left.

Waiting for a few minutes, Amon got up from his seat, and walked out of the hut with the curtain covered basket, going towards Isa's tent just beside his house.

After turning right after leaving his hut, Amon faced a tent, slightly bigger than Bob's tent. Amon after confirming Isa's presence with [Observation Haki] went inside.

Noticing the small figure entering her tent, Isa who was sitting on the bed, looked towards him. Seeing Amon she smiled kindly, as she said. "Why are you here? Anything I can help with?"

Amon just went towards her and also sat down on the bed. He placed the basket on the bed as he looked at Isa. "It feels good to be beautiful right? Always receiving gifts from the other tribesmen." Amon said with the fake tone of tease in it.

"My, my? Are you jealous? Unfortunately, you aren't a girl! Or I'm sure with your face, many boys would have been after you already." She then looked at the basket beside her. "Anyway, who is it this time? And what's inside?"

"It was Bob. He is nice enough to give you these lots of fruits…" Amon said, pointing at the basket.

Isa's blinked in surprise. 'Fruits? That's rare.' She thought as she picked up the basket, it was not that heavy but from the weight, she could tell there were quite a few left. She took off the cover from the basket and became surprised again. "Mmm… that's quite a lot."

Amon glanced from the side as if he's holding himself back from not eating those. Isa noticed this and smiled lightly, 'He trains too much for a kid, however that look… he is a kid after all. Hehe.' Unfortunately for Isa, this was all an act. Amon has already adapted to acting like a kid, so doing these small acts to trick the adults is nothing new to him.

Isa hid the basket behind her, as she looked at Amon. "What are you looking at? Those are mine." 

Amon pretended to be unhappy as he frowned, getting up from the bed preparing to leave. "What? I never wanted those anyway. I'll go now! BYE!" 

Acting grumpy, Amon prepared to leave. But suddenly, Isa caught him from behind and picked him up in her embrace. "Hahaha! Look at you. I was joking. I won't be able to get sleep at night if you go away like this…" Isa wiped her imaginary tears saying this.

Amon didn't say anything, as Isa lowered him on the ground. She then went towards the basket and took half of the fruit from it. Placing them in a small bag, she came towards Amon. "Here, take this. Eat all you want. Ah, don't forget to share them with Raki. I won't share any more of mine~"

Amon smiled receiving the fruits, he then jumped up and kissed Isa's cheeks. Soon, he ran out of the tent towards his hut.

Isa sighed with a happy smile as she saw him walk away. 'He is such an innocent child.'

Amon felt a little attached to Isa, but that wasn't enough for him to sacrifice a source of nutrition.


[A few hours later|Night Time]

Amon was sitting in his room on top of his bed in a lotus position, similar to those cultivators from wuxia novels. 

Seated like that Amon was breathing rhythmically. His body was comfortable, he wasn't even moving an inch. If anyone saw him now, they would assume he has fallen asleep.

He soon opened his eyes, proving that he wasn't sleeping. His red eyes seemingly gleamed for a second, as he suddenly frowned hard.

He rendered his strength and let it surge throughout his whole body. Amon held his breath as his muscles tightened slowly. Soon, he bulked up to almost 2x of his actual body size.

Amon then tried to circulate his strength to his back, the unmovable part of his body, his wings!

[Seimei Kikan](Life Return)

He was trying to use Seimei Kikan, a technique that can supposedly let one control their whole body functions by their will.


However, the next moment he spat some saliva and fell on the cloud-floor face first, creating a *thud* sound.

Now, unlike his calm demeanor a second ago, he was sweating profusely while huffing a lot.

"Huff… dammit, why doesn't it work!"

Amon was trying to perform [Seimei Kikan] the technique that allows the user to control all of their bodily functions. Amon knew if he were able to learn this technique, he should be able to move his wings. 

He wasn't sure if he would succeed at this, since not much was explained about Seimei Kikan in anime/manga. And for someone like Amon whose complete knowledge comes from the show, he didn't have enough points to work on.

Also, due to the fact that this technique didn't have many users, the only shown users being Rob Lucci and Kumadori, Amon's chance for mastering this technique would be  even lower.

However, those thoughts were getting him nowhere. He thought after getting nutrition from the fresh fruits, he might succeed. However, it seems all that nutrition has gone to waste.

Amon felt disheartened for a while, but he soon got out of it. 

After regaining his composure, Amon sat up and sighed. 'Seimei Kikan… If I succeed, I will definitely be able to move my wings, but it's very hard. When I was 7 months old, after filling my tummy, I tried to practice Seimei Kikan and digest the food… But, not only did I fail, I almost died choking on my own vomit.'

Amon let his thoughts wander as he rested for a while. 'Only now, after 5 years,  I have enough courage to try this shit again. But no matter how hard I try, nothing seems to be working…. I recall it had something to do with being a hermit… but that's not completely true as Rob Lucci was able to perform that technique. I'm sure someone like him isn't a hermit!... But, if I fail to do this, it's not like there aren't any other ways…' Amon thought as he remembered Chopper's words when he first saw Seimei Kikan in action.

Amon then continued his thoughts, 'According to Chopper, a technique named [Bio Feedback] exists, which is very similar to Seimei Kikan… So, for now, I will keep training on Seimei Kikan, but if I don't progress even a little after a few months, I won't waste my time on this thing anymore.'

Amon then sighed and closed his eyes.

A few minutes passed like that, as Amon released a long breath and got up from his lying position.

He stood up while stretching. As he said, "Well, time to sleep. I'm tired."

After gurgling his mouth with water, Amon walked to his bed. He also checked the surrounding area with [Observation Haki] sleeping. You are never TOO careful.




A/N: Check the chapter comments. There I posted the Map of the Shandia Village. 

This chapter was proofread and edited by @Reticulum and @IWantToKMS.

If this story reaches 500+ Votes, it will receive a new chapter.


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