The shape of this island also looks strange, with small fish islands extending out around it.

The largest island in the middle looks like the back of an animal.

"It's quite interesting, it looks like a giant turtle, and this island should not be simple."

"I don't know why there is such a strange scene in the pirate world."

Bai Jing slowly looked down, he was still floating in the air.

Bai Jing slowly shook his head, "Forget it, never mind, go find someone first, and talk about it after finding it."

"After all, if the retrograde fruit is found, it can be used to revive Whitebeard."

"Three admiral-level combat forces on one ship, walking sideways in the pirate world."

One is the black-armed Zephyr, one is the great swordsman Ryoma, and the other is Whitebeard when he was young, it's terrifying to think about it.

Not to mention Big Mom coming, even if Kaido comes, he will have to take two punches before leaving.

It's a pity that I can't fool Shanks, otherwise I can fool Shanks onto the ship.

Finally, I went to see Luffy, the stupid old hat, to fill in the final chapter of his regret.

Following the guidance of the long line of fate, Bai Jing flew all the way to the edge of the island, which was also the farthest from where he landed.

There, only a few small thatched houses could be vaguely seen.

"This is it."

The place where the long line guided was exactly here.

Bai Jing's eyes condensed, and he flew down and came to a thatched house.

Bai Jing knocked on the door gently, wanting to see if there was anyone inside.

The door sounded, and there was silence inside the door, and no one responded.

Bai Jing frowned slightly, and carefully used the ability of the Thunder Fruit to hear that there must be a heartbeat in the thatched house.

This means that there is someone inside, and Ain must be inside.

Bai Jing continued to knock, and the voice sounded, "Is Ain here?"

Hearing someone calling her name, a blue-haired woman in the house looked strange in her eyes, thinking that she was so far away from other places, how could someone find her?

And this person is either a navy or a pirate.

The pirates on this island should not know her, so it is very likely that she is a navy.

Then the navy must have no good intentions, and they are basically here to arrest me, after all, I am the disciple of teacher Z.

She was alert in her eyes, and her hands had condensed domineering, still the same as before.

She wore very short jeans, revealing her long white legs. She wore a blue robe and purple clothes behind her, and quietly approached the thatched hut.

She held her breath and opened a gap in the thatched hut. Seeing that the man in front of her was just a teenager and not a navy, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was not a navy. If it was a pirate, she could also deal with it, not to mention the young boy in front of her who was only in his teens.

In her opinion, he was younger than his age, so he must not be strong.

She was also the owner of the fruit of regression. She touched Bai Jing and regressed him to the state of a three-year-old child. The knife was not sharp and the horse was too thin. What could Bai Jing use to fight him?

Bai Jing noticed that there was an x-shaped scar on her right leg, and her soft sea blue wavy hair made her look even more pure.

In fact, Bai Jing admired such a woman, because she was very loyal to Black Arm Zefa and was even willing to sacrifice her life for him.

"Who are you?"

Ain looked at Bai Jing warily and asked in confusion.

"I am just an ordinary, unknown pirate."

Bai Jing pointed at herself and smiled softly, and when Ain heard the word pirate, her eyes turned cold, because she disliked pirates the most.

She looked down on pirates from the bottom of her heart, just like Black Arm Zefa.

Bai Jing certainly knew what Ain meant in his eyes, but he didn't care, and said, "Do you think Black Arm Zefa has a chance to be resurrected?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do you know the teacher?"

Ain's eyes were more alert, and his hands had condensed with domineering power, ready to attack at any time.

The man in front of him was definitely not simple. Seeing Ain so nervous, Bai Jing smiled softly.

"In fact, Black Arm Zefa is not really dead, and still exists in a corner of the world."

Bai Jing continued, "I can revive Black Arm Zefa."

"Really, do you really have this ability?

Adomilalu Ain looked at Bai Jing suspiciously again.

After looking at Bai Jing from head to toe, he couldn't figure out anything, so he concluded that he was lying.

"Don't talk nonsense, Zefa teacher has been dead for a long time. If you think you can use this to make fun of me, then you are looking for the wrong person!!!"

His eyes suddenly condensed, and he punched out.

There was a domineering aura on his fist.

Bai JingHe had expected that Ion would do this, so he did not think about convincing her at the first time. His goal was to obtain Ion's ability of the Retrograde Fruit.

Bai Jing did not dodge or evade, and also condensed the Armament Haki and blasted at Ion.

His physical skills have been completely improved in the past few days, and he is not weak. A group of punches against two people each took a step back.

Quickly walked out of the hut and killed Bai Jing in the distance.

She condensed the Armament Haki in her hand again, but this time there was a strange light flashing above it. It seems that he applied the ability of the Retrograde Fruit and wanted to use it to regress his age.

Bai Jing just smiled when he saw this, and did not say much.

Because when the two of them were fighting just now, he had already obtained the ability of the Retrograde Fruit, so this ability was of no use to him.

A flame appeared on Bai Jing's hand.

The flames were mixed with blue lightning arcs, and they blasted forward fiercely. Bai Jing shouted, "60 million volts. Thunder and Fire Heavy Punch."

Fist to fist, and this punch was even more violent. The terrifying fruit ability, like an out-of-control beast, exploded at the moment when the two fists collided.

Ien was blasted away dozens of steps, his clothes were torn, and the white rabbit was faintly visible.

Bai Jing stood in place, with one hand attached behind him, his white robe rustling in the sea breeze, looking down at Ien from above.

Ien's eyes were full of surprise, he had just used the ability of the retrograde fruit.

Those who were touched by her would regress in age, why did it not work for Bai Jing, he was puzzled.

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