
The terrifying impact instantly blasted towards the red-haired man!

The ground seemed to be lifted up completely!

The strong wind swept through! !


The red-haired man trembled all over and couldn't help but spit out a large mouthful of blood!

The whole body was charred, and there were endless arcs flashing!

The whole person couldn't help but stagger back,

but he couldn't escape.

Because of the arc, he was paralyzed.

"One more blow, and you, Red Hair, should be history."

Ling Yun smiled.

The thunder in his body gathered, and Ling Yun slowly stepped forward.

Prepared to give the red-haired man the last blow!

And at this moment...


A bear impact came crashing in


Ling Yun didn't even turn his head, but just slapped his hand lightly behind him!

A bear impact was slapped directly into the distance by Ling Yun!

Directly swept a temporary vortex channel on the sea surface!

The waves surged!


Then came a strong current!

"Fishman Karate, Sea Current Shoulder Throw!!"

Under the sea, a current roared!

Ling Yun frowned and stepped on the ground.

The ground on the island was lifted up high as if drawn with rubber!


The sea current collided with the rubber ground, and the sea current immediately returned in vain, and quickly retreated.


At the same time,

"You are the thief who stole my father's devil fruit ability, I will kill you!"

White II Weibull showed anger on his somewhat stupid face,

Immediately waved the big knife in his hand and slashed it hard at the void! !

The next moment, the sharp sword energy shot out.

The attacking sword energy quickly crossed the ground, drawing a deep gully on the ground, and the target was surprisingly himself!


Ling Yun snorted, and armed Haki surged up on one hand.

And bursts of electric arcs!


The blade energy collided with Ling Yun's left hand!

Suddenly, a strong wind whistled.

The blade energy suddenly shattered during the collision!

"General Ling Yun is still so powerful..."

The empress murmured.

She casually launched two attacks and pretended to be strong.

"Hahahahaha, are you the former admiral of the navy Ling Yun?"

Suddenly, a arrogant laugh came.

Ling Yun looked over.

It was the Golden Emperor Taizoro.

"Hehehe... I want to see if your strength is really as strong as the rumors say!"

"For this, I also prepared a lot of battle preparations in advance..."

"Hmph, Taizoro, I didn't expect that the dignified Golden Emperor would actually look down on the position of Shichibukai."

Ling Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle.

"Haha, if I have the legal right to plunder, I can establish a country and I won't have to be an underground emperor forever."

Tezoro replied with a smile.

"I see."

Lingyun nodded with a smile.

It seems that because of him, part of the historical process has changed.

That's normal.

"Haha, Lingyun, no need to say more, I have prepared a lot of gold to fight you!"

Tezoro laughed grimly.

"Come and fight!"

As soon as the voice fell,

Tezoro's super-large pirate ship made entirely of gold was

suddenly absorbed and covered by Tezoro!

Not only that, the unmanned pirate ships around him that were said to be connected by iron chains also turned into gold in an instant!

All of them were absorbed by Tezoro and covered on his body surface! !

Golden Emperor Tezoro is like this. The more gold he can control, the stronger he becomes.

As for being able to turn other things into gold, that was the ability of his fruit awakening!

Gold covered quickly and soon condensed into a golden giant!

Extremely tall and sturdy, like a mountain, many times taller than the giants! !

At the same time, it was also covered with a strong armed color domineering.

Gives people an extremely shocking feeling!

"Superman-type Gold-Gold Fruit Awakener, very good."

Ling Yun, who saw this scene, just smiled slightly.

"Ling Yun, come and fight!!"

Tezoro laughed wildly, and the extremely tall golden giant attacked brazenly!

"Golden Divine Fire!!"

I saw that the eyes of the golden giant instantly fired several lasers!


Bombarded Ling Yun directly!


Facing several lasers pouring down, Ling Yun just tilted his head slightly.

Almost brushing his head, the lasers exploded behind Ling Yun!

Countless gravel splashed! !

“Swish, swish, swish—boom!!”

“Too slow.”Ling Yun looked relaxed and carefree, and shook his head with a little contempt.

"You... Okay! Try my trick over there!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden giant palm seemed to fall from the sky and smashed down!

"You are still too arrogant. You know that you are powerful, but you have never compared yourself..."

Ling Yun saw this huge palm smashing towards him, and his face remained calm.

Ling Yun stretched out a hand.


The towering huge palm fell, and the contrast with Ling Yun's tiny body formed a sharp contrast!

But no one dared to underestimate him.

The next moment.

Ling Yun stretched out one hand!

Directly resisted the giant palm! !


Ling Yun's body did not bend at all, and it was still very upright.

And under his feet, the ground was cracked!

Countless cracks spread out! !

Smoke and dust rose.

"Hahahaha, Lingyun, die!"

Tezoro exerted force suddenly, trying to crush Lingyun alive!

However, his face changed slightly the next moment.

"How, how is it possible?!"

His face was filled with disbelief, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

Because, with such a huge body,

he often couldn't suppress Lingyun!

His golden giant palm didn't move at all, as if it was directly restrained and couldn't move forward! !

"Hehe, Tezoro, is this your strength?"

Lingyun smiled jokingly.

"It's too weak!"

Lingyun's current physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, and his attributes are already full!

In addition to the blessing of the Human-Human Fruit Fantasy Beast Species Nika Form!

It also cooperates with his own Armament Haki and the Navy Six-style Iron Block!

With these superpositions, Lingyun directly resisted Tezoro's golden giant with one hand!

"This, this is impossible! How can you be so strong!!"

Tezolo's face hidden in gold was distorted, and he couldn't help but yell.

"I don't believe it! Come again!!"

"Golden giant fist!!"

Tezolo quickly retracted his right palm, and smashed down with his left fist!


Ling Yun still took it with one hand.

His expression remained calm.

"How is this possible..."

Tezolo took a breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and punched again! !

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