"Where did our ship go?"

After saying this, the captain of the pirate group also looked at several crew members, waiting for their answers.

A pirate also answered the captain helplessly.

"Just now, I don't know which damn guy came to us and robbed our pirate ship.

Then he left. We wanted to stop him, but he threw us off the ship.

This guy is so powerful that we have no chance to fight back."

After hearing what the crew said, the captain sighed helplessly and then spoke.

"Forget it, let's look for other ships.

If not, we will use our money to buy another pirate ship."

In this way, many pirates left the port and went to the place where ships were sold to buy pirate ships.

And Ling Yun drove the pirate ship to the distance.

His idea now is to find a pirate with relatively good strength.

Akainu, Kizaru and others were already on the warship, sailing away.

They wanted to look for Ling Yun everywhere.

In this way, after everyone's constant search, they also found out Ling Yun's movements.

After getting Ling Yun's movements, everyone also showed puzzled expressions.

Only to hear Akainu speak at this time.

"I really didn't expect that a person like Ling Yun would actually rob a pirate ship. This is really cheap."

Kizaru smiled slightly at this moment, and then spoke.

"Who would have thought that this guy would do such a thing?

It seems that we can no longer look at Ling Yun with a conventional perspective in the future.

Ling Yun is a guy who doesn't play by the rules.

We must be more cautious again to prevent him from playing by the rules.

and catch us off guard."

"If that happens, we will be in trouble."

After saying this, Kizaru also spread his hands.

After hearing what Kizaru said, Akainu, Aokiji and others nodded repeatedly to show their approval.

In this way, everyone began to drive forward.

Since there was no news of Lingyun here, there was no need to stay here.

And Lingyun had made up his mind to fight against the World Alliance.

So he didn't stay for a moment and was always looking for strong people.

In this way, Lingyun also found a pirate ship docked on an island.

Then Lingyun suddenly jumped out of the pirate ship and landed on the shore, and then found the captain of this pirate group.

This captain was tall and strong, with many tattoos on his body.

He looked like a gang leader.

And this guy had a mouth full of gold teeth and a very thick cigar in his mouth.

When he saw Lingyun coming, he squinted slightly.

Then he asked Lingyun.

"If I guess correctly, you are Ling Yun, right?"

After saying this, he waited for Ling Yun's answer.

After hearing the words of the pirate leader, Ling Yun also smiled slightly, and then spoke.

"You guessed correctly, I am Ling Yun, and you are Moktari, right?

The main purpose of my coming to you this time is to recruit you as my subordinate.

Then work with me to deal with the World Alliance.

I don't know what you think."

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