The angry golden lion grabbed Sanji’s heel with one hand and began to attack Sanji with the other hand.

“Rubber JET rocket launcher!”

Just when the golden lion raised his hand to deal with Sanji, a figure flew quickly from behind, and struck the golden lion’s back with his outstretched hands.


Golden Lion (•́へ•́╬): “Come again, can you attack us head-on? Young people don’t follow martial ethics, they are like rat tail juice!”

The rocket launcher attack used by Straw Hat Luffy in second gear was so powerful that the careless Golden Lion actually vomited blood.

After injuring the golden lion with one blow, Sanji and Luffy fell to the ground and looked up at the golden lion in the sky.

The golden lion was furious at this time, thinking that he, a legendary pirate, had been injured time and time again by these newly minted pirates. The furious golden lion let out an angry howl.

Immediately, a burst of overlord-colored Haki burst out from the Golden Lion’s body, and the terrifying Overlord-colored Haki charged towards the Straw Hats.

“This is domineering and domineering!”

The Straw Hats felt a terrifying aura coming towards their faces. The heavy pressure made their legs unconsciously want to kneel down. Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Franky and others just After holding on for dozens of seconds, he lay on the ground unable to move. Only Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro could still stand.

The three of them all understood the terrifying power of Overlord’s domineering energy. After seeing Li Yi’s Overlord’s domineering energy, the three of them understood the terrifying power of this kind of power. The overlord’s domineering energy emitted by the golden lion made the three of them feel as if they were being struck by a giant wave. It’s hard to fight under pressure.

“Ah ah ah ah ah”

“it hurts!”

“This damn rudder!”

Suddenly, the three of them felt that the pressure on their bodies disappeared, and the terrifying aura and pressure disappeared. The golden lion in the sky covered his head with his hands and screamed in pain. It was obvious that he could not use the Overlord’s Haki for a long time.

Luffy: “What happened to him?”

Zoro: “Looking at him, he shouldn’t be able to use such power for a long time!”

Sanji: “Get rid of him quickly before he can use this kind of power.”

Zoro jumped up with a fierce dash, and the three famous swords were wrapped with a thin layer of armed domineering energy.

“Hey, horny cook!”

Zoro shouted to Sanji, who understood.

“Air Force Power Kick!”

“Three-sword style, purgatory ghost slaying!”

Sanji kicked Zoro on the sole of his foot, and the force generated by the kick helped Zoro fly towards the golden lion.

However, at this time, the golden lion had woken up from his headache. He looked at Sauron flying towards him and said in surprise: “I didn’t expect you incompetent people to have some armed domineering power, but you really thought that with this This bit of domineering power can compete with me.”


Swinging his legs vigorously, the famous sword Kuseki Sakuraju suddenly flew out with a huge crescent-shaped slash towards Zoro.

Zoro, aware of the huge power of the chop, switched from offense to defense in the air, crossing his swords to block the attack.


The chopper bombarded Zoro, even though he was well prepared for defense, he was still blown away by the power of the chopper and smashed into the ground like a cannonball.

Luffy: “Zoro!”

Sanji: “Green algae head!”

The two of them immediately ran to the place where Zoro fell and dug him out.

After knocking Sauron into the ground with one blow, the golden lion stretched out his right hand and waved his palm. The ground suddenly shook and cracked, and countless rocks rolled to form lions.

“Lion Power, Earth Scroll!”

Several rock lions surrounded the Straw Hats, and Luffy and the other three fought back. However, the three of them were still too weak and had not developed powerful moves, and were soon overwhelmed by the rock lions.

Seeing this, Straw Hat Luffy tried to use the most powerful Titan Spear in the third gear to defeat the rock lion. However, the charging time of the Titan Spear in the third gear was a bit long. Before Straw Hat Luffy’s arm could expand to a huge size, the rock had already Submerge it.

With a wave of the golden lion’s hand, the rock flow rolled and surged to form a huge stone pillar, trapping Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, and Franky.

Looking at her friends who were trapped in the rock pillars and the golden lion who was preparing to kill them, Nami could only kneel down on one knee and ask the golden lion to let a few people go.

Seeing Nami kneeling on one knee towards the golden lion, Li Yi was so angry that he almost wanted to go out and beat up the golden lion. Damn it, old man, you are bullying your little sister!

But think about it, although rushing out now can defeat the Golden Lion, it will also lose the experience of the Straw Hats. After all, there will be no wave of experience to affect the upgrade.

With Nami’s plea, the golden lion let a few people go and flew to his palace with Nami.

Immediately afterwards, the Golden Lion’s men began to release those giant beasts into the village, and the terrifying giant beasts wreaked havoc in the village.

destroy. Several times these giant beasts almost hurt the lives of villagers, but Li Yi secretly dealt with them one by one, but the village was also destroyed beyond recognition by the giant beasts.

After the destruction, the giant beast left, leaving only a group of homeless villagers. The Straw Hats also broke free from the stone pillars. Looking at the destroyed village and the snatched Nami, the Straw Hats decided to fight back.

In the control room of Golden Lion’s pirate ship, Nami looked expressionlessly at the giant beast attacking the village on the screen. At this time, Nami put on a black dress, black high heels, and a piece of pink fluff around her neck. The scarf brings out the aura of an aristocratic lady.

Looking at the tragic situation of the village on the screen, Nami had already thought of a plan in her heart. She wants to blow up the “wild green” trees that can petrify people. If people inhale the smell of these trees too much, they will suffer from petrification symptoms. Only the island’s unique IQ plant can treat it.

But the IQ on the island has been monopolized by Shi Ji, so there is no cure for the petrified disease among the residents on the island. Although the “wild green” trees are harmful to the human body, the smell they emit can make the giant beasts on the island suddenly faint. The little girl Schiavo’s village was protected from giant beasts by planting a large number of wild green trees, but it was also because of this that her grandmother got petrified disease.

Nami’s plan is to blow up all the wild green trees around Shiji’s palace. Without the smell of the wild green trees to hinder them, those giant beasts will launch an attack on Shiji’s palace, thereby destroying Shiji’s alliance ceremony.

Nami casually gave an excuse to Shiji, and Nami secretly ran outside the palace and tied bombs to the wild green trees, and began to detonate bombs continuously, hoping to blow up all the wild green trees before Shiji found out. .

Unfortunately, the sound of blowing up the trees was too loud, and he was soon discovered by Golden Lion’s men, who tied him up and then put him on the ground with an iron pipe.

While Nami was suffering, Li Yi had quietly sneaked into IQ’s R&D room. A large number of IQ plants are planted in this research room, and there are many completed IQ potions in it.

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