"Hey, kid, hand over your pirate ship and the valuables on you."

"I can spare your life, otherwise you will go to see the King of Hell today."

In the dense forest, a pirate man rushed out first, followed by a thousand people.

Everyone had a hideous face, holding a spear or a short knife in his hand, waving it in his hand, with a bad look on his face.

Looking at Bai Jing and the others, it was like a cat watching a mouse.

"Damn, the people of the Tuji Pirates actually got ahead of us, so our Black Dog Pirates can't fall behind either."

"Brothers, go!"

In another dense forest, another man walked out, wearing an eye mask, followed by a thousand people, and appeared on the golden beach, looking at Bai Jing and the others.

"The second team is here, and there are two more teams hiding around. Don't they come out?"

Bai Jing muttered to himself, his face was calm, and there was no joy on his face.

Ryoma, Ace, Golden Emperor, and Corazon followed behind Bai Jing, only glancing at him and then looking away.

These people were too weak to be of any interest.

And among all the people on the field, there was only one devil fruit user, the leader of the Tuji Pirates.

There were two pirate groups hiding in the dark, one was the Gas Pirates, and they were determined not to go out now.

The other one came out just after Bai Jing's voice fell.

There were also about a thousand people, and 3,000 people on the field surrounded them, staring at the five people jokingly.

"Boss, look, the man in front seems to be the supernova Bai Jing!"

"His bounty, which was just announced yesterday, has reached a terrifying amount..."

"What's the big deal? How much is it?"

"Although we don't intend to intervene, as a member of our Gas Pirates, you should calm down."

The leader of the Gas Pirates hated his subordinates for not fighting, and in anger, he hit him hard on the head, knocking out a big bump.

Then, he snatched the bounty order from his younger brother, took it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

His understanding of Bai Jing was still two months ago, when Bai Jing had just become a supernova, and his bounty was only 300 million at that time.

The leader of the Gas Pirates stared at the bounty order in his hand carefully.

He counted the number of zeros at the back bit by bit.

One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, million, ten million, hundred million...

At the end, his hands began to tremble wildly, and his eyes began to wander unnaturally.

He continued to count, "1 billion!"

There was another three words in front, this newcomer, a full 3 billion Baileys, "Fuck it, 3 billion Baileys!"

The leader of the Gas Pirates had his eyelids twitching wildly at this moment, and his face had completely changed when he looked at these people.

His feet were trembling, and he said, "Retreat, retreat quickly, these people in front of you are pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, they are not easy to mess with at all."

"Especially their young captain is worth 3 billion Baileys."

The thousands of brothers behind him almost peed when they heard the 3 billion Baileys.

All of them together may not be able to exceed 300 million.

And now there is a pirate with 3 billion Baileys in front of them, which is more than ten times theirs.

Thousands of people retreated secretly and no longer ambushed. If they rob Bai Jing now, they will have to live a long life.

"Hand it over, kid. We don't want to say this again."

"I opened this mountain and planted this tree. If you want to pass by, leave money for passage."

"The leader of the Tuji Pirates looked at Bai Jing with rage in his eyes."

"Did you hear that, kid?"

"Are you deaf?"

"Do you know that the leader of our Tuji Pirates is worth 210 million Baileys and is called the Noisy Tuji."

"Surrender now, or you will die without knowing how."

The Tuji Pirates provoked crazily, while the other two pirate groups, the Black Dog Pirates and the Crow Pirates, were also unwilling to be outdone and stared at Bai Jing.

"They are all a bunch of idiots. "

"One group of people has already left, and now there is only this group left, let's deal with them."

Bai Jing waved his hand and looked at the four people behind him and spoke, he really didn't want to dirty his hands because of these ants.

Longma walked forward with a grin, holding the scabbard tightly with his left hand, and touched the handle with his right hand, ready to kill everyone with one sword.

Ace and Corazon stood behind him and had no intention of taking action, because they knew that Longma alone was enough to kill everyone here with one sword.

The Golden Emperor quickly flew out from behind Bai Jing, holdingA spear condensed from gold has appeared, killing thousands of people.

He said, "Don't kill them all, leave some for me."

The Golden Emperor and Longma smiled at each other, knowing each other.

"You bastard, do you think we are pigs and dogs that can be slaughtered at will?"

"How dare you talk so arrogantly? Let's kill all of them. As for their treasures, we will divide them up slowly."

The leader of the Chicken Pirates and the leader of the Crow Pirates shouted and killed Bai Jing and his five companions.

They rushed forward in a black mass, and some pirates had already clenched their spears, pressed the trigger, and the shells were fired.

The Golden Emperor punched out, and the golden sea water scattered, blasting away all the shells that came to kill.

It exploded in the air.

At this time, Longma moved, and suddenly pulled out the long sword attached to his waist, and the terrifying sword energy slashed forward on the ground!

A sword energy was ten feet long, breaking all the pirates in the straight line into pieces.

Without holding back, the screams of the pirates rang out, and hundreds of them fell to the ground, never to stand up again.

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