When Lucien heard what Bai Jing said about Onisel, she shuddered all over, and this shudder woke up Jimlet in her arms.

Her eyes were a little scattered, and then they gathered light again. She stared at Bai Jing, and the spark of hatred burned in her eyes again.

She said, "How do you know Onisel? Who are you to him?"

"Is he dead too and in this underworld?"

"Why don't you dare to come to see me?"

It is unknown whether Lucien's questions contain her complete love for Onisel.

But what is certain is that the interweaving of love and hate, and the mixture of expectation and loss, have led to the current situation.

She hated that Onisel had deceived him for several years.

She hated that Onisel did not show up when the child was at his most powerless and when she was at her most powerless.

She hated that she hated herself and Onisel as well, for not saving their only child.

It was also that night that an accident happened, and she became a vegetable, and died in the near future.

Only when she came to this world of the underworld did she get rid of the state of the vegetable and return to her original state.

After going through untold hardships, she crossed the river of the underworld with her child and came to the seventh city.

Because the cities corresponding to the underworld are not necessarily in the order from the first to the seventh, it is random to go to any city.

Since Onesel can come to this underworld world, it means that he is also dead, so it is not difficult to guess that he is also in the underworld world.

Lucien's emotions suddenly became excited and excited.

Bai Jing shook his head, "It's not like that, he is not dead, and I can come to this world of death just to resurrect you, and this child, don't you want to go back?"

Lucien's emotions were still very excited, and his voice quietly rose by three degrees, and the face transformed by the ghost was no different from a real person.

Her face was already a little red, and she pointed at Bai Jing and said, "I don't need it, I don't need to go back to see him."

Bai Jing was silent when she saw Lucien's appearance. If Lucien had no feelings for Onesel, she should be indifferent, and would not care about Onesel anymore, nor would she want to know any information about Onesel.

However, now that Bai Jing had just mentioned Onesel's name, she was so out of control, which explained a lot.

Lucien still had Onesel in her heart, and it was true that hatred existed, but the same love did not dissipate with time.

It was just that with the death of the child, her heart also died.

Now, being able to see her own child, her dead heart quietly came back to life at this moment.

Bai Jing looked at Lucien and whispered, "You still have him in your heart, don't you?"

"Why else would you be so out of control?"

"And don't you want to know how Onesel has been through these years?"

"Are you the only one who is suffering?"

Bai Jing questioned bit by bit. Although the tone was not harsh, it was like a punch in Lucien's heart.

She stopped talking and looked at Gimlet who had awakened in her arms in silence, wondering what she was thinking.

Bai Jing used the devil fruit ability he had just obtained to show the plot of Onesel's longing for Lucien that he had seen in the anime over the years in a form similar to a movie.

He put his hands together and suddenly pulled them apart.

A huge light curtain that was two meters long and one meter wide appeared abruptly.

On it, frame after frame of pictures flashed, and the pictures in them were all Onesel's longing for Lucien.

In the first frame, when Onisel knew that Xi'an had become a vegetable, Onisel cried bitterly.

The man in a suit, the serious man, seemed to have died at this moment.

He lay beside Lucien's bed, crying weakly and apologizing weakly, "I'm sorry, because I love you too much, I will tell lies to you."


In the second frame, Lucien became a vegetable, and Onisel tried his best to make Lucien smile. He accompanied Lucien through the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and was still by her side.

He insisted on visiting her every day, and finally after trying a set of baby clothes, Lucien smiled.

And Onisel has been wearing this baby clothes since then.

He came to the hospital to visit Lucien every day, and brought a bouquet of flowers every day, just like they had dated before.


In the third frame, Onisel insisted on wearing baby clothes every day, and was also ridiculed and laughed at by many passers-by.

But he didn't care. No matter how the world looked at him, as long as he could win Lucien's smile every day, he would be happy.Laughing is his happiest thing.

He gave up his favorite suit, changed into yellow bottom pants, pink baby suit, and a pacifier in his mouth.

Countless people around him mocked him and laughed at him, but he still enjoyed it.

"Hahaha, what a weirdo."

"How can there be such a pervert."

"The world is so big, today I have opened my eyes."

"What kind of pervert is this? Why is he dressed like this?"

There were countless mockings around, but on the way to the hospital, Onesel was laughing.


Three frames of pictures flashed, and the hatred in Luciana's eyes slowly disappeared, and even the complexity in her eyes reached the extreme.

Her lips trembled slightly, and her upper and lower lips were constantly touching.

He murmured in a low voice, "Is it necessary to do this for me?"

"You have suffered..."

Bai Jing knew that this might not be enough, and continued to play all the things that Onesel did for Luciana in his mind.

The fourth frame shows Franky and Onesel fighting. In the end, Franky rides on Onesel and swings his fist hard.

Onesel keeps recalling and muttering to himself. Frame after frame of pictures about Lucien flash through his mind, flashing Lucien's smile and all the past with Lucien.

When Onesel is being hammered by Franky, he says to himself, "You will only smile at me when you wear this dress."

Franky's fist hits him hard in the face, twisting his face.

He seems to have forgotten the pain.

The last punch hits hard, knocking Onesel out.

He still has no pain in his heart, and is still recalling things about Lucien.

His sunglasses are quietly broken at this moment, with tears in his eyes, his face is haggard, his nose is bleeding, and the pacifier in his mouth flies out.

He looked at the sky that was blown away. It was a clear sky, but he was in a trance and returned to the rainy night of that day.

In the rainy night, Lucien ran away and became a disabled person. In this rainy night, he lost everything, his child, and his lover.

At this moment, Onesel's love for Lucien burst to the extreme.

Love follows the rain, and love dies when the rain falls.

He fell heavily to the ground, closed his eyes weakly, and fainted.

In the last moment of coma, the tears quietly burst out.

Wet the man's face.

Everything is over, and the dust has settled.

Franky looked at Onesel like this, walked forward, and a heavy voice sounded.

"What on earth did you remember that made you cry like this?"


After saying that, he leaned over and used his iron hands to wipe away the two lines of tears in his eyes.

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