Whitebeard's handsome photo

This is the abnormality of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, which can not only cause vibrations in the atmosphere, but also in the ocean.

No matter how many of these people come, they will die. This is Bai Jing's domineering and unique confidence.

Unless they are abnormal like Garp, he will kill more people. Otherwise, no matter how many people come, he will kill as many as the navy. It's just sending heads.

Garp's face is ugly. This is the first time someone can threaten him like this.

But it is indeed as Bai Jing said. If the navy does not retreat, then they really can't leave.

He knows the morbidity of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit better than anyone else. He has also dealt with Whitebeard.

Although he doesn't know how Bai Jing got it, no matter how unwilling he is, he has to take the lives of the navy as the priority.

Bai Jing has already held back. If he continues to fight, it will inevitably leave everyone here.

If all the navy he dispatched this time die, it will definitely be a big loss to the navy.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and looked at the navy still swimming below, and said, "Retreat, this mission failed, the pursuit of the pirate Bai Jing failed, go back and increase the bounty."

After saying that, many of the navy on the sea climbed up. The two warships were densely packed with navy, and some of them could not even stand.

Of course, some of them had died, because most of these people were struck by Bai Jing's terrifying thunder and lightning, and hundreds of thousands of people must have died.

After doing all this, Bai Jing was suspended in the air, standing on top, looking down at the scene off the field, with a demeanor like a god.

And this live broadcast was broadcast live to all parts of the world, to all parts of the New World, and other places.

Let everyone refresh their cognition of the pirate Bai Jing again.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jing was so strong that even the navy hero Garp was repelled by him.

And let everyone clearly know that the pirate Bai Jing is a multi-fruit ability user.

The Flame-Flame Fruit, the Thunder Fruit, the Flash Fruit, and the most deadly one is the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

There are now two Flame-Flame Fruit users, two Flash Fruit users, and two Gravity Fruit users on this sea.

There are also two Tremor-Tremor Fruit users, one with Blackbeard and one with Bai Jing.

The naval encirclement ended in failure, and everyone left in disgrace.

Bai Jing and the other two returned to the Golden City. The Golden Emperor looked at the three and said, "The pirate ship is ready. The navy is expected to make a comeback in the next few days."

"So it's right to leave early. As for the huge golden pirate ship that is being built, it will take at least 7 days."

Bai Jing nodded and ordered people to drive the golden pirate ship to Dressrosa.

"Next, we will go to Dressrosa first, and then go to other places to take a look."

Listening to what Bai Jing said, the Golden Emperor nodded, and the group of 5 people left the Golden City.

Of course, he brought a lot of wealth, and this pirate ship was also specially customized. Although it was not particularly luxurious, it was enough to carry the body of Little Oz.

The three of them headed towards Dressrosa. Stella and Golden Emperor were in a room.

Bai Jing and Hua Zhiyin were in a room, because Bai Jing's room was specially customized.

Inside, there was a small aquarium, of course, it was all clean water.

Ace had a room, and Little Oz had a room.

On this pirate ship, Bai Jing decided that he had enough Nine Nether Qi anyway, and he had killed a lot of navy these days.

Although they were all rushing into his gun, he didn't want to kill people, but life forced him.

So, he could go to the Nine Nether World again, even if Zefa's two disciples had not been found yet, but he could see if there were any acquaintances of his own and revive him first.

Besides, his pirate ship was too huge and too empty. There were only 6 people on the ship, which was inevitably a little too deserted.

6 people, on the deck of this pirate ship, sailing freely on the sea.

The Golden Emperor held Stella in his arms, standing beside the pirate ship, looking at the vast sea around him, sighing.

"It's been more than ten years, I haven't had this feeling, I haven't been out to sea for more than ten years."

Since Stella died, he has been hiding in this Golden City, without a partner, running his own casino, doing his own business.

Now he has put down the casino and started sailing freely for a woman.

Ace and Little Oz curled their lips, "This is showing off their love again."

Bai Jing laughed and looked at Ace meaningfully, "When we go to Wano Country, you can also meet YamatoNo?"


Ace seemed to remember the person in his memory, smiled lightly, and said no more.

Hua Zhiyin looked at Bai Jing from the side and curled her lips.

Pirates are the freest on this sea.

At night, a banquet started again, but this time Hua Zhiyin learned her lesson. The oolong tea she drank was made by herself.

It definitely did not pass through Bai Jing's hands.

This pirate ship was filled with laughter and joy. It was very lively.

On the other side, the World Government was just the opposite.

At the Navy Headquarters, Akainu sat in the Admiral's seat, furious!

The terrifying magma emanated from him.

There was a biting cold light in his eyes.

He pounded the table with both hands, "Bang!"

Furious, "These damn pirates dared to offer a bounty to the Navy. Who do they really think they are? "

"Also, this pirate even dared to put a bounty on my head. It's ridiculous. If they have the guts, let them come. I'll kill as many as they can."

"Raise the bounty on Bai Jing to 2 billion. This guy is really too vicious."

"He even dared to broadcast live to let the world know. With this shock, the future of the navy may be even worse. "

Sitting opposite him were some intelligence personnel. Seeing Akainu so angry, they left in disgrace.

At this moment, Bai Jing's bounty rose again, floating to 2 billion, a full increase of more than 1 billion.

This is the only pirate in history whose bounty has increased so much, even more terrifying than the Straw Hat Boy, and the bounty is as high as 2 billion.

And this live broadcast caused a huge shock in the New World.

Many pirates had evil thoughts. Since the navy can offer bounties to pirates, and Bai Jing's proposal to offer bounties to the navy must be feasible.

In the eyes of all the pirates, Bai Jing quietly became famous, and his limelight was no less than that of the Straw Hat Boy and the supernovas.

It seems that he has become a name that is as good as the Seven Warlords of the Sea or the most vicious supernovas in the new era.

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