But the situation was different from what he imagined. The third thunderbolt was actually golden.

The huge energy beam directly engulfed Mo Wudi. When the beam dissipated, Mo Wudi seemed to be unconscious and suspended in the air.

Everyone was worried about him, but the four people from the four major forces were looking forward to it, hoping that Mo Wudi would be completely unconscious.

It would be best if he never woke up. Although the change was not big, it could also get rid of the bad mood of being despised before.

Soon the fourth thunderbolt fell. Mo Wudi, who was still unconscious, did not resist at all. The thunderbolt hit Mo Wudi directly.

After the thunderbolt dissipated, Mo Wudi was breathing out more than breathing in. Ye Jun, Zhao Leng and others could not bear it any longer and wanted to take action.

But he was stopped by Taoist Yunhua, "Don't attack, otherwise it will be difficult for Wudi to break through in the future."

"If you don't attack, Wudi will die. Only by surviving can there be hope of a breakthrough." Ye Jun didn't care about etiquette at this moment, and directly broke free from Taoist Yunhua's hand and was about to attack.

Suddenly, Duanmu Yan had put on Shura Armor and stopped Ye Jun and Zhao Leng.

Su Shengkai also came over, "Captain Ye, please believe in Mo Zhanshen!"

"Get out of the way, if Wudi gets into trouble, I will never let you go!"

At this moment, Ye Jun and Zhao Leng seemed to be crazy, and they took out their weapons to repel Duanmu Yan.

But the thunder tribulation would not wait for them. The fifth thunder tribulation fell directly, and it was too late even if the two of them attacked.


The purple-black thunder hid Mo Wudi again, and everyone could not feel his breath.

Malcolm Pepys and the other three were delighted in their hearts, but they showed a sad look on their faces, as if they were the victims of a tragedy.

Huijue also smiled, but no one noticed.

Ye Jun and Zhao Leng seemed to be in a daze, staring blankly at the thunder that was still going on.

Taoist Yunhua looked suspicious, but Su Shengkai remained calm.

Just as the atmosphere of sadness was spreading among the crowd, the thunder column was split in the middle.

Everyone was also shocked by this scene. They naturally couldn't bear the terrifying thunder.

And at this moment, it was split in half. What kind of power is this?

The thunder light dissipated, and Mo Wudi was still unconscious, but the shadow of Xing Tian appeared around him on his own.

There was no sound, but they could feel the earth-shaking cry from the shadow, which seemed to be unwilling to the world and disdain for all things.

The thunder tribulation seemed to sense it, and the sixth thunder tribulation came in an instant.

Xing Tian's phantom blocked the world-destroying thunder with a shield, and his figure did not move at all.

The next moment, everyone felt a stinging pain in their eyes, and everyone except Duanmu Yan and Su Shengkai closed their eyes.

When they opened their eyes again, the sky and the earth were filled with terrifying sword intent, and the black clouds in the sky were split in two.

A golden light appeared in the sky and fell straight on Mo Wudi.

Xing Tian's phantom seemed to be alive, and he reached into his chest and held Mo Wudi in his palm and raised him above his head.

A colorful energy ball suddenly appeared in the sky and flew towards Mo Wudi, but Xing Tian's phantom was gradually dissipating.

Just as everyone was watching quietly, a figure shot out and flew straight towards the colorful ball of light.

"Stop him quickly, don't let him take away Wudi's opportunity." Taoist Yunhua shouted angrily.

Everyone reacted and wanted to chase, but the other party started first at such a short distance, so it was too late.

Even Duanmu Yan was too late. He wanted to improve to the Martial Emperor Realm in about one second, and this distance was long over for the Martial King Realm strongman.

At the critical moment, the Xingtian phantom actually threw the big knife phantom to chop at the person who came.

This interference was enough. The next moment, a light shadow directly hit the belly of the figure and knocked it to the ground.

The colorful light ball was also completely integrated into Mo Wudi's body. The Xingtian phantom nodded in the direction of everyone and returned to Mo Wudi's body.

A platinum-colored armor appeared in front of everyone, holding the unconscious Mo Wudi in his arms.

It was the emperor armor summoned by Su Shengkai. Fortunately, Su Shengkai could summon it instantly, and he reacted in advance after being reminded by No. 1.

Although he didn't want to have the strength of the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm like the previous Emperor Consciousness, he could now exert the strength of the middle stage of the Martial Emperor Realm with his own early stage of the Martial King Realm.

After coming to Ye Jun and handing Mo Wudi over to him, a figure came to everyone with another figure in his mouth.

One was the Emperor War Dragon summoned by Su Shengkai, which was comparable to the mount of the warriors in the early stage of the Martial Emperor Realm.

Fortunately, this Emperor War Dragon can be summoned remotely, otherwiseYes, Su Shengkai also pinched and shouted.

"Huijue, what do you mean?" Zhao Leng also pointed the tip of the gun directly at Huijue's head, as if he was going to pierce him the next moment.

Huijue felt that his internal organs were ruptured at this moment. He was hit so hard that he even had difficulty breathing at the beginning.

"I, I just want to help take down the light ball. I'm afraid, I'm afraid it will disappear."

Facing the danger of his life, Huijue had to endure the pain and quibble. As long as the other party didn't have clear evidence, they couldn't do anything to him.

"I'm going to MD!"

With a loud shout, Xiao Tian directly crossed the crowd and came to Huijue, and started punching and kicking.

After a long time, he knew that he was tired and stopped, and he didn't forget to spit.

"Do you believe me when I say I'm going to help you clear your muscles and bones?"

But Huijue spat out a mouthful of blood, then smiled, "Thank you, thank you, why, don't you believe me?"

"Fuck you!" Just when Xiao Tian was about to attack again, he was stopped by Su Shengkai.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao, don't do that, let Ye Junchang and the others decide."

After all, this is the military's business, and they can't just bypass the military and take action directly.

Xiao Tian kicked again before he stopped, and was pulled aside by Su Shengkai.

At this moment, Ye Jun, who had finished checking Mo Wudi, came directly to Huijue with a cold and indifferent face.

Huijue still forced out a smile, "No, sorry, yes, I'm concerned about you..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and the original smile froze on his face, looking at Ye Jun in disbelief.

"You, you actually crippled me?"

After saying that, he fainted as if he couldn't accept the fact, but no one paid attention to him.

They all looked at Ye Jun, but Ye Jun didn't care at all and just quietly drew out his sword.

"I will take all the responsibility, please leave now."

After Ye Jun spoke, Malcolm Pepys and the other four left without a second thought.

They were afraid that Ye Jun would destroy them as well, so they had better leave quickly.

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