He was not as anxious as before. As the saying goes, if I get it, I am lucky, if I lose it, I am doomed.

It doesn't matter whether I find it or not.

Anyway, there is enough time and there is no need to be too anxious.

In this way, Ling Yun also drove the ship to sail from island to island.

Although the speed was slow, Ling Yun also saw the Straw Hat Pirates on the three islands.

After seeing them, Ling Yun did not immediately go to find them.

Although these people look very kind, don't underestimate them.

These people have very good fighting talents and luck.

If I just appear in front of them like this, they will definitely doubt me.

So Ling Yun is also ready to find an opportunity to appear in front of several people to ensure that he appears in a natural way.

Rather than appearing very abruptly.

After making this decision, Ling Yun has been following the people in the Straw Hat Pirates.

In the next few days, Ling Yun has no chance.

This made Ling Yun think that his previous idea was wrong.

Just when Ling Yun was about to stop using the previous plan and appear in front of everyone directly.

Ling Yun also seized an opportunity.

Because as they kept walking, they also encountered an arrogant pirate group.

After seeing Luffy and his group, the crew members of these pirate groups pointed their fingers at Luffy and his group and mocked them.

Luffy and Zoro and others were so angry that they were ready to fight with each other.

Ling Yun also smiled slightly, and then the whole person disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he came to the middle of the two pirate groups.

Then Ling Yun coughed lightly and spoke in a sonorous voice.

"I wonder if you can give me a face?

Next, let's turn hostility into friendship.

Just pretend that the conflict just now never happened."

After saying this, Ling Yun also smiled slightly.

Luffy, Zoro and others looked at Ling Yun in confusion after hearing what Ling Yun said.

Although they did not answer, they no longer had hostility.

When the members of the other pirate group saw Ling Yun, their eyes instantly burst into confusion.

They recognized Ling Yun's identity.

I saw a pirate quietly approaching their captain's ear and speaking to the captain.

"Captain, this person is Ling Yun.

I heard that as long as Ling Yun is defeated and then brought to the World Alliance, a large amount of Bailey can be obtained.

This is much more cost-effective than our risky search for treasure."

The captain of the pirate group was not that stupid.

He felt Ling Yun's strength the first time he saw him.

After hearing about Ling Yun's identity from the crew, he panicked instantly.

Then he slapped the pirate who whispered to him to the ground.

Then they turned around and begged Ling Yun for mercy.

They wanted Ling Yun to let them go.

Ling Yun nodded slightly at this moment, and then spoke.

"Since you are so sincere, you can leave next.

I won't make it difficult for you."

After hearing what Ling Yun said, the captain of the pirate group

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