Bai Jing certainly understood this principle. When he was in the air, he condensed a huge fist of fire in his hand and blasted it downwards.

The flames burned fiercely and blasted towards the golden sea below.

The huge reaction force blasted Bai Jing's body away, dodging the attack of these maces.

And his body was pushed dozens of feet high by the reaction force.

He looked down and raised his mouth slightly, "Not just any cat or dog can provoke me."

His expression immediately straightened and shouted, "Fist of the God of Fire."

Behind Bai Jing, the flames slowly condensed into a huge phantom, reaching the sky and the earth, like a god of fire.

And his whole body was made of flames. When Bai Jing's right fist blasted down, the huge fire fist of the flame giant also blasted down.

This move was created by Bai Jing himself, and he did not learn from Ace.

Lightning appeared in his left fist.

Behind him, huge lightning gathered into the phantom of the God of Thunder and Lightning. Two huge phantoms of the God of Fire and the God of Thunder blasted out right and left fists one after another.

This big fist, which was hundreds of feet long and dozens of feet wide, blasted the huge pirate ship.

It was also sealed on the five giants and the little brother above.

The flame belt, with the violent impact and explosion force, blasted the pirate ship into two pieces and cut it in half.

The five giants were blown away by this powerful impact and explosion force, and fell into the golden sea with the destruction of the pirate ship.

And the big fist of the God of Thunder and Lightning followed one after another, and the violent lightning electrocuted all the people on the pirate ship.

Especially in this golden sea, water conducts electricity, and gold is an excellent material for electricity.

The huge high voltage electricity electrocuted everyone and electrocuted them to death. Their bodies were stiff, their eyelids turned white, and their bodies were stiff.

One by one, floating on this golden sea.

The people around were fascinated by Bai Jing's two punches.

"As expected of a pirate worth 800 million berries!"

"With just two punches, he solved an entire giant pirate group."

"The pirate ship was also destroyed by his two punches, and the five captains are now floating on the surface."

"Is this the strength of 800 million pirates?"

"Who can take the punch of the Thunder God?"

"And that is the ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit, that fire fist is more powerful than Ace's."

Many people above kept sighing and looking at the sky, and Bai Jing, who was falling, had a different look in his eyes.

Ace had been staring at Bai Jing just now, watching the punch he had just thrown, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The flame condensed into a giant phantom and punched out, which would be much more powerful than his original fire fist, which required a very high reserve of flames.

After doing all this, Bai Jing turned 360 degrees in the air, perfectly, and fell into the water!


"He fell into the golden sea. Isn't he a Devil Fruit user?"

"He has lost consciousness in the golden sea. Does anyone want to fish him out?"

"Then kill him. With this, go to the navy to make 800 million times. These 800 million Baileys are money."

"You can go if you want. Who knows what else this pirate has in store.

"He looks very cunning. This is not the way to die."

While everyone was discussing above, Bai Jing surfaced, put his hands together, and gathered a flash mirror.

This flash mirror reflected the golden light spot route, and Bai Jing's body also turned into a light spot, following this beam of light and returned to the navy warship.

"How is it possible?"

"Isn't he a Devil Fruit user?"

"Why can he still move under the sea? This is unscientific."

"This kid is weird. Fortunately, I didn't go down just now, otherwise I would have been wrapped up by him. "

In this sea water, it is conductive.

If he releases the power of thunder and lightning again, the next one will die.

At the top of the golden tower, Tezoro stared at Bai Jing below with a thoughtful look.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said playfully, "It's quite interesting. No wonder he can defeat the Celestial Dragons."

"The ability of the Flame-Flame Fruit, the ability of the Thunder Fruit, and the ability similar to the Flash Fruit."

"This Thunder Fruit is a natural counter to me."

Tezoro's eyes were thoughtful again, and his eyes flickered back and forth.

Hidden in the darkness, no one knew what he was thinking.

Gold is conductive. No matter how Tezoro changes, he can only use the power of gold.

And Bai Jing has the Thunder Fruit, which is destined to counter the Gold Fruit.

Just like the Rubber Fruit, which is a natural counter to the Thunder Fruit.

Even if your fruit awakens and turns everything around into gold, as long as Bai Jing releases a little lightning, it will follow all the yellow matter.The gold substance comes to your body and electrocutes you.

This is the bug of the Thunder Fruit.

After doing all this, they drove the navy warship into the Golden City.

Stepped down from the navy warship and took all the gold and silver treasures, a large sack full of them.

Carried on the back of Little Oz.

Stella also covered her face so that no one could see her. Now it was a little complicated and she was struggling with her mind.

During this period of time, Ace Baijing and others could watch and play in the Golden City first.

Several people found a huge hotel in the Golden City to check in.

Little Oz was a giant because of his physical condition. There was also a place for the giants to rest in the Golden City, but the conditions were much worse than before, but there was always a place that was not.

Stella was alone in the luxurious hotel, thinking back and forth in a complicated way, and finally turned into a deep sigh.

"I am more timid when I am close to my hometown, and I dare not ask the visitors."

"I am afraid of my friends when I am close to my friends, and I dare not see the old ones."

At this time, Bai Jing was having a great time in this golden city that never sleeps.

He first found a huge gambling city, where he spent a lot of gold, silver and jewelry.

Anyway, he never won and lost, and his luck was very bad.

After half an hour, Bai Jing walked out of here with a black face and cursed.

"What kind of shitty luck is this? I didn't win even after dozens of games."

He even suspected that the Golden Emperor had let his subordinates suck up all his luck.

But they had never seen each other from beginning to end, so he could only blame himself for his bad luck.

His face was extremely black!

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