New world.

Toteland, the world of nations,

Countless islands are like stars, surrounding a huge main island.

Cake Island.

On Cake Island, it was afternoon tea time. BIG MOM sat on the main seat, looking at her son Katakuri with a smile and asked.

"Mmmm, Katakuri, you are so anxious, is there something big happening?"

"Yes, mom! Something big happened outside!!"

Katakuri spoke in a deep voice.

Immediately, he quickly handed over a newspaper.


BIG MOM raised her eyebrows and took it.

Only then did she look at it leisurely.

But her face suddenly changed when she looked at it!


The first thing BIG MOM saw was the title "Shock! Former Navy Admiral Ling Yun fought against the three Navy Admirals and Kaido alone and had an absolute advantage. The reason was that he had two devil fruits...》

"How is this possible..."

BIG MOM frowned. If she could use two devil fruits, she would have eaten them long ago.

The iron rule that eating the second devil fruit will explode and die is not something that no one has challenged!

Even she herself personally found prisoners to experiment, and the facts proved that it was true.


How did this former Navy Admiral do it? !

"Suspected to be the ability of the rubber fruit?"

BIG MOM suddenly thought of a newcomer, who seemed to be called Straw Hat Luffy, who was the owner of the ability of the rubber fruit.

But his strength is far inferior to that of the admiral.

"The first one is an ability similar to the rubber fruit, and the name has not been made public... and he also has a second devil fruit?"

BIG MOM continued to read with a half-believing and half-doubting mentality.

But the next moment, BIG MOM was shocked and her pupils shrank suddenly!

I couldn't help but exclaim.

"How is this possible!!"

"It's actually the ability of Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit?!"

"Could it be that Whitebeard has already..."

Speaking of this, BIG MOM's face was full of doubts!

BIG MOM suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

This Ling Yun is so powerful that he can actually fight four people alone.

These four are the top masters on the sea, the three admirals of the navy, and the Four Emperors Kaido!

It doesn't seem surprising that he killed Whitebeard alone?

But the most terrifying thing is that he has obtained this power to destroy the world!

"Mom, I have sent people to investigate the truth of the matter. I believe that with our intelligence capabilities, we will soon have a conclusion."

Katakuri said in a deep voice.

BIG MOM heard this and showed a look of relief in her eyes.

Nodded, "We must find out as quickly as possible!!"

"Understood! Please rest assured, mom!"

BIG MOM nodded, and the figure of Ling Yun emerged in her mind inexplicably.

There is an indescribable sense of crisis in my heart!

On the other side,

In a certain sea area in the new world of the Grand Line.

Dressrosa Island is drifting in the wind.

"Red Hair, how is it?"

Ben Beckman looked at the red-haired young man in front of him, took a puff of cigarette slowly, and then asked.

"Well, it is indeed quite shocking."

The red-haired man's face was solemn.

"Yes, there are three things that shocked us about Ling Yun!"

"One is that he has the power of Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit."

"Logically speaking, it is impossible for two identical devil fruit abilities to appear in the world."

"If you want to have a devil fruit ability, you must kill the current devil fruit ability owner and then find a way to possess his fruit and eat it."

"If this logic is followed, does it mean that Whitebeard is dead?!"

Ben Beckman looked solemn and talked freely!

"Yeah, so I also find it unbelievable, so I immediately sent a large number of people to Whitebeard's place to determine Whitebeard's current situation, whether he is dead or alive..."

Red Hair has restrained his casualness in the past, and his face is solemn.

"Don't be careless!"

Ben Beckman nodded and continued.

"If Whitebeard is really killed, and even his fruit ability is obtained by others, but there is no news at all, it proves that there is something strange about this matter itself!"

"The leader of the Four Emperors died so silently, which is unlikely..."

"Unless the enemy destroyed the entire Whitebeard Pirates, leaving no one alive!"

"If this is true, then... it proves that Ling Yun's strength has far surpassed the Four Emperors!"

"And this is after killing WhitebeardHe just got the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. With the blessing of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, his strength is even more terrifying!" Ben Bateman analyzed slowly. The red-haired man on the side, as well as the silent Jesus Bu and others, were in a heavy mood! If things are really as Beckman analyzed, then Ling Yun is definitely the world's number one strong man, no one else! He can resist the Four Emperors, he can be on par with the Four Emperors, he can defeat the Four Emperors, he can kill the Four Emperors, he can kill the entire Four Emperors group silently... These are not the same level of strength! The last one is extremely terrifying!! "But there is another possibility, that is, Ling Yun has mastered some kind of ability to copy devil fruits." "If this is the case, it's better. At least it proves that his strength is not so high that the entire Four Emperors group disappears silently." "If this is the case, he has a devil fruit ability very similar to Luffy, or perhaps its superior fruit. The specific name is unknown, but the strength is much stronger. "

"Or the fruit ability he possesses is the rubber fruit that Luffy possesses, but it is just copied and awakened."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Red Hair smiled.

"Fortunately, it has been confirmed that Luffy is safe, otherwise it can be almost concluded..."

"Now let's wait for Lagiru to go and find out the news about Whitebeard."

"Yeah." Ben Beckman responded, and then continued to remind his companions.

"In fact, the probability of Whitebeard being killed is not high. The analysis just now is only slightly comprehensive. It is more likely that Lingyun has mastered some kind of power to copy the devil fruit ability."

"But even so, his strength is far beyond you and me, and we still need to be extremely vigilant!"

"Yeah, okay!"

Red Hair nodded seriously and issued an order on the spot.

"From now on, before Lagiru has received the news that the Whitebeard Pirates are still alive, we need to keep a low profile for a while."

"Do you understand? "

"Understood!" The crew nodded.

After issuing a series of orders, Red Hair finally breathed a sigh of relief and stood by the railing with Beckman, looking at the sea, and couldn't help sighing.

"I didn't expect that the former admiral of the navy would become so powerful and love killing..."

"It's really unpredictable. "

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